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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Deadline may be subject to changes. Please check the actual deadline via the programme’s individual link
Research Field
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
Established Researcher (R3) (Researchers who have developed a level of independence)
Leading Researcher (R4) (Researchers leading their research area or field)


Flexit was set up in 2009 and seeks new, flexible solutions to spread research and researchers outside higher education institutions (HEIs). The main purpose is to: 1) build bridges between humanities and social sciences (HSS) research and companies and organisations outside academia and 2) facilitate knowledge exchange and encourage contacts so that more non-academic organisations can perceive and profit from the expertise of postdoctoral HSS specialists and 3) to highlight alternative career opportunities for HSS researchers. The main purpose of the project is to strengthen the ties between Humanities and Social Sciences research and the private sector, which is commonly regarded as the weakest link in the 'knowledge triangle'. In the long term, RJ seeks to influence the academic merit system so that academia values experience from the business world more highly, and vice versa. Experience to date has been very good, both for the host establishments and for the researchers. In the new version of Flexit, the hope is to enhance academic institutions' involvement in the programme and bridge-building. After an evaluation of the Flexit pilot project, RJ has opened the programme to senior researchers as well and organised the positions so that the researcher is employed at the host establishment (company or organisation) for two years, followed by a year at an HEI. Accordingly, applicants must have established affiliations to their departments by the time of application. The companies and organisations taking part in this Flexit call are Bräcke diakoni, Welfare Department, City Office, City of Malmö, Culture Administration, City of Gothenburg, Norrbottens Kommuner, R&D&I, Education Administration, Piteå Municipality and Spotify. In 2017, there are i.e. six in-house research positions at companies or organisations ('host establishments') in Sweden available through Flexit.


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Riksbankens jubileumsfond
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