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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Research Field
Natural sciences
Funding Type
Mobility Incoming
Travel Grants
Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)



Institute of Human Genetics PAS is implementing a project within PROM Programme International scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic staff.

The programme enables participation in short forms of education - one-month training stay,  aimed at improving competences and qualifications.

The information on the project and the recruitment procedure is available on website: 

Vacancies: 2


What is funded

The project provides financial support (scholarship) for every participant including living allowance (12 000PLN ~ 2800 EUR) and flat rate for travel expenses (1000 - 5000 PLN ~ 230 - 1150 EUR). The Participants will be required to sign the scholarship agreement and meet other requirements of the project.



One moth (30 days), period of stay will be agreed with specific department of IHG PAS.  Stay must end by 30 September 2020.



Formal criteria:

  • Doctoral students -   3rd cycle student (genetic, biological, medical and similar sciences), age under 40, good English language skills;

Substantive criteria:

  1. the importance of participation in mobility for the purposes of the doctoral dissertation/research (0-6 points);
  2. the importance of participation in one-month stay  for the applicant's scientific and professional development (0-3 points).


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The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, a non-competition project entitled ‘International scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic staff’ , implemented within the framework of the Action specified in the application for project  No. POWR.


Organisation name
Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Organisation Country
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