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  • Sweden

Scholarship for postdoctoral studies in computational modeling of reactions involving CO2


Research Field
Natural sciences
Funding Type
Mobility Incoming
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme



The project is aimed at studies of catalysts for conversion of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide and other reduced products. The focus will be on developing methods for studying molecular catalysts in complex environments, such as solids and water boundaries. In Ahlquist's group at the Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology, similar methods have recently been developed and used to study water oxidation catalysts. This scholarship is intended to study whether these methods can be developed and applied to other systems, to explain effects that current standard methods can not be used for.

The scholarship is funded by the NordCO2 Nordic consortium. This provides opportunities for short-term stays at several other Nordic universities and participation in annual meetings, summer schools and courses in carbon dioxide chemistry.

More information here: 

What is funded

Scholarship for up to 2 years studies.


2 Years


Ph.D. in chemistry, physics or related subjects. 


Organisation name
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
Organisation Country
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