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Research Field
Social sciences
Funding Type



Job Offer: Research Fellowship

Job reference: BI_HEI-Lab_Cross Seeding_01/2023

Main research area: Psychology

The Universidade Lusófona, instituted by COFAC - Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural.

CRL, is launching a contest for the attribution of 1 research scholarship, in the scope of the research unit

HEI-Lab research unit, financed by the "Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P." / MCTES / MCTES (FCT,

I.P.), ref. UIDB/05380/2020.

What is funded

Type and number of grant(s) to be awarded: 1 (one) Research Grant

2. Scientific area: Psychology

3. Funding Source: The grants related to the fellowship components are funded by the

"Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P." / MCTES (FCT, I.P.), ref. UIDB/05380/2020.

4. Recipients: Research Grant - is intended for registered candidates and or candidates who

candidates who meet the necessary conditions to enroll in a study cycle leading to an academic degree

degree or in a course that does not confer an academic degree.

5. Eligibility of candidates: The following are eligible to apply to this competition: National citizens

or citizens from other European Union member states; Citizens from third countries;

Stateless persons; Citizens benefiting from political refugee status.

5.1 Candidate Profile:

● Master's degree in the field of study in Psychology;

● Undergraduate degree in the field of studies in Psychology;

● Enrolled in a study cycle leading to an academic degree or course that does not confer an academic degree

● Residing in Portugal permanently and habitually, a requirement applicable to both national and foreign citizens; ● Residing in Portugal permanently and habitually, a requirement applicable to both national and

national citizens as well as foreign citizens;

● Proficient command of English.

5.2 Admissibility requirements for the application

It is essential, under penalty of non-admission to the contest, to attach to the application the following

documents to the application:

● Curriculum vitae of the candidate, with indication of the electronic address, and all the

scientific production (scientific articles, books, chapters, communications, etc.) must be

accessible on the RESEARCH GATE, ORCID or VITAE Science platform, or iin PDF format;

●Certificates of the academic degrees held, specifying

the final classification and, if possible, the classifications obtained in all

the course units taken.

● Letter of Motivation;

● Letters of Recommendation (maximum two) that refer to the context of the candidate's

academic and/or professional relationship of the candidate with those who recommend him/her, indicating the

reference to this competition;

● Any other documents that the candidates understand to be relevant for

assessment of their merit;

● Recognition of Foreign Degrees and Diplomas - In the case of academic degrees

In the case of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions, and in order to ensure the

recognition of foreign degrees and diplomas - in the case of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher

foreign and national academic degrees, the recognition of these degrees and the

conversion of the respective final classification into the Portuguese classification scale is compulsory. O

recognition of foreign academic degrees and diplomas as well as the conversion of the

of the final classification to the Portuguese classification scale may be requested at any public higher education

any public higher education institution, or at the Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES, the Directorate-General for Higher Education

(DGES, only in the case of automatic recognition). Regarding this

Regarding this matter, we suggest consulting the DGES portal at the following address

The documents proving the ownership of academic degrees and diplomas, or the

recognition when they have been awarded by foreign higher education institutions, may be

higher education institutions, may be waived during the application phase, being replaced by

the candidate's declaration of honor (link), and the verification of this

The verification of this condition will only occur during the scholarship contracting phase. This declaration must attest to

facts that occurred prior to the application date.

6. Applicable legislation and regulations:

Research Grant Holder Statute (EBI), approved by Law no. 40/2004 of August 18, in the

redação atual publicada pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 123/2019 de 28 de agosto Regulamento de Bolsas de

Research grants, no. 950/2019 of 16-12-2019, from the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. - in

in force.

7. Contracting entity:

COFAC- Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural Crl

7.1 Unit to host the research work and scientific orientation:

The work will be developed in the HEI-Lab, under the scientific guidance of a member of the UI&D HEI-


8. Duration of the fellowship(s):

The duration of the fellowship is 10 months, with the possibility of renewal.

8.1 Amount of the monthly maintenance allowance: The amount of the SMM corresponds to the values

established for doctoral research grants, according to the table of values of the grants of FCT, I.P.

FCT, I.P. (Table of monthly maintenance allowances of the Research Grants Regulations of FCT, I.P.).

FCT I.P.).

8.2 Other benefits: Reimbursement of Voluntary Social Insurance, corresponding to the 1st Category of the

(for grants lasting 6 months or more) and Personal Accident Insurance.

Personal Accident Insurance.

8.3 Exclusive regime: The performance of duties as a research fellow is carried out on an exclusive basis, under the terms set forth in article 5 of the Research Fellow Statute

and applicable research grant regulations.

9. Application deadline and form of presentation of applications: The competition is open

between February 14 and February 27. Applications and the supporting documents for the application

provided for in this announcement must be submitted by e-mail

sent to ana.mourato@ulusó, with the email subject "candidatura a bolsa

BI_HEI-Lab_Cross Seeding_01/2023". Each candidate may submit

only one application, under penalty of cancellation of all submitted applications. A

The provision of false statements or acts of plagiarism by the candidates is grounds for

of the application without prejudice to the adoption of other measures of a sanctioning nature.


10. Evaluation and selection criteria and procedures:

Applications considered admissible will be scored on a scale of 0 to 100 on each

of the following evaluation criteria:

● Criterion A - Graduation + master's degree final grade, with the weight of 30%.

● Criterion B - Experience and training in the fields of Basic and/or Applied Psychology, with the

weight 20% ● Criterion C

● Criterion C - Adequacy of the curricular and/or professional trajectory to the objectives of the project, based

based on an overview of its scientific merits, with the weight of 30%.

● Criterion D - Motivation letter with the weight of 20%.

For the purpose of the decision on the awarding of scholarships, applications will be ranked according to

the weighted average of the marks obtained in each of the four criteria, translated by the following formula

following formula

Merit Classification = (30% × A) + (20% × B) + (30% × C) + (20% × D)

For tie-breaking purposes, the ranking of the applications will be based on the

scores assigned to each of the evaluation criteria in the following order of precedence:

criterion A, criterion B, criterion C, and criterion D.

The Jury may decide to invite the three applicants with the highest scores to an interview.

in which case the following evaluation sub-criteria will apply:

a. Interpersonal skills (20%)

b. Demonstrated knowledge in research in the area of the competition (50%)

c. Motivation (10%)

d. Language Skills (20%)

The classification of the Interview will be obtained by applying the following formula:

Interview = a + b + c + d

If the interview is held, the final classification of the Merit and Interview will be obtained by

application of the following formula:

Final Classification = (Merit*0,7) + (Interview*0,3)

If the interview is not held, the final classification will correspond to 100% of the evaluation

obtained in the Candidate's Merit.

The jury may not award the scholarship if the quality of the candidates is inferior to the desired quality.

The candidate will be asked to participate in I&D activities taking place at UI&D HEI-Lab.

11. Composition of the Selection Jury


Inês Jongenelen, Associate Professor, HEI-Lab, Universidade Lusófona

Effective members

Diogo Lamela, Assistant Professor, HEI-Lab, Universidade Lusófona

Raquel Costa, Assistant Professor, HEI-Lab, Universidade Lusófona

Tiago Miguel Pinto, Assistant Professor, HEI-Lab, Universidade Lusófona

Rita Pasion, Assistant Professor, HEI-Lab, Universidade Lusófona

In the event of the President of the Jury being unable to attend, she will be replaced by the first effective member,

The substitute member will be appointed to replace the effective member.

Substitute member:

Tiago Paiva, Assistant Professor, HEI-Lab, Universidade Lusófona

12. Announcement of results:

The final results of the evaluation will be publicized through a list ordered by the grade obtained,

posted in a visible and public place of the host Unit and also by e-mail to all candidates.

to all candidates. The notification will be sent to the email address used/indicated by the candidates

candidates when submitting their application. The selected candidate must express in writing his/her

the intention to accept the scholarship. In case of non-acceptance, the scholarship will be awarded to the

candidate in order of final ranking.

13. Complaint and appeal procedures:

If the result is unfavorable to the granting of the requested scholarship, the candidates have a period of

of 10 working days to give their opinion, if they wish, in a prior hearing to the interested parties

under the terms of articles 121 and 122 of the Administrative Procedure Code (DL nº 4/2015 of 7

January 7). A complaint may be lodged against the final decision, within 15 working days, addressed to

President of the Jury.

14. Requirements and mandatory documents for the Grant Award:

The research grant contracts are concluded directly with COFAC. The following

documents will have to be mandatorily submitted, at the time of the eventual granting of the scholarship

for the purpose of their contractualization:

● Copy of the civil, fiscal and, when applicable, social security identification document(s)

social security;

● Copy of the qualification certificates of the academic degrees held;

● Presentation of the record of recognition of foreign academic degrees and

conversion of the respective final classifications to the Portuguese classification scale,

if applicable; Work plan;

Document proving enrolment and/or registration in a course;

The award of the grant is also subject to: the fulfillment of the requirements set forth in the

The award of the grant is further dependent on: the fulfillment of the requirements set forth in this Notice of the Opening and the result of the scientific evaluation. Failure to submit any of the documents

documents necessary to complete the scholarship contractualization process, within 3 months from the date of

months from the date of communication of the decision to award the grant conditionally, will imply the

expiration of the grant and the termination of the process.

15. Funding:

Payment of the scholarships will begin after the candidates return the scholarship contract

to this entity, which should occur within a maximum of 15 working days, counting from the date of its receipt.

from the date of receipt.




Organisation name
Universidade Lusófona´s Research Center for Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab
Organisation Country

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