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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia


Research Field
Formal sciences
Natural sciences
Funding Type
Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme



Summer Fellowships for Undergraduate Students

What is funded

ICIQ Summer Fellowship programme offers 10 fellowships to national and international undergraduate students to give them the opportunity to learn, work and live in an exciting environment of cutting-edge research in chemistry.

The undergraduates, mentored and supervised by a PhD student or a postdoctoral researcher, will carry out research projects with scientists at the forefront of their fields in addition to receiving training. During their stay, students will have access to ICIQ seminars and conferences. By the end of their internship, Summer Fellows will be required to present a short report and presentation of the work and results obtained.

This is a great opportunity for undergraduates to have an insight on the Institute research activities and to conduct research in an international scientific environment. Moreover, summer fellows are in an optimal situation to carry out Master studies at ICIQ and then apply for a future PhD position in our institute.


Students are welcome to spend a three-month paid internship in one of ICIQ’s research groups during the months of July, August and September.


  • The ICIQ Summer Fellowships programme is addressed to undergraduate students with a background in Chemistry or related studies.
  • Interested candidates should be preferably in the last year (or having accomplished 180 credits) of their undergraduate studies.
  • It will be highly appreciated if the candidates state their willing to carry out master studies at ICIQ.

*Important note: Please take into account that depending on your nationality, you’ll be required to get a student visa. So if you’re awarded with one of our summer fellowships, please make sure you’ll have your visa ready before the beginning of the programme on the first week of July.


Research Projects

Research groups and their projects

Dr. Marcos G. Suero

New metal-catalysed carbyne transfer reactions.

Dr. Mónica Pérez-Temprano

Synergistic cooperation between mechanistic investigations and catalysis: Towards Rational Design.

Prof. Emilio Palomares

Nano- and micro- semiconductor materials for energy conversion devices.

Prof. Feliu Maseras

Computational study of reductive coupling.

Prof. Ruben Martin

Metal-catalyzed functionalizacion of chemical feedstocks as a means to build up molecular complexity.

Prof. Núria López

Modelling scaffolds for single atom catalysis.

Prof. Julio Lloret-Fillol

Visible‐Light Photocatalytic Synthetically Useful Transformation of Alkylchlorides.

Prof. Antoni Llobet

Molecular redox catalysis for artificial photosynthesis.

Prof. José Ramón Galán-Mascarós

Photoelectrocatalytic devices for the production of solar fuels from water and carbon dioxide as feedstock.

Prof. Antonio M. Echavarren

New catalyst design for bio-inspired cyclizations.

Prof. Pau Ballester

Applications of calix[4]pyrrole derivatives to catalysis, sensing and transport of ions and amino acid through lipid membranes.


  • ICIQ Summer Fellows will receive a total stipend of 2,000 € for the period of 3 months. If any of the fellows’ stay is less than 3 months, the student will receive an amount proportional to their time spent at ICIQ.
  • Summer Fellows will receive a maximum of 500 € (upon presentation of receipts) for travel to and from their place of origin.
  • ICIQ will provide medical insurance in the event of accident or illness during the internship.


Selection process

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by an internal committee. By the middle of May we will contact all candidates to let them know whether they have been awarded with one of ICIQ’s  Summer fellowships. After acceptance by all successful candidates, a final list of the awardees will be available in ICIQ’s website.



Interested candidates will be required to fill out the application form and submit the following documents:

  • Letter of motivation: Please express your interest in joining ICIQ this Summer and let us know whether or not you would like to pursue Master studies at ICIQ after your internship. Please indicate also your availability of dates to start and finish your Summer stage at ICIQ.
  • CV
  • Academic record


Organisation name
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia ICIQ
Organisation Country
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