- Belgium
- Deadline
- Research Field
- Formal sciencesHumanitiesNatural sciencesProfessions and applied sciencesSocial sciences
- Funding Type
- Mobility Incoming
- Career Stage
- First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
- European Research Programme
- H2020 / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND
With the INCOMING [PEGASUS]² Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships the FWO wishes to attract excellent postdoctoral researchers to the Flemish Community in order to contribute to the improvement of Flemish research on the one hand and to the internationalization of research in general on the other hand. Moreover, the FWO aims to provide these INCOMING [PEGASUS]² MSCA fellows the unique opportunity to further develop their research career by offering them an international research experience in an attractive research framework.
What is funded
Incoming fellowships with a duration of three years intended for:
foreign postdoctoral researchers who wish to carry out their research in the Flemish Community
postdoctoral researchers with the Belgian nationality who currently carry out research abroad and wish to proceed their research in the Flemish Community.
It is allowed to carry out research in cooperation with the non-academic sector
Salary scale of PhD Assistant (according to the Decree of the Flemish Government of 4 May 2001 (Belgian Official Gazette, 9 January 2002): minimum € 29.069,73 - maximum € 45.317,25
Additional: mobility allowance of € 600 per month + yearly bench fee of € 4.000
One-time return trip to Brussels for the fellow
Up to 3 years
You hold a PhD.
You obtained your PhD no longer than three years ago.
In the three years preceding the start of the fellowship fellowship (calculated on the date of the 1st of October 2016 or 1st of January2017), you have not stayed in Belgium for longer than 12 months.
You agree with the Research Integrity Clause
- Organisation name
- National Fund for Scientific Research (FWO), European Commission
- Organisation Country
- More Information
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