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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Deadline may be subject to changes. Please check the actual deadline via the programme’s individual link
Research Field
Formal sciences
Natural sciences
Professions and applied sciences
Social sciences
Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)


The initiative applies to people who have not yet been admitted to doctoral studies. The doctoral student must during the entire grant period, be at least 80 percent employed at the research institute. There are two well-qualified people who supervise the doctoral student during the grant period, one by one the university and one at the institute. The supervisor at the institute is the applicant (submits the application and responsible for meeting the requirements) and beccomes project manager (responsible for reporting to SSF) for
granted project. The institute where the project manager is employed beccomes a managing organization, that is receives and manages SSF's grants. There should be a steering group that, at least, both supervisors for the project is included which must be well rooted in each organization. Co-supervisor from collaborating companies or clinics can strengthen the application.


Organisation name
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
Organisation Country
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