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Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme


Postdoctoral Fellowship in Classical Islamic Doctrines





The Faculty of Theology ( and the Research Institute Religions, Spiritualities, Cultures, Societies ( of the Catholic University of Louvain, supported by the Sedes Sapientiæ Foundation (, offer a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in Islamology.

The Sedes Sapientiæ Foundation thus provides the opportunity to carry on an advanced research in the field of the doctrines of classical Islam (Koran, theology, hadith, mystic). The Faculty and the Institute offer a young doctor the opportunity to work within an international network, with a wide range of seminars, symposia and scientific activities.

Post-doctoral objectives

During the two-year post-doctoral period, the researcher, accompanied by a professor from the Faculty, will be asked to participate to the activities of the Faculty and the RSCS Institute and to develop collaborations with the members of the Faculty and the Institute. 

His research project will focus on Islamic theology and will include a comparison and/or articulation between Islamic theology and Christian theology and will lead to one or more publications, in the form of a monograph or an article, according to a decision taken in agreement with the referent professor and the president of the doctoral commission in the field of "theology".

Amount of the grant and benefits

The monthly amount of the scholarship (variable according to the family situation of the scholarship recipient) is about 2300€ (net) per month. The post-doctoral fellowship is tax-exempt, but is subject to contributory social security. The researcher will of course have access to the libraries of the UCL and the Académie Louvain, the KU Leuven, and the UCL databases.

Eligibility requirements

The candidate must have obtained, within the last 6 years, a PhD on the doctrines of classical Islam. He/she must be able to communicate, at least orally, in French at the end of his/her post-doctorate. The candidate (Belgian or non-Belgian) must have resided outside Belgium for more than 12 months during the last three years preceding the start of this scholarship.

Application file :

It will contain a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation, a copy of the thesis (in electronic version), a list of publications and scientific collaborations, e-mail address and contact details of four professors or researchers who may be asked to give their opinion on the qualities of the candidate, a presentation of a research project of about ten pages with a timetable, also indicating its relevance for one of the research projects of the RSCS Institute.

The application must be submitted before 15 June 2018.

The answer will be sent to the candidates on July 15, 2018 for the beginning of the tenure on October 1, 2018.


Organisation name
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Organisation Country
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