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Job offer

  • JOB
  • Poland

Assistant professor / Professor in a group of research staff. (Junior / Senior Research Group Leader)

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The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
24 Mar 2023

Job Information

Lodz University of Technology
International Centre for Research on Innovative Biobased Materials - International Research Agenda
Research Field
Chemistry » Analytical chemistry
Chemistry » Applied chemistry
Chemistry » Biochemistry
Chemistry » Heterogeneous catalysis
Chemistry » Homogeneous catalysis
Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry
Chemistry » Organic chemistry
Chemistry » Reaction mechanisms and dynamics
Engineering » Biomaterial engineering
Engineering » Chemical engineering
Engineering » Design engineering
Engineering » Materials engineering
Physics » Biophysics
Technology » Biotechnology
Technology » Chemical technology
Technology » Materials technology
Technology » Nanotechnology
Technology » Medical technology
Researcher Profile
Leading Researcher (R4)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The Lodz University of Technology is one of the finest universities of technology in Poland. Its tradition and experience in training professionals and conducting research date back more than 75 years. It conducts research of a European standard, develops new technologies, and creates innovation in collaboration with leading research centres all over the world. One of the pillars of Lodz University of Technology management is equal treatment of staff regardless of their gender, age, race, or other demographic and social characteristics. In 2016, TUL was the first technical university in Poland to receive the HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH award certifying that the University adheres to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.


1.The requirements to be met by the candidate:

Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree with at least 10 years (senior PI) or 3 years (junior PI) of experience in biochemistry or biotechnology or polymer chemistry, international recognition for research accomplishments (ideally comparable to the ERC level), and possess effective leadership skills, together with a record as a mentor (senior position) of young scientists. We encourage female scientists to apply.


2. The terms and conditions of employment:

• Gross monthly salary in the range of 23000 – 24500 PLN (+ 1 additional salary provided the employment in a given calendar year lasted longer than 6 months) based on the qualifications,

• Full-time position,

• Starting date as soon as possible,

• Contract until the end of 2023 (with conditional renewal),

• Full public health insurance and a great research environment at the Lodz University of Technology.


3. Description of the expected responsibilities and duties:

The successful candidate will lead a research group in the area of biochemistry/biotechnology/Polymer Chemistry in the area of biobased materials or polymer chemistry.


4. List of the required documents:

• Application for employment to the Rector of Lodz University of Technology;

• Personal questionnaire for a person applying for employment at Lodz University of Technology (annex 1.1), data privacy statement (annex 1.2), and consent to the processing of personal data (annex 1.3) – all available atMicrosoft Word - Annex no. 1, 2, 3 (;

• Copies of diplomas;

• brief CV (up to 3 standard pages);

• up to 10 key research and/or implementation achievements (a single achievement is e.g. full text of a publication or a patent, etc.);

• list of key projects for which the applicant was granted funding or played a major role;

• list of key conference speeches or lectures delivered by the applicant (senior position: at the invitation of hosts, indicating the names of the host);

• description of the applicant’s experience in research-industry cooperation and successful implementations (up to 1 page);

• senior position only: description of the applicant’s skills in guiding students’ research (up to 1 page);

• senior position only: description of the applicant’s research management experience (up to 2 pages);

• senior position only: description of unique features of the achievements obtained in the last ten years and their influence on the development of a given scientific field (up to 3 pages).


5. Interested candidates are requested to e-mail the required documents. The e-mail should have a subject line – “ICRI-BioM PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY/ POLYMER CHEMISTRY”.


6. The first deadline for applications is April 24th, 2023. Documents should be sent to the email address:


7. The expected date of the announcement of the decision: please note, that the search will remain open until the position is filled.


8, ICRI-BioM is an International Research Agenda, established within the Lodz University of Technology under the Foundation for Polish Science MAB PLUS Program in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz (for more details visit: It aims at the creation of an excellent scientific unit that focuses on combining polymer chemistry with molecular biosystems engineering experimentally and with the aid of computational sciences. It is expected that the collaboration and synergy between these groups, the local scientific environment, and international cooperation will lead to breakthrough research in basic and applied sciences.


TUL values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity.

Where to apply



Research Field
Chemistry » Other
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Internal Application form(s) needed
Adv PIs biochemistry biotech i polymer ENG 2023.03.pdf
(127.96 KB - PDF)

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Lodz University of Technology
Postal Code
Stefanowskiego 2/22


Żeromskiego 116
Postal Code

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