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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Research Field
Formal sciences
Natural sciences
Professions and applied sciences
Social sciences
Funding Type
Mobility Incoming
Travel Grants
Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme


This call aims to increase the number of Young researchers with relevant academic and scientific experience for research and / or teaching activities in the Graduate Programs of Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), located in Porto Alegre, Brazil, associated with the applicant’s field of study.

This call for proposals includes two scholarship categories:

Young Talent with Experience Abroad: for young talent researchers, Brazilians or internationals, living outside of Brazil, with relevant international academic and scientific background to do research or teach (holding a Master’s or PhD or as doctoral researchers for at least twelve months).

Postdoctoral Researchers with Experience Abroad: for researchers or professors, Brazilian or internationals, living in Brazil or abroad who have relevant international academic-scientific experience to do research or teach (as a PhD or postdoctoral researcher for a minimum of 12 months).

The call is open for proposals associated with cooperation projects and others associated with the Office of the Vice President. The priority themes are:


Click here to find out more about the cooperation projects associated with the priority theme


Click here to find out more about the cooperation projects associated with the priority theme


Click here to find out more about the cooperation projects associated with the priority theme



Duration and Number of Scholarships

The duration of the scholarships ranges from 6 (six) months to 36 (thirty-six) months as provided for in Public Notice No. 41/2017 of the Program for Institutional Internationalization – CAPES-PrInt.

Click here to find out more about the number of scholarships



Eligibility Criteria


The applicant must fulfill the following requirements at the time of registration:

  • Be a resident of a country outside of Brazil;
  • Have valid PhD degree, at the time of the implementation of the scholarship;
  • Have relevant academic-scientific experience abroad: Complete Master's or PhD or Master's or PhD’s internship abroad for at least 12 (twelve) months;
  • Have outstanding scientific and / or technological production in the academic areas of PUCRS' Graduate Program of interest, as stated in in the PII;
  • It is desirable that the application be submitted by a host researcher, affiliated to one of the Graduate Programs embraced by PUCRS’ PII;
  • If the applicant does not have a host researcher, the PII Management Group will assign a researcher who will be responsible for the activities at PUCRS;
  • Applications must be in an academic area that is relevant to the host researcher’s academic interests and which falls within the PII Project.
  • Projects must be in line with the strategic planning of the University and the IIP.




  • The applicant must fulfill the following requirements at the time of registration:
  • Be a resident of Brazil or abroad;
  • Have a PhD degree;
  • Have relevant academic-scientific experience abroad: Completed a PhD or postdoctoral research over the last 12 (twelve) months;
  • Have outstanding scientific and / or technological production in the academic areas of PUCRS' Graduate Program of interest, as stated in the PII;
  • It is desirable that the application be submitted by a host researcher, affiliated to one of the Graduate Programs embraced by PUCRS’ IIP;
  • If the applicant does not have a host researcher, the IIP Management Group will assign a researcher who will be responsible for the activities at PUCRS;
  • Projects must be in an academic area that is relevant to the host researcher’s academic interests and which falls within the PII Project;
  • Projects must be in line with the strategic planning of the University and the IIP.




  1. The following documents must be submitted:
  2. Duly signed and completed application form, as follows:
  3. For applicants applying for Young Talent with Experience Abroad (click here to access the form)
  4. For applicants applying for Postdoctoral Researchers with Experience (click here to access the form)
  5. Curriculum of the applicant: Lattes CV for Brazilian researchers; for foreign researchers;
  6. Copy of IDs: RG and CPF for Brazilian applicants; copy of passport for international applicants;
  7. A research project, designed jointly by the candidate and PUCRS host researchers, addressing the following criteria:
    1. Title;
    2. Introduction and justification, including the relevance of the theme and state-of-art, under the PII;
    3. Potential for increasing the research and educational network of the Graduate Program and PUCRS;
    4. Relevance for the scientific and technological development in the área in PUCRS and in Brazil in the medium and long terms;
    5. Proposals for training activities: courses and / or seminars;
    6. Activities plan.
  8. Statement from the Graduate Program coordination indicating the department where applicant will be placed.
  9. The documentation must be submitted in PDF format as stated in Section 5.4.1 to
  10. The type of scholarship, the funding category, and the linked project, if applicable, must be included in the subject of the email.
  11. Applications submitted after the deadline (April 28, 2019) will not be accepted.



Click here to find out more about the calls and about the PUCRS-PrInt




The Institutional Project of Internationalization of PUCRS, in application for Call 41/2017 – Capes/PrInt, is intended to develop and incorporate international perspectives into the University’s Graduate Programs and Research, with an eye to academic excellence and effective actions for society’s global issues. PUCRS offers several programs for international researchers to come in order to develop international cooperation projects.




Founded in 1948, PUCRS is a reference in higher education and research in the country and in the world, consisting of several units that promote professional and scientific development at the higher education level as well as theoretical and hands-on research in the main academic areas. The institution is keen to store and make the findings of its research actions and extension activities available to the public.



Organisation name
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
Organisation Country
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