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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
Independent Social Research Foundation


Research Field
Social sciences
Funding Type
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
Established Researcher (R3) (Researchers who have developed a level of independence)
Leading Researcher (R4) (Researchers leading their research area or field)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme


The Independent Social Research Foundation wishes to support independent-minded researchers to explore and present original research ideas which take new approaches, and suggest new solutions, to real world social problems.

Please read these details carefully – and consult the FAQs – before commencing an application or contacting the ISRF with a query. Applications must be submitted before 6pm (CET) on 4th March 2022. Applicants are strongly advised to submit applications well in advance of this deadline – late submissions will not be considered. If you ave any technical issues, please notify Stuart Wilson immediately.


Eligible Applicants

Independent scholars from within Europe† are eligible to apply, and they will not hold an appointment – full-time or part-time, temporary or permanent – at an institution of higher education and research.‡

For the purposes of this competition, an ‘Independent Scholar’ is understood as someone, whether or not currently in (non-academic) employment, who is engaged in intellectual work of a nature and standard comparable to that of a professional academic scholar. Applicants will usually hold a PhD but other equivalent academic or professional qualifications may be considered. Evidence of scholarly achievement at a sufficiently high level can include publications in academic journals, edited collections and monographs, as well as pieces for professional journals and the popular media.

Independent Scholars intending to pursue or complete a piece of independent research and desiring an affiliation to an institution of higher education and research within Europe are eligible to apply. They may be in professional (non-academic) employment, including in the arts, full- or part-time, or in an unpaid occupation.

The awards are intended as providing a stipend to allow applicants full or partial support for academic research and relief from non-academic work (including domestic care) for a period of up to one year.

PLEASE NOTE: Eligibility for ISRF funding opportunities will be unaffected by Brexit. We continue to encourage applications from scholars working within Europe (geographically defined – so, including those at UK institutions).

† There is no limitation on nationality – however, the proposed institutional affiliation must be with a European institution.

‡ Newly qualified post-doctoral scholars, as-yet unemployed in academia, are not considered Independent Scholars for the purpose of this competition. 

Eligible Research

Innovative research which breaks with existing explanatory frameworks so as to address afresh empirical problems with no currently adequate theory or investigative methodology. Innovation may also come from controversial theoretical approaches motivated by critical challenge of incumbent theories. Interdisciplinarity in the generation of new investigative initiatives may be achieved by combining, cross-fertilising, and so transforming empirical methods and theoretical insights from the social sciences. Projects ranging across the breadth of the social scientific disciplines and interdisciplinary research fields are welcome, and relevant applications from scholars working within the humanities are also encouraged.

The research proposed may include, but is not confined to: initiation of a project or of research level work intended to draw on or contribute to one of the professions, completion of a project, or preparation of an article or monograph for publication, based on existing work.

Terms & Conditions

Duration & Timing

The awards are intended as providing a stipend to allow applicants full or partial relief from non-academic duties, for a period of up to one year; alternatively, the award may be sought by those who wish to be bought-out directly from their current (non-academic) employment contract (in whole or partially), with the prior consent of their current employer. The award period must begin no later than the end of December 2023.


The amount of an award depends on the nature of the work proposed and individual circumstances – the ISRF expects applications for grants up to a maximum of €33,500 (or GBP equivalent)†. Within that sum, reasonable support for research expenses will be considered. Reasonable childcare or other domestic costs may be considered.

† PLEASE NOTE: Applicants seeking an affiliation in the UK must apply in GBP (£), up to the limit of £28,750. Applicants seeking an affiliation elsewhere in Europe, including non-Eurozone countries, must apply in EUR (€), up to the limit of €33,500. These limits will not be adjusted in the event of GBP/EUR currency fluctuations

Terms & Conditions

The ISRF reserves the right to extend the deadline for the competition. Awards will be conditional on the establishment of an institutional affiliation, to cover the duration of the proposed research project. Whilst the ISRF will take a lead in negotiating the terms of affiliation, it is the responsibility of the applicant to identify suitable institutions with which they would like to be affiliated. A short final report will be required.† Award holders may be invited to present their findings in person to the Foundation’s academic representatives. The ISRF’s support is to be acknowledged in all public presentation of research. Full Terms & Conditions governing awards will be provided to successful applicants in their formal offer, based on the draft general terms and conditions available on the ISRF website. Formal acceptance of the award must be completed by the end of December 2022.

† The ISRF does not require a lengthy report on your work, although reflections and comments are welcome as an addendum/appendix; for our records we require a short (no more than 500 words) report on the main features of your work: a short recap/outline of research aims and work plan; changes in research plans with reasons; new or surprising findings or results; what was achieved and how; outputs (presentations, publications etc); lessons learned; collaborations, partnerships, networks that have resulted; further plans/projects that arise from research.

Joint Applications

The competition is open to individuals who wish to undertake a piece of original research. Joint/group applications will not be considered.

Applications to Other Funding Bodies

Applicants may apply without prejudice to other funding bodies. If applications for identical projects were successful it would be expected that only one award (i.e. either the ISRF or another) would be accepted. If applications for either wholly or partly different projects are successful there should be no duplication in the budget headings funded by the ISRF and another body.

All awards are conditional upon acceptance of our Standard Award Terms & Conditions.

The Application

The Research Proposal

All applicants will be expected to provide the following details as part of their proposal:

  • The Research TTopic: The project’s focus, problem, or question (250 words)
  • Background: Current research reference points and their limitations relation to the Research Topic (250 words)
  • Project Thesis: The hypotheses or innovative claims the research may enable you to support (250 words)
  • Methodology: Methods and procedures your research will employ, with description of your main disciplinary technique(s), including interactions across disciplines as required (250 words)
  • Work Plan: How your methods and procedures will be structured over the period of the award, including share of work time to be devoted to award research (250 words)
  • Outcomes: Describe project contribution, dissemination, any further steps and longer-term goals (250 words)
  • Ethics Statement: Any measures required for ethical conduct of the research, including needed regulatory compliance (300 words)

The Submitted Application

This will be read by academic evaluators who are social scientists but not necessarily in the applicant’s own field; applicants should bear this in mind when writing their application. To make the assessment procedure as fair as possible, we ask applicants to ensure their proposal has been anonymised. It may contain references to the applicant’s previous work but these should not be identifiable. Our Assessment Procedure is set out online.

In order to be considered for the award, all applications must comprise the following:


  • A statement on your Independent Scholar Status.
  • An Abstract (300 words) of the research’s aims, methods, contribution to knowledge, and value in realising the goals of ISRF.
  • A completed, anonymised Research Project Proposal form (1800 words total).

    For example Research Proposals from previous Independent Scholar Fellows, see the project pages for Alessandra GribaldoNina MoellerMike Waite & Joy White.

  • An anonymised List of References that support the proposal, limited to two sides of A4 (this should be uploaded as an additional attachment)
  • An anonymised Budget.


  • Including a list of relevant publications.


Employer Approval

Where applicants wish to be bought out from existing employment (either wholly or in part) they must confirm that their employer is aware of their application, and should provide the contact details for the relevant contact. Should your application progress, this contact will be asked to confirm, on behalf of your employer, that:

  • You will be granted the period and proportion of time requested in the Duration and Timing section;
  • If replacement costs are requested, you will be in receipt of your normal salary during tenure of the award and the institution will provide cover;

It is therefore advisable that you ensure that your Employer is in agreement with the content of your application before you submit.

How to Apply

Application Procedure

Applicants are expected to submit their complete application electronically via the online application system, in English.

Completed applications must arrive – via the online application system – no later than 6:00pm (CET) on 4th March 2022.

A candidate may submit only one application.† Applicants can expect to be informed of the result of their applications by email by the end of July 2022.


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The responsibility for the funding offers published on this website, including the funding description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes.