- United Kingdom
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- Humanities
- Funding Type
- Mobility IncomingMobility Outgoing
The MULTIPLY Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme in Photonics, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Action, is a five-year International Mobility and Training Programme under Research Executive Agency (REA) Grant agreement No.713694, which will run until September 2021.The aims of the MULTIPLY Fellowship Programme are to facilitate worldwide mobility and offer high-level interdisciplinary training for approximately 50 outstanding international Experienced Researchers towards their professional development in the area of photonics science, technology and applications. Applicants from any part of the world will be able to participate in this Programme, freely choosing their destinations and research topics. The MULTIPLY partners will act as hosts for eligible fellows, providing excellence in postdoctoral training, mentoring career development opportunities, offering access to cutting edge facilities, fast-paced innovation activities and further industrial links.
Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (http://www.aston.ac.uk/eas/research/groups/photonics/) at Aston University (http://www.aston.ac.uk/) (UK) will be managing MULTIPLY, organising six Fellowship calls and overall implement the Programme.
Call 6 is the Final Call of the MULTIPLY Programme.
Fellowships on offer in Call 6:
Eligible Fellowship durations – 1, 1.5 years only. Fellowship duration cannot extend beyond 30th September 2021.
Please check the Programme website for latest details and full list of recruiting host organisations.
For any indicated organisations placed in Third Countries - Only EU Member State/Associated Country nationals and Long-term residents can apply to these hosts. Additional conditions apply. Please see the section ‘Outgoing mobility’ on the website.
Call 6 dates
- Call 6 for applications opens on 9th July 2019, 00:00 hrs British Summer Time.
- Call 6 for applications closes on 8th October 2019 23:59 British Summer Time.
- Reference date for mobility – 1st January 2020.
To access the detailed MULTIPLY "Guide for Applicants" document and apply to the programme, please visit the Programme website - http://www.multiply.astonphotonics.uk
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for award of the MULTIPLY fellowship:
1. You must be an experienced researcher, i.e. at the Reference Date the applicant MUST fulfil the criteria of being an ‘Experienced Researcher’ as per MSCA definition: "Experienced Researchers
- Shall at the Reference Date, be in possession of a doctoral degree; and
- if the applicant does not have a doctoral degree, they shall have at least four years of full-time research experience.”
Reference date – For Call 6 the applicable Reference Date will be 1st January 2020 (subject to the ranking list being finalised before this date). To be eligible for funding, you have to demonstrate that you comply with both eligibility and mobility criteria on the Reference Date.
Full-time research experience – The duration of your full-time equivalent research experience is measured from the date when a you obtained the degree which would formally entitle you to embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the you are hoping to be recruited, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is or was ever envisaged.
Find more details here – Eligible researchers.
2. You must meet the mobility criterion, i.e., you must not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of your host organization for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
For Call 5, the following mobility routes can be envisaged:
- Intra-European mobility – You are currently living in an EU Member State/Associated Country, and are considering moving to a host institution in another EU Member State/Associated Country (please visit the MULTIPLY website for the latest of participating organisations to check whether this mobility route will be available in Call 5).
- Incoming mobility – You are not a resident of an EU Member State/Associated country, and are moving to a host situated in one.
- Outgoing mobility – You are currently a long term resident researcher* of an EU Member State/Associated country, and are moving to a host that is not in either. Please visit the Programme Website for further details.
* A long term resident researcher are considered researchers who have spent a period of at least 5 consecutive years on full-time research activity in an EU country or an associated country.
For further details, see Mobility criteria.
3. You must produce a letter of infrastructural alignment from your Host Organisation.
In MULTIPLY, the Fellow is given the freedom to submit a proposal in a topic and research area of their choosing, and apply with a suitable Host Organisation participating in the Call. The Host Organisation then confirms the availability and extent of alignment of infrastructural resources available at their Organisation for successful implementation of the proposed project.
Further, in contrast to other Marie S.-Curie actions (MSCA) like the MSCA-Individual fellowships, where the fellow is fully funded by the European Commission (EC), in the COFUND scheme, the EC makes only a partial contribution towards fellowship costs. The rest has to be topped up by the Host. This is thus the co-funding aspect, where existing funds of the partner organizations can be supplemented by the EC contribution.
At the time of application, the candidate produces a letter from the host organisation confirming the extent of alignment of Infrastructural resources, along with the extent of COFUND commitment available with the host organization. The highest ranking candidates applying with a particular Host Organisation will be retained, the number of candidates being retained determined by the extent of the available COFUND commitment.
Please refer to programme website and the MULTIPLY Guide for Applicants therein for further details.
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- Aston University
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