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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
  • France
  • Campus France
  • Posted on: 15 July 2016

PRESTIGE Postdoc programme


Continuously with four cut-off dates: 31/03, 30/06, 30/09, 31/12
Research Field
Formal sciences
Natural sciences
Professions and applied sciences
Social sciences
Funding Type
Mobility Incoming
Mobility Outgoing
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)



PRESTIGE aims at fostering the international mobility of post-doc researchers. The programme is co-funded by the European Union Marie Curie Actions-COFUND of the FP7.
Three mobility schemes are available:
Incoming, allowing foreign or French researchers complying with the Marie Curie Actions mobility rules to carry out their post-doctoral research work in France;
Outgoing, for researchers already working in French research institutions and universities (French citizens or other nationalities) wishing to carry out a post-doctoral research project in another country
Re-integration, targeted at nationals of EU Member States or Associated Countries working in research for at least 3 years in another Third Country to come to France to further develop their career.


Any post-doc level researcher complying with the Marie Curie Actions mobility rules (not have resided or carried out his/her main activity - work, studies, etc. - in the country of his/her host organisation for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to the application deadline)

What is funded

PRESTIGE is a co-financing programme, funding about 1/3 of the post-doc fellow’s living, mobility and research allowance, while the remaining 2/3 are financed by another partner, either public or private.


Incoming and re-integration: 12 or 24 months, outgoing: 6 or 12 months


Organisation name
Campus France
Organisation Country
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