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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Research Field
Formal sciences
Natural sciences
Professions and applied sciences
Social sciences
Funding Type
Mobility Incoming
Career Stage
Established Researcher (R3) (Researchers who have developed a level of independence)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme



These grants are aimed at promoting the incorporation of national and foreign researchers with an outstanding career in R&D centres by:

  • Granting funds for the recruitment of excellent posdoctoral researchers.
  • Granting funds to the beneficiary agents of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System (i.e., the institution recruiting the researcher) in order to create permanent job positions.

The selection is based on a rigorous process of competitive tender of candidates on the basis of their curricular merits and their ability to lead a line of research, according to the scientific and professional experience, as well as the independence of their career.

What is funded

A maximum of 200 five-year grants for the recruiting of doctors by the Spanish R&D centres.

The grant includes an annual amount of of 33.720€ to co-finance the salary and the contribution to the Social Security system of the researchers hired. In addition, 40.000€ of funding are granted to cover the expenses directly related to the execution of their research activities (to be executed in four years). Additionally, there is funding available for the hosting organization for the creation of a permanent job position, which will consist of a of 100.000€ per position.


5 years

Total budget of the call: 61.720.00€


Postdoctoral researchers of any nationality with excellent research careers and capacity to lead a line of research

Application process

Details of the process can be found in the website of the Spanish State Research Agency under "Convocatoria" (IN SPANISH)


Organisation name
Spanish State Research Agency
Organisation Country
More Information

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The responsibility for the funding offers published on this website, including the funding description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes.