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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
  • Portugal
  • Posted on: 2 August 2023

Master’s Research Scholarship - COFAC/ULHT/CICANT/GHOST-2/2023


Research Field
Formal sciences
Funding Type
Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme


Universidade Lusófona, established by COFAC - Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural. CRL, hereby announces a call for the award of 1 (one) Master Research Scholarship, in the area of Data Science/Computer Science, under the FCT Research Grant Regulations (RBI) and the Research Grant Holder Statute (EBI). The grant will be funded by the research project "GhostDance – A methodology to analyze dance movement in interaction with virtual reality" with reference FCT:EXPL/ART-PER/1238/2021

The main objective is to apply Machine Learning techniques to interpret and catalog dance movements captured by Motion Capture. We intend to develop a system capable of recognizing and categorizing in real time the movement of performers using the Laban representation. We will make use of a state-of-the-art motion capture system to collect the movement data.

Type and number of grant(s) to be awarded: 1 Master’s research grant with reference  COFAC/ULHT/CICANT/GHOST-2/2023

Scientific field(s): Data Science/Computer Science

Funding Source: The funds related to the grant components are the research project “GhostDance – A methodology to analyse dance movement in interaction with virtual reality" with reference FCT:EXPL/ART-PER/1238/2021 and developed at the R&D Unit CICANT - Research Center for Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies (5260).

Applicants: The Research Grant is intended for candidates with a Bachelor’s degree registered in a Master’s programme and who wish to develop research activities, leading to the award of a master's degree, within the scope of the scientific work developed at CICANT.

Eligibility of applicants: The following are eligible to apply to this call: National citizens or citizens of other European Union Member States; Citizens of third countries; Stateless persons; Citizens benefiting from political refugee status.

Candidate Admission Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or similar.
  • Attendance of a Master's degree in Data Science, Computer Science or related fields. 
  • Not have benefited from an academic or professional master's degree scholarship directly funded by FCT, regardless of its duration.
  • Not be a holder of a PhD degree.
  • To be permanently and habitually resident in Portugal, a requirement applicable to both Portuguese and foreign citizens.
  • Proficient command of English.

 Preferred requirements: 

- Familiarity with the python language. Knowledge of TensorFlow, Sci-Kit and Pandas libraries are preferred but not essential.

- Knowledge of Computer vision devices and databases are preferred but not essential.

- Be proficient, both orally and in writing, in Portuguese and English.

 Contracting entity: COFAC - Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, C.R.L. with registered office at Av. Campo Grande 376, 1749-024 Lisboa, Portugal.

Unit hosting the research work and scientific guidance:  The work will be developed at CICANT - Research Center in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies (ref: 5260)/ Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies, under the scientific guidance of Professor Rui Filipe Antunes, principal investigator.

Duration of the scholarship(s): The duration of the fellowships is 8 months, renewable up to a maximum of 12 months.

Application deadline and form of submission of applications: The call is open between August 2 and 23:59 (Lisbon time) on September 4, 2023. Applications and supporting documents for the application provided for in this notice must be submitted by email, with the subject line "application for a master's scholarship - COFAC/ULHT/CICANT/GHOST-2/2023". Each candidate may submit only one application, under penalty of cancellation of all applications submitted. The provision of false statements or the performance of acts of plagiarism by the candidates is grounds for cancellation of the application without prejudice to the adoption of other measures of a sanctioning nature.




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