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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Research Field
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Funding Type
Mobility Incoming
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
Established Researcher (R3) (Researchers who have developed a level of independence)
Leading Researcher (R4) (Researchers leading their research area or field)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme


The 8th LIT Call for Proposals is open now. Please submit your application by November 20th 2019.


Submissions will be accepted as part of the “Young Career Projects”, “Seed Projects”, “Co-Funding Projects” and "Incoming Scientist Projects" programs.


We also attach high priority to the scientific excellence of the applicant and the application (high risk / high gain), the technical relevance, and the interdisciplinary approach and project direction in particular.


In addition, LIT would like to encourage institutes to invite outstanding and distinguished researchers and academics from other universities to the JKU to apply for LIT funding and set up research groups. Also, external scientists and scholars working at your institute as of late should be encouraged to submit a proposal to the LIT and take advantage of the opportunity to establish themselves at the JKU by having a project approved by the LIT.


The proposals are reviewed by international experts nominated by the Austrian Science Fund and then appraised again for plausibility by an in-house team of experts.


See: for application documents.


Organisation name
Linz Institute of Technology
Organisation Country
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