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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Research Field
Social sciences
Funding Type
Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme


Job Offer: Research Fellowship for MSc degree holders


Principal Research Area: Psicology

Objective and Description:

COFAC, Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural crl/ Universidade Lusófona, is seeking a Bachelor holder to apply to a Research Fellowship for R&D, financed by COFAC - project TecMap (Assessment of minimum level of proficiency in digital literacy), call FAZER+- Excelencia na Investigação 2023.

1. Number and type of contract: 1 (one) research fellowship

2. Scientific Area: Social Psicology

3. Funding source: the fellowship and all the complements associated, will be financed by COFAC,  thought the research project TecMap (Assessment of minimum level of proficiency in digital literacy)

4. Recipients: Research Fellowship - intended for registered candidates and/or candidates who meet the necessary conditions to enroll in a study cycle leading to an academic degree or in a course that does not confer an academic degree.

5. Eligibility of candidates: National citizens or citizens of other member states of the European

Union; Citizens of third countries; Stateless persons; Citizens benefiting from political refugee status

5.1 Candidate Admission Requirements:

● Bachelor degree  inPsychology;

● Proficiency in English language .

5.2 Application Admission Requirements

It is essential, under penalty of non-admission to the Competition, to attach the following documents

to the application:

- Candidates should indicate the email address, and all scientific production (scientific

articles, books, chapters, communications, etc.) must be accessible at RESEARCH GATE,

ORCID or CiênciaVITAE platform, or in PDF format;

- Certificates of qualification of the academic degrees held, necessarily specifying the final

classification and, if possible, the classifications obtained in all disciplines;

-Motivation Letter;

- Letters of Recommendation (maximum two) that refer to the context of the candidate's

academic and/or professional relationship with the recommender, indicating the reference of

this application;

- Any other documents that candidates consider to be relevant for assessing their merit;

- Recognition of Foreign Degrees and Diplomas - In the case of academic degrees awarded

by foreign higher education institutions, and in order to guarantee the application of the

principle of equal treatment to candidates who hold foreign and national academic degrees,

the recognition of these degrees is mandatory and the conversion of the respective final

classification to the Portuguese classification scale. The recognition of foreign academic

degrees and diplomas as well as the conversion of the final classification to the Portuguese

classification scale can be requested at any public higher education institution, or at the

Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES, only in the case of automatic recognition ).

Regarding this matter, we suggest consulting the DGES portal at the following address:

- Documents proving the ownership of academic degrees and diplomas, or their respective

recognition when they have been awarded by foreign higher education institutions, may be

waived during the application phase, being replaced by the candidate's declaration of honor

(link), with verification of this condition only during the scholarship contracting phase. This

declaration must certify facts that occurred on a date prior to the application.

-The application and all documents associated with it, including letters of motivation and

recommendation, must be written in Portuguese or English.

6. Legislation framework:

Research Fellowship Holder Statute, in accordance with Law 40/2004, of 18 August, in its current

version and the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships, in its current version

(Reg. 950/2019 published in DR on 16th December:, or

at the FCT website:

7. Contract institution:

COFAC- Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural Crl

7.1 Host research unit and supervision:

he work will be developed at Universidade Lusófona (Lisboa) in the frame of the HEI-Lab research

unit, under the scientific supervision of Professor Sílvia Luís.

8. Fellowship duration:

The duration of the scholarships is 10 months (not renewable).

8.1 Monthly allowance: The fellowship allowance will correspond to the value established for

Research Scholarships, according to the table of values for FCT, I.P. scholarships. (Table

of monthly maintenance subsidies of the FCT I.P Research Grants Regulation).

8.2 Other benefits: The fellowship holder will have a personal accident insurance and can ensure

the right to social security through adherence to the voluntary social insurance scheme, if not

covered by any other social protection scheme, pursuant to Código dos Regimes Contributivos do

Sistema Previdencial de Segurança Social.

8.3 Exclusive regime: The fellowship will be carried out on an exclusive basis, under the terms of

FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships and applicable research grant


9. Application deadline and form of submission of applications: The competition is open

between October 6 and October 23, 2023. Applications and application support documents provided

for in this notice must be submitted by email sent to Each candidate may

submit only one application, under penalty of cancellation of all applications submitted. Providing

false statements or carrying out acts of plagiarism by candidates is grounds for canceling the

candidacy without prejudice to the adoption of other sanctioning measures.

10. Assessment and selection criteria and procedures:

Applications considered admissible will be scored on a scale of 0 to 100 in each of the following

evaluation criteria:

● Criterion A – Final grade for bachelor’s degree + master’s degree, with a weight of 70%

● Criterion B – Integrated assessment of the candidate's curricular and/or professional and

artistic trajectory, based on an overview of their scientific merits, with a weight of 30%

For the purposes of deciding on granting scholarships, candidates will be ranked according to the

weighted average of the classification obtained in each of the two criteria, translated by the following


Merit Rating = (70% × A) + (30%× B)

For tiebreaker purposes, the ranking of candidates will be based on the classifications assigned to

each of the evaluation criteria in the following order of precedence: criterion A, criterion B.

The Jury may decide to call the three best-ranked candidates for an interview, applying, in this

case, the following evaluation sub-criteria:

a. Interpersonal skills (20%)

b. Knowledge and motivation demonstrated in research in the area of competition (60%)

c. Language skills (20%)

If an interview is carried out, the final Merit and Interview classification will be obtained by applying

the following formula:

Final Classification = (Merit*0.7) + (Interview*0.3)

The jury may not award the scholarship if the quality of the candidates is lower than intended.

The candidate will be asked to participate in R&D activities taking place at the Lusófona University

(Lisbon) and the CERIS Research Center (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon).

11. Composition of the Selection Jury

President: Professor Sílvia Luís, PI of the TechMap Project

Effective members: Professor Maria Leonor Costa and Micaela Fonseca

12. Disclosure of results:

The final results of the assessment will be published through a list ordered by the grade obtained,

posted in a visible and public place in the host unit and also via email to all candidates. The

notification will be sent to the email address used/indicated by the candidates when submitting the

application. The selected candidate must express in writing their intention to accept the scholarship.

In case of non-acceptance, the scholarship will be awarded to the candidate in order of final


13. Complaint and appeal procedures:

In case of negative decision, the candidates have 10 business days, after the date of

announcement of the results of the candidates evaluation, to pronounce their disagreement in

accordance with the Código do Procedimento Administrativo. (DL nº 4 /2015 of January 7). A

complaint may be filed regarding the final decision, within 10 working days, addressed to the

President of the Jury.

14. Requirements and mandatory documents for Granting a Scholarship:

Research grant contracts are concluded directly with COFAC. The following documents must be

sent, when the scholarship is awarded, for contracting purposes:

● Copy of civil, tax and, when applicable, social security identification document(s);

● Copy of qualification certificates for the required academic degrees;

● Presentation of the recognition of foreign academic degrees and conversion of the respective final

classifications to the Portuguese classification scale, if applicable;

● Work plan;

● Document proving registration and/or enrollment in a course.

The granting of the scholarship is also dependent on: compliance with the requirements set out in

this Opening Notice and the result of the scientific evaluation. Failure to deliver any of the

documents necessary to complete the grant contracting process, within 3 months from the date ofcommunication of the decision to conditionally grant the grant, will result in the forfeiture of said grant and the closure of the process.

15. Financing:

Payment of scholarships will begin after candidates return the duly signed scholarship contract to

this entity, which must occur within a maximum period of 15 working days from the date of receipt.

16. Components of the Exchange

Scholarship holders are awarded a monthly maintenance allowance in accordance with the table in

Annex I of the RBI. The scholarship may also include other components, under the terms set out in

article 18 of the RBI and for the values set out in its Annex II. All scholarship holders benefit from

personal accident insurance for research activities. All scholarship holders who are not covered by

any social protection regime can ensure the exercise of their right to social security by adhering to

the voluntary social insurance regime, in accordance with the Code of Contributory Regimes of the

Social Security Pension System, COFAC ensuring the charges resulting from contributions under

the terms and with the limits set out in article 10 of the EBI.

17. Payment of Scholarship Components

Payments due to the scholarship holder are made via bank transfer to the indicated account.

18. Scholarship Renewal Terms and Conditions

Renewal of the scholarship always depends on a request submitted by the scholarship holder,

within 60 working days prior to the renewal start date, accompanied by the following documents:

opinions issued by the supervisor/s and by the host entity/ies on the monitoring of the scholarship

holder's work and evaluation of their activities; updated document proving compliance with the

exclusive dedication regime; document proving renewal of enrollment in the study cycle leading to a

doctorate degree.

19. Non-Discrimination and Equal Access Policy

Universidade Lusófona promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, meaning that no

candidate can be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exempt from any duty

due to, in particular, ancestry, age, sex, orientation sexual, marital status, family situation, economic

situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability,

chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or

ideological beliefs and union membership.



Organisation name
Universidade Lusófona´s Research Center for Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab
Organisation Country

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