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Job offer

  • JOB
  • Portugal

Call for the award of a research studentship in the scope of R&D project BI/ADOPT2022

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28 Nov 2022

Job Information

Research Field
Psychological sciences
Psychological sciences » Psychology
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Not Applicable
Job Status
Not Applicable
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon opens a call for the award of 1 research studentship in the scope of the project “ADOPT-Adoptive families’ strengths, difficulties and service needs: A Portuguese follow-up study (REF. PTDC/SOC-ASO/4158/2020), funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P ./MCTES, through national funds (PIDDAC) within the scope of the SR&TD Projects in all scientific domains 2020.

  1. Workplan

The ADOPT project aims to analyse postadoption pathways and monitor the urgency and extension of possible families’ difficulties, as well as to establish a system to monitor them along time that allow to provide, when necessary, an effective and timely support.

The studentship holder will integrate the ADOPT project team and develop R&D activities in regime of exclusive dedication, collaborating in the tasks described in the project proposal approved by FCT I.P., namely:

- Data compilation within the adoption families.

- Data insertion and analysis.

- Literature review.

- Promotion, divulgation and demonstration of the project and its results.

The studentship holder will also collaborate in other activities aligned with the project objectives.

  1. Type and duration of studentships:

The research studentship is aimed at applicants enrolled in courses non conferring academic degree for developing Research & Development activities. The studentship is foreseen to start in February 2023 and the duration will be 12 months (up to the maximum limit of the funding approved or the maximum duration of this type of grant, whichever comes first), with the provisions of nos. 3 and 4 of article 6, of RBI.

  1. Application deadline

The call is open from November 29th to December 14th, 2022. Only applications submitted within the deadline will be admitted.

  1. Application submission

It is mandatory to submit the applications through the recruitment platform at by the deadline fixed in this notice with the following reference call “BI/ADOPT2022”.

Applications must be accompanied by these documents:

a. Curriculum vitae.

b. Motivation letter.

c. Copy of the academic degree certificate required to this call with final grade or declaration of honour (declaration template is available at

In case of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions, to guarantee the application of the principle of equal treatment to candidates holding foreign and national academic degrees, Degree and Diploma Recognition and conversion of the respective final grade to the Portuguese grading scale is mandatory.

The recognition of higher education foreign degrees or diplomas as well as conversion of the final grade to the Portuguese scale may be issued by Public Higher Education Institutions or by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES, only in case of automatic recognition). For getting more information about this, we suggested to consult DGES portal through this link:

When awarded by foreign higher education institutions, documents of proof of the academic degrees hold by the candidate or recognition document, can be substituted at the application stage by a declaration of honour (template provided by the institution opening the call). However, the studentship granting is still dependent on the presentation documents of proof of the academic degrees hold by the candidate and that are mandatory for studentship granting.

d. Proof of enrollment in a course that does not confer an academic degree, integrated in the educative project of a higher education institution, and developed in close collaboration with one or several R&D units. or declaration of honour in which he/she declares to meet the requirements for enrollment in a course not conferring academic degree (declaration template is available at

e. Declaration of honour stating that he/she does not exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of two years in this type of studentship, continuously or with interruptions

f. Proof of application submission duly signed, if required by the recruitment platform (, once the documents has been submitted.

 All documents referred must be submitted in pdf format.

The candidates that do not submit all the documents referred in a-f will not be admitted to the call.

 If necessary, candidates can contact by e-mail to:

  1. Requirements for Studentship Granting

After communication of conditional granting of the studentship, the contract can only be signed after receiving all the documents required. The following documents are of mandatory submission for the studentship contract:

a. Copy of personal identification and tax number documents (and social security documents, when applicable), as well as bank account data and Ciência ID.

b. Copy of the academic degree certificate required to this call with final grade/ Proof of recognition of foreign academic degrees and conversion of the respective final classifications into the Portuguese classification scale.

c. Proof of enrollment in a course that does not confer an academic degree, integrated in the educative project of a higher education institution and developed in close collaboration with one or several R&D units.

d. Supervisor(s) statement accepting the responsibility of supervising the work plan, as established in Article no. 5-A of the Statute for Research Fellowships.

e. Document issued by the host institution(s) where the work plan will be carried out, accepting the candidate and guaranteeing the necessary conditions to the successful development of the work plan, as well as the fulfillment of the duties established in Article no. 13 of the Research Fellowship Holder Statute.

f. Updated document proving compliance with the exclusive dedication regime; (template will be provided by the contracting entity).

  1. Funding Source

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P./MCTES, through national funds (PIDDAC).

Full call text available here


Research Field
Psychological sciences
Education Level

• to hold a bachelor’s degree in psychology;1

• to have experience of collaboration in research studies in the field of promotion and protection of children and adolescents at risk.

Specific Requirements

Specific mandatory requirements of the candidates for applying to this Research Grant are:

• to hold a bachelor’s degree in psychology;1

• to have experience of collaboration in research studies in the field of promotion and protection of children and adolescents at risk.

• to enroll in 2022/2023, in a course not conferring an academic degree integrated in the educational project of a higher education institution and developed in association or cooperation with one or more R&D Units.2

• not to exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of two years in this type of studentship, continuously or with interruptions, in the terms of no. 5 of Article 6.º of the referred Regulation.3

• to be immediately available.

1If the qualification has been conferred by a foreign higher education institution it must be recognized by a Portuguese higher education institution, under the terms of the provisions of article 25 of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of August 16th, which approves the legal regime of recognition of academic degrees and diplomas of Higher Education, attributed by foreign higher education institutions, and of paragraph e) of no. 2 of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 60/2018, of August 3rd, and any formalities established therein must be fulfilled by the date of the hiring act.

2.The proof of enrolment must be presented upon contracting. At the application stage, it can be replaced by a declaration of honour in which he/she declares to meet the requirements for enrolment in a course not conferring academic degree.

3 For verification of this requirement a declaration of honour must be presented.


Additional Information


The amount of the studentship corresponds to 875,98 €, according to the table for scholarships directly or indirectly financed by FCT. I.P, in Portugal (, that will be monthly paid by bank transfer to the studentship holder and updated, when applicable.

The studentship holders will benefit from personal accident insurance related to the research activities and can use the right to social security through the voluntary social insurance regime, under the terms of the Research Fellow Statute (EBI). The financial entity will ensure the charges resulting from contributions under the terms and with the limits provided in EBI.

Eligibility criteria

The following citizens may apply to this call in the terms of Article 9 of the FCT Regulation for Studentships and Fellowships (RBI)

  1. National citizens or citizens from other member-states of the European Union;
  2. Third-party states citizens.
  3. Stateless individuals.
  4. Citizens holding a political refugee status.

Specific mandatory requirements of the candidates for applying to this Research Grant are:

  1. to hold a bachelor’s degree in psychology 1;
  2. to have experience of collaboration in research studies in the field of promotion and protection of children and adolescents at risk.
  3. to enrol in 2022/2023, in a course not conferring an academic degree integrated in the educational project of a higher education institution and developed in association or cooperation with one or more R&D Units.Not to exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of two years in this type of studentship, continuously or with interruptions, in the terms of no. 5 of Article 6.º of the referred Regulation.3
  4. to be immediately available.
Selection process
  • Selection methods and evaluation criteria:

Curriculum evaluation will be performed considering the Curriculum Vitae and the Motivation Letter submitted and will be exclusively based on the merit of the candidate. The following criteria will be evaluated and weighted as indicated:

a) Curriculum Vitae (80%)

  • Graduate degree final grade (30%).

  • Experience of collaboration in research studies in the field of promotion and protection of children and adolescents at risk., namely data collection and analysis (30%).

  • Previous experience in dissemination, promotion and divulgation of scientific results (20%).

b) Motivation Letter (20%).

Candidates will be scored from 0 to 100 in each of the above evaluation criteria.

Completed the curriculum evaluation, the jury reserves the right to call the three candidates ranked first, for an interview (in this case, they will be notified by e-mail).

During the interview, it will be discussed the topics related to the work plan, previous experience, motivation and CV.

If the interview is included, the final grade will have a weighting of 80% curriculum evaluation + 20% interview.

In the case of a tie, the chair of the selection jury has the casting vote.

The jury reserves the right to not award the grant if none of the candidates matches the desired profile.

The current call might be closed until the homologation of the final ranked list of the candidates and is valid for 12 months period starting from the homologation date of the final ranked list of the current procedure.

  • Results disclosure

The results of the evaluation will be published and notified no later than 90 working days after the closing date for submission of applications, via e-mail to the e-mail address used by the candidate and indicated in the application.



Additional comments

The models for the scholarship contract and the final report to be drawn up by the scholarship holder and supervisors can be consulted at and

Full call text available here



Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Postal Code
Avenida das Forças Armadas, Edificío ISCTE-IUL, Sala 2w17


Avenida das Forças Armadas, Edificío ISCTE-IUL, Sala 2w17
Postal Code

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