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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
Universidad de Valladolid
  • Spain


25 Jun 2020

Hosting Information

Offer Deadline
EU Research Framework Programme
H2020 / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


Organisation / Company
Universidad de Valladolid
Group of Energy, Economy and Systems Dynamics
Is the Hosting related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Contact Information

Organisation / Company Type
Higher Education Institution
Postal Code
Paseo del Cauce, 59


The Universidad of Valladolid wishes to attract talented, ambitious and experienced researchers at the post-doctoral level by supporting them as applicants in the preparation of a proposal to be submitted to the MSCA-IF-2020 call.


The University of Valladolid is one of the most important centers of Higher Education in Spain. It counts on four campuses, over 100 degrees, 29 doctoral programs (14 with Honor Mention) and 68 postgraduate degrees, accredited international collaborations and prestigious research Centers. On average, nearly 25,000 students enroll each year, counts on more than 2,500 teachers and nearly 1,000 people dealing with administration tasks and other services.

The UVA manages around 180/year research projects financed through competitive public R+D+i calls (European, national or regional), and approximately 500 contracts and agreements aimed at the transfer of knowledge and technology, amounting to an average value of over fifteen million Euros per annum. Moreover, its researchers take part in almost 250 further projects and contracts managed by other institutions.

The Group of Energy, Economy and Systems Dynamics (GEEDS) of the University of Valladolid is formed by a group of professors and researchers with previous experience in the field of environmental issues and personal involvement in ecology and development cooperation. Therefore, we want to bring our concerns as citizens of the world to academic research at the University.

Our lines of research focus on energy and the economy, as key factors of technology and life, and on Systems Dynamics, as the most appropriate tool to analyse the complex relations between the variables that influence sustainability and development, with a systemic vision.

One of our aims is to strengthen the link between the university and society and therefore our interest lies in the dissemination of the results, contact with social organizations and the choice of research topics of interest to society.

Currently our efforts are leading to the development of a Multiregional Integrated Assessment Model (IAM)within the framework of the European project LOCOMOTION. This IAM will be a very important advance compared to the previous IAM, which we have developed (MEDEAS) and other existing IAMS.

In the framework of the LOCOMOTION project, several professors of the Dpt. of Computer Science started to collaborate with GEEDs in activities related with software quality, data management and more specifically on the development of a learning games for increasing awareness about climatic change and future energy related global problems. From the use of this game, based in team work collaboration, it is expected to be obtained fruitful information to be analysed both for increasing the capabilities of the software as a learning resource and for doing a diagnosis about current opinions about the topic.



The available position is an excellent opportunity to collaborate in research activities related with learning analytics and model characterization in learning games. The selected candidate will have the chance to access data related with game users’ activity including game dynamics, written texts and game results for applying models for user characterization based on their performance in the learning sessions and level of awareness regarding the problem of climate change.

The position will be based in the facilities of the University of Valladolid, in the city of Valladolid, in the historical region of Castile and León (only an hour away from Madrid by train). The successful candidate shall work side by side with a dynamic and competent team of researchers, collaborating in the development and use of IAM models designed in the EU’s H2020 projects LOCOMOTION (which UVa coordinates) and MEDEAS.

Description of the offer:

The Marie Curie fellow will be fully integrated in the research group, benefiting from a range of research, academic and transversal activities, including: 1) Contribution to research projects, 2) Involvement in international collaborations, 3) Participation in supervision of Ph.D. and Master theses, 4) Attendance of international conferences and meetings. 5) Collaboration in outreach activities.


Work location(s):

The Group of Energy, Economy and Systems Dynamics (GEEDS), University of Valladolid

Paseo del Cauce 59, and

Laboratorio 1L016.Edificio Tecnologías de la Información y Telecomunicaciones

Campus Miguel Delibes.

Paseo de Belén 15, 47011 Valladolid

47011 Valladolid, Spain



  • MSCA IF eligibility criteria:
    • The program is open for all academic disciplines.
    • A researcher can move to a country that is a member of the European Union or an associated country to conduct research for up to 24 months.
    • Before applying the researcher should have a PhD-Degree or 4 years of research experience after attained master’s degree and there is no upper age limit after achieving the PhD-Degree.
    • The researcher cannot have been living or have had his/her main occupation in the country of the host institution (Spain) for more than 12 months within the last 3 years counting from the time of application. The researcher can come from anywhere in the world.
    • PhD or a 4-year experience in learning analytics, game analytics or user analytics.
    • Languages: Proof of language proficiency in English (language certificate, university studies in the relevant language, research stay or similar) / knowledge of Spanish language is desirable, but not necessary.
    • It shall be considered advantageous if a candidate has an experience in machine learning and user interfaces, as well as experience in processing of natural language.


Additional comments (What we expect):

The research fellow is expected to conduct experimental research with initiative, autonomy and dedication.


Prof. Luis Javier Miguel González

Scopus / Scholar / ResearchGate /ResearchID / ORCID



Prof. David Escudero Mancebo

Scopus / Scholar / ResearchGate /ResearchID / ORCID


Applications: documents to be submiTted

  • CV
  • Cover letter outlining your eligibility and motivation for applying
  • Optional: Supporting letters

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