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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba - IMIBIC
The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
29 Oct 2020

Hosting Information

Offer Deadline
EU Research Framework Programme
Not funded by a EU programme


Organisation / Company
Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba - IMIBIC
Pathophysiology of renal and vascular damage
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Private with public mission
Postal Code
Avda. Menéndez Pidal s/n



La Caixa INPhINIT INCOMING Doctoral Fellowship Programme Call 2021


Dr. Juan Antonio Moreno Gutiérrez (


Pathophysiology of renal and vascular damage


Research Project / Research Group Description

Renal and cardiovascular diseases constitute a major health problem, promoting higher mortality and morbidity. Our group is unraveling novel pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development of these diseases. Our primary goal is to understand the basis for alterations in renal and vascular wall to identify novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers associated with progression of disease. This is very important to improve the actual treatments and to identify patients at risk.

We have recently discovered new cellular targets for the adverse effects of hemoglobin in the kidney, resulting in decreased glomerular permeability. This fact may explain the loss of renal function observed in patients with massive intravascular hemolytic or macrohematuria. To further confirm this observation, we aim: (1) to analyze the prognostic value of different podocyte injury markers in hemolytic patients, (2) to characterize the pathological processes associated to hemoglobin uptake in these cells and (3) to validate new therapeutic approaches to decrease renal injury in these pathological setting.

The team “Pathophysiology of renal and vascular damage” is a research group at the Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba - IMIBIC (Cordoba, Spain). IMIBIC is a modern Biomedical Research Institute that holds the Excellence distinction from the Spanish National Institute of Health (ISCIII). In our group, we offer an inspiring research environment, including top-research facilities, and enthusiastic clinical and basic scientists of different disciplines (Immunology, Pathology, Pharmacology Nephrology and Biology).

Job position description

The PhD position will be developed in the group “Pathophysiology of renal and vascular damage” at the Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba - IMIBIC (Cordoba, Spain).

The main objective of the project is to analyze the prognostic value of different markers of podocyte damage in renal biopsies and urine samples of patients with chronic and massive hemolytic diseases and glomerulonephritis. In addition, we will identify new adverse effects of hemoglobin on podocytes by studying inflammatory response, oxidation and fibrosis. For this, we will develop experimental models of hemoglobinuria and hematuria in different mice strains and we will use specific inhibitors in vivo and cultured podocytes. The study of specific intracellular pathways could identify new therapeutic targets and characterize new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. 

The researcher will acquire knowledge in several lab and scientific skills. Specifically, the applicant will be instructed in a wide variety of cellular and molecular tools (flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, activity assays, gene/protein expression analysis, etc) in suitable preclinical models, cultured cells, and human samples. Our team is fully equipped for molecular and cellular research studies. Moreover, our group has also full access to the core facilities of IMIBIC, with modern animal services and technical platforms (Microscopy and Cytometry, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics). Our center offers an ideal place to develop excellent biomedical research and an integrative PhD formation plan since IMIBIC is associated with the University of Cordoba, allowing acquisition of PhD in different Doctoral Programs (Biomedicine and Biotechnology). The training plan of the student will also include lab-meetings, seminars and assistance to national and international congresses. This career plan will be reinforced by short-term visits to national and international centers where we have active common projects.


How to Search for this offer:

You can find this offer via the Offer Finder, available at

Select “IMIBIC – Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute to Cordoba” from the dropdown list under “HOST ORGANIZATION”

You can also search the position by its title "CHARACTERIZATION OF NOVEL MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN RENAL INJURY" under "Search by project title / Job position / Positions description”


Eligibility Criteria

1) At the call deadline (4th Feb 2021), applicants must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree.

2) At the time of recruitment, candidates must comply with one of the following options:

  • To have completed the studies that lead to an official university degree adapted to the European Higher Education Area awarding 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits must correspond to master level.
  • To have completed a degree in university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area that gives access to doctoral studies. The verification of an equivalent level of studies to the ones mentioned above will be made by the university when the admission procedure starts.

3) Candidates must not have resided or have carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline (4th Feb 2021). Short stays, such as holidays, done in a country other than their country of usual residence (where they carried out their main activity), will be considered as time spent in their country of usual residence.

4) Candidates must have a demonstrable level of English (B2 or higher).

5) Only candidates whose applications meet all the requirements of the call may be accepted.


How to Apply:

If you want to apply for an INPhINIT fellowship, click on the link below to create your personal account and fill in the on-line application form:



4 February 2021: Application deadline.

18 February 2021: Deadline for submitting the language certificate.

22 April 2021: Notification of the shortlist results.

25, 26 and 27 May 2021: Face-to-face interviews in Barcelona.

7 June 2021: Publication of the final list of selected candidates.

7 – 30 June 2021: Matching between the research centres – fellows.


More Information:

Call for application:

Programme Rules:

Email (for questions concerning the host organisation IMIBIC):

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