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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
Universidade Lusófona´s Research Center for Biosciences and Health Technologies


Research Field
Formal sciences
Funding Type
Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme





A tender is open for the attribution of one Research Scholarship within the scope of the

Project “Smart Ionic Liquids For Valorization of Food residues” , financed by “Fundação para a

Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”/MCTES (FCT, I.P.), ref. EXPL/OCE-ETA/1109/2021, through national

funds (PIDDAC) (OE).

RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP– the work plan is developed at CBIOS Natural Bioactives domain (see more at and consists of developing a new extraction process based on Ionic Liquids, for the selective extraction of valuable bioactive compounds.

Fellowship duration:

The fellowship is for an initial period of 6 months, scheduled to start in April 2023. The scholarship contract may eventually be renewed.

Documentation to be provided when applying: Applications must be formalized, obligatorily, by sending the following documents written in Portuguese or English and, preferably, in PDF files:

CV with indication of ORCID reference number;

Master Certificate;

Motivation letter;

Recommendation Contacts.

Recipients’ profile/category: Master holder in the following scientific areas: Chemistry,

Pharmaceutical Sciences or related areas of interest to the project.

Scientific Areas:

Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and others.


Application deadline:

A tender is open from February 25 th to March 29  th 2023.

Applicable legislation and regulations:

Law No. 40/2004, of August 18, amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 202/2012 of August 27 (Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow) and amended by Decree-Law No. 233/2012 of October 29, by Law No. 12/2013 of 29 January, by Decree-Law No. 89/2013, of 9

July and Decree-Law No. 123/2019, of 28 August; Regulation of Research Grants of FCT



The work is to be carried out at the facilities of the “Research Center for Biosciences & Health Technologies” (CBIOS), Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Campo Grande, 376, 1749-024 Lisboa, Portugal), under the scientific guidance of Professor Andreia de Almeida Rosatella being the entity contracting COFAC– Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural,CRL.

Mandatory requirements:

Candidates holding a master in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and related areas of interest to the project. Must be registered in a PhD program, or non-degree academic courses, related with Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences or related areas of interest to the project.

Monthly maintenance allowance amount:

The scholarship amount corresponds to € 1124,60 based on the table of scholarships awarded

directly by FCT, I.P., in the country, with payment made monthly by bank transfer.

The selection criteria shall be as follows:

a) Experience and training for the work plan execution (40%)

b) Master  Degreec grade (10%)

c) Scientific production in the specific area (10%)

d) Interview (40%)

Each of the items (a) to (c) is rated with a score from 0 to 20. Only the three candidates with

the highest score obtained with items (a) to (b) will have an interview. Candidates who obtain

less than 15 will not be accepted.

Composition of the Selection Jury:

President of the Jury: Andreia de Almeida Rosatella

Effective members of the Jury:

Patrícia Dias Mendonça Rijo

Daniel José dos Santos

Substitute member of the Jury:

Ana Fernandes

Form of advertising/notification of results:

The candidates will be notified of the evaluation results proposed by the jury, up to 10 days after the deadline for the submission of applications, by email, with access to the minutes and the provisional ranking list.

After notification, candidates will have 10 working days to comment on the draft decision (prior hearing of interested parties, under the terms of the Code of Administrative Procedure).

The final decision will be taken after the expiry of the prior hearing period, again notified to all candidates by e-mail. After this final decision the candidates can file a complaint within 15 working days (to the e-mail address used for the notification), or an hierarchical appeal, within 30 working days.

Form of submission of applications: Applications should be sent by email to and with subject: RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP 

Additional comments

The following drafts are available at CBIOS website (

i) fellowship contract;

ii) final report to be presented by the fellowship holder;

iii) final report to be presented by the scientific advisor.



Organisation name
Universidade Lusófona´s Research Center for Biosciences and Health Technologies
Organisation Country

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