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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
13 Jul 2021

Hosting Information

Offer Deadline
EU Research Framework Programme
H2020 / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


Organisation / Company
Fondazione per le scienze religiose
Is the Hosting related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Contact Information

Organisation / Company Type
Postal Code
via San Vitale 114


The Fondazione per le scienze religiose (FSCIRE) is a research institution that publishes, trains, serves, organizes, welcomes and communicates research in the field of religious sciences, with particular regard to Christianity, Islam and the religions with which they have been in contact.

FSCIRE acts as a host institution for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA) which are awarded by the European Commission, for which it invites expressions of interest from postdoctoral researchers with an excellent track record of research and publications to jointly apply for MSCA Individual fellowships.


FSCIRE supports individual applications following an internal evaluation process and the availability of suitable academic supervision. Selected candidates will be offered both academic and administrative support for the proposal development.


FSCIRE welcomes proposals in the following areas:

i. ECUMENISM (includes research into the history and theology of the development of the desire for Christian unity within Churches. Contributing to this line of enquiry entails participating in an international programme of a multivolume/multilingual history on the subject);

ii. RELIGIOUS PLURALISM (includes research into the historical, juridical and theological aspects of the cohabitation of different faiths and of how this is represented);

iii. PHILOLOGY AND HISTORY of CHRISTIANITY (includes critical editions of sources found within the entire spectrum of Jewish and Christian traditions);

iv. ISLAMIC HISTORY AND DOCTRINES (includes research into the history of Islamic religious life);

v. AFRICAN RELIGIOUS HISTORY (includes the role of religious communities before and after the colonization era);

vi. HERMENUTICS OF THE SACRED TEXTS (requires linguistic ability to study original sources and their interpretations);

vii. HISTORY OF MARTYDOM (includes research in Christian and Islamic context, with a specific interest on the orants killed in places of worship);

viii. THE NICENE-COSTANTINOPOLITAN CREED (includes research on the reflection of the impact of the Creed on history, philology, theology, liturgy).

Information about the research conducted by our research team can be found on our website.

Candidates are invited to send an email to to inquire about possible synergies, and express their interest no later than August 23, 2021 by sending an e-mail to, attaching their CV and a research proposal (max 10.000 characters).

Proposals will be selected by September 4, 2021.

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