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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Research Field
Formal sciences
Natural sciences
Professions and applied sciences
Social sciences
Funding Type
Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme




I. Introducing KRF Program

1. Program Goal

Korea Research Fellowship (KRF) invites outstanding postdoctoral researchers in order to achieve an excellent performance in their early stages of their professional careers. The program provides high-potential young &overseas researchers with a chance to carry out creative and emerging fields of projects, and supports them to grow as research leaders of tomorrow


2. Program Details

2-1. Eligibility of KRF candidates:

Overseas post-doc researchers from all countries having diplomatic relations with Korea who have obtained their doctoral degree within the past five years starting from the date of official announcement.


There are two types of KRF supports, depending on where the foreigner national postdoc researchers are residing as follow:


(Type 1) Foreign national or *Korean national postdoc researchers currently residing overseas that have received their doctoral degree within the past five years (as of the date of official announcement)

*Korean nationals - limited to those who belong to foreign affiliates


(Type 2) Foreign national postdoc researchers currently residing in Korea that have received their doctoral degree within the past five years (as of the date of official announcement


2-2. Qualifications of Host institutions and Host researchers:

Host institutions: Government-supported research institutes, national and public research institutes, universities and university-affiliated research institutes, corporate research institutes* (affiliated research institutes registered with the Korea Industrial Technology Association)

    * Corporate research institutes are those established as SMEs and venture businesses under Article 14 (1) of the Basic Research Promotion and Technology Development Support Act and Article 16 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act


Host researchers: Full-time employees of the respective host institutions who have the rank of at least assistant professor, senior researcher, or chair of a research institute (corporate research institute) and satisfy the following requirements:

individuals who have guaranteed employment for the program’s duration (five years) and are able to concentrate on performing the relevant project.


  ※ This KRF program will be excluded from the projects subject to the restrictions (the number of R&D projects that can be simultaneously conducted by a researcher shall not exceed five, among which the number of R&D projects that can be simultaneously conducted as a principal investigator shall not exceed three) referred to in Article 32 of the Regulations on Management, etc. of National Research and Development Projects.


2-3. Fields of Research: All fields in science and technology


2-4. Duration of Fellowship: 3 ~ 5 years with annual evaluation.


2-5. Expecting official announcement date of KRF 2019:

*First Batch: February 2019        *Second Batch: May 2019

(Subject to change)


2-6. Level of Funding:

- (Type 1) Up to KRW 70 million (~US$ 62,000) per annum (personnel costs, living expenses, etc. for KRF fellow).

- (Type 2) Around KRW 40 million (~US$ 35,000) per annum (personnel costs for KRF fellow)

    ※ Note: for Type 2, matching funds for personnel costs by host (including PI’s projects) are  mandatory. KRW 40 million counts for 80% of the postdoc researchers’ personal costs, and PI will cover the rest of 20%.  


2-7. Notes

* Please note that KRF candidates need to have obtained their physical doctoral degree certificate or diploma before the date of official announcement of KRF 2019. As a rule, provisional certificates are not accepted. Proof of work as a postdoctoral fellow without submitting the copy of actual degree certificate is not accepted.

  * Only official certifications stating the degree conferral date issued by your degree awarded university can be granted. Certificates not showing a degree conferral date or provisional certificates are not acceptable.


2-8. How to apply

KRF applications are submitted by the inviting researchers (Host researchers) by uploading necessary documentations via the NRF website ( by the deadline of each batch.


KRF candidates wishing to participate in the program are advised to establish contact with a Korean or foreign host researcher in their field in Korea and to request him/her to submit an application.


KRF candidates are strongly suggested to make this contact well in advance of the host institution’s application deadline.

II. Research Host Matching Service for KRF Candidates

[A startup dedicated to connecting KRF candidates and hosts]


1. What is theResearch Host Matching Service?

This service has been initiated by KRF support team of NRF in order to help interested outstanding post-doc overseas researchers who are eligible for Type 1 conditions and not secured hosts in Korea to apply for the KRF program. (This service are not available for Type 2 candidates.)


2. Procedures

1. Applying for “Research Host Matching service”

(KRF candidates)


2. Screening and Introducing to Korean hosts

  (National Foundation Research of Korea(NRF))


3. Apply for KRF program (Principal Investigator/KRF candidates)

- Proof of degree with

[form1]- introduction of KRF candidate

* Email to:

- Screening the eligibility of KRF candidates (Require if necessary)

- Introducing applications to the anticipate hosts in Korea

- Further discussion regarding research plan between host the KRF candidate

- Apply for KRF program


3. How to apply

3-1. What to submit

  [Form 1] Introduction of KRF candidate with a proof of Ph. D. degree.


3-2. Deadline of introduction applications:

9 AM Dec. 3rd (Mon.) 2018, Korea Time (GMT+9)


3-3. Where to submit

 Email to: (KRF Support Team)

※ Introduction Applications must be submitted to KRF support team via email.


3-4. Other information

 Additional documents and information may be required to support the application if necessary


3-5. Procedures in details

1) Screening eligibility based on the application forms

2) Submitted introduction applications will be introduced to the prospective host institutions in Korea

3) Host will contact their interested candidates.

4) An official decision is made to host the candidate in order to apply for KRF program after confirmation with their respective host institution and the KRF candidate.


*Please bear in mind that NRF only introduces individual applications to the institutions and is in no way a guarantee to secure your host as well as being selected as a KRF fellow.

So if you have not been contacted by any host institutions after submitting the application, please keep researching on your own to find host institutions in Korea and submit the KRF application through your host in order to meet the round deadline.


4. Contact Information

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

KRF Support Team

☎ +82-42-869-6381/


5. For more information


Organisation name
National Research Foundation of Korea
Organisation Country
More Information

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The responsibility for the funding offers published on this website, including the funding description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes.