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Job offer

  • JOB
  • Denmark

PhD position for Early Stage Researchers as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Industrial Doctorates "CO2Valorize” at University of Padova

Apply now
13 Oct 2022

Job Information

Research Field
Engineering » Chemical engineering
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe - MSCA
Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The University of Padova (UniPD) is seeking for highly motivated graduate student to enrol in the Doctorate of Industrial Engineering at UniPD, Italy. The project is part of the international doctoral training network entitled "Valorization of CO2 for low carbon cement (CO2Valorize)”, funded by the Marie Skolodowska-Curie Action of the European Commission.

CO2Valorize participants include:

  • FLSmidth
  • Norwegian University of Technology
  • University of Padova
  • Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • HZDR Innovation
  • Technical University of Dresden
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
  • Siemens Process Systems Engineering


Project summary

Cement production is responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions, which mainly come from the processing of limestone. CO2Valorize proposes a new approach to drastically reduce these emissions by partly replacing some of the limestone content with supplementary cementitious materials (SCM). Such materials are additionally carbonated using captured CO2. Calcium silicates rich SCM can come from waste materials such as mine tailings and recycled concrete, all of which are available in large quantities. The carbonation process of such materials is complex and barely understood to date. Our network aims at laying the scientific foundations to create fundamental knowledge on the mechanisms, reaction kinetics, and the performance of the modified cement in order to provide a proof-of-concept and show that a CO2 reduction by 50 % per tonne of cement produced is feasible. The project is driven by leading companies that represent important parts of the value chain and ensure a fast uptake of the results with the potential to commercialise new equipment, processes and software during and after the project. The structured approach combines complementary research for each individual project in the academic and industry sector. This is accompanied by a balanced mix of high-level scientific courses and transferable skills delivered by each partner locally and in dedicated training schools and workshops at network level.



Open positions: Integrating state-of-the-art technologies for sustainable cement production

The introduction of new carbonation processes into the cement production technology may lead to the need to a general process retrofitting. In general, this offers the opportunity for re-engineering and optimization, assessing also the possibility to include carbon capture technologies and process electrification. In this project, the goal is to provide a design and optimization methodology for assessing the economic and environmental impact of new generation cement production processes, where new production technologies (e.g. carbonation processes), different raw materials, carbon capture technologies, electric heating are simultaneously considered. New possible integration configurations will be proposed, accounting for both economic and environmental targets. CO2 capture and electrification will be assessed as design breakthroughs towards a carbon-neutral cement industry. How process electrification can be best integrated to the power grid in order to take advantage of price fluctuations will also be a project objective.


The project consists of two employment periods. The first period of 6 months is at the company FLSmidth in Denmark, followed by the second period of 30 months at UniPD, Italy. An industrial secondment at Siemens Process Systems Engineering, UK is foreseen during the second period.


Positions Requirements

For both positions, we are seeking for a highly motived candidate who is passionate about understanding cement production and its mode-based re-engineering and optimization. Both projects will involve research activities related to mathematical modelling, process design and optimization. Competences in the field of process systems engineering, process modelling and optimization, computer programming are desired.


Knowledge on dynamic modelling tools for process simulation and optimization, mixed-integer linear/nonlinear programming as well as cement production processes is appreciated.


The ideal candidate owns an MSc in Chemical Engineering or Process Engineering and a proven expertise in process modelling. Candidates must have a high proficiency in written and spoken English, which will be assessed with the motivation letter and interview.





  • Highly competitive and attractive salary and working conditions: successful candidates will be offered a full-time position for a duration of 36 months, and will be enrolled in the PhD training programme at UniPD. The salary will be defined according to MSCA regulations for Horizon Doctoral Networks, and it comprises a living allowance, a mobility allowance, and a family allowance for candidates who have a family at the time of recruitment. CO2Valorize is committed to offer equal gender opportunities.
  • Gaining experience abroad. First employment period at FLSmidth A/S, DK for 6 months, second at UniPD, IT for 30 months. During the second period, a secondment abroad to an industrial partner for 12 months.
  • Enrolment in a PhD program at UniPD and opportunities for participation in national and international scientific meetings.
  • Enlarged professional network and improved future scientific career perspective in academia and the private sector.
  • Shared research and innovative multidisciplinary and multisectoral training by senior scientists, experts and experienced trainers from academia and industry.
  • A structured training program consisting of research-related courses, soft skill courses, targeted workshops, social events and networking.



Eligibility criteria


Fulfilment of eligibility criteria dictated by the European Commission under the Horizon MSCA Innovative Doctoral Networks Programme. We welcome applications from PhD candidates from any country fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Eligible candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their first host institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before their recruitment by the host institution (i.e. the starting date indicated in the employment contract/equivalent direct contract). The country of the first host institution is Denmark for both positions.
  • Eligible candidates shall, at the date of recruitment by the host institution (i.e. the starting date indicated in the employment contract/equivalent direct contract), be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not have been awarded a doctoral degree.
  • Eligible candidates must have a Master's degree relevant to the chosen position or its equivalent that would entitle them to a doctorate, awarded before 30th September 2022.



Application and selection process


Applications must be in English and should include:

  • a CV
  • a letter of motivation (1 page)
  • Bachelor's and Master's degree certificates and related detailed transcripts of records (please include the transcript to English of the academic records).

In your application indicate: nationality, gender, countries where you have resided for the last three years (declare periods), duration of Bachelor's and Master's degrees, research experiences, any additional information such as awards, fellowships, internships, extracurricular activities, qualifications etc.


Please send your application as a single PDF file to:

Please write on the SUBJECT of the email 'CO2Valorize PhD position'.

For further questions, please contact prof. Fabrizio Bezzo via email


A selection committee will rank eligible applications based on CVs and merits. Short-listed candidates for each position will be invited for a web interview in November / December 2022, where the final candidates will be selected.

Applicants with a positive evaluation but not selected will be included on a reserve list and might be contacted at a later stage.


The deadline for applications is 20.11.2022 at 23:59 pm (CET).

Individual projects will start between 01.01.2023 and 01.03.2023.

Where to apply



Research Field
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Specific Requirements

For both positions, we are seeking for a highly motived candidate who is passionate about understanding cement production and its mode-based re-engineering and optimization. Both projects will involve research activities related to mathematical modelling, process design and optimization. Competences in the field of process systems engineering, process modelling and optimization, computer programming are desired.


Knowledge on dynamic modelling tools for process simulation and optimization, mixed-integer linear/nonlinear programming as well as cement production processes is appreciated.


The ideal candidate owns an MSc in Chemical Engineering or Process Engineering and a proven expertise in process modelling. Candidates must have a high proficiency in written and spoken English, which will be assessed with the motivation letter and interview.

Additional Information

  • Highly competitive and attractive salary and working conditions: successful candidates will be offered a full-time position for a duration of 36 months, and will be enrolled in the PhD training programme at UniPD. The salary will be defined according to MSCA regulations for Horizon Doctoral Networks, and it comprises a living allowance, a mobility allowance, and a family allowance for candidates who have a family at the time of recruitment. CO2Valorize is committed to offer equal gender opportunities.
  • Gaining experience abroad. First employment period at FLSmidth A/S, DK for 6 months, second at UniPD, IT for 30 months. During the second period, a secondment abroad to an industrial partner for 12 months.
  • Enrolment in a PhD program at UniPD and opportunities for participation in national and international scientific meetings.
  • Enlarged professional network and improved future scientific career perspective in academia and the private sector.
  • Shared research and innovative multidisciplinary and multisectoral training by senior scientists, experts and experienced trainers from academia and industry.
  • A structured training program consisting of research-related courses, soft skill courses, targeted workshops, social events and networking.
Eligibility criteria


Fulfilment of eligibility criteria dictated by the European Commission under the Horizon MSCA Innovative Doctoral Networks Programme. We welcome applications from PhD candidates from any country fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Eligible candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their first host institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before their recruitment by the host institution (i.e. the starting date indicated in the employment contract/equivalent direct contract). The country of the first host institution is Denmark for both positions.
  • Eligible candidates shall, at the date of recruitment by the host institution (i.e. the starting date indicated in the employment contract/equivalent direct contract), be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not have been awarded a doctoral degree.
  • Eligible candidates must have a Master's degree relevant to the chosen position or its equivalent that would entitle them to a doctorate, awarded before 30th September 2022.


Selection process

Application and selection process


Applications must be in English and should include:

  • a CV
  • a letter of motivation (1 page)
  • Bachelor's and Master's degree certificates and related detailed transcripts of records (please include the transcript to English of the academic records).

In your application indicate: nationality, gender, countries where you have resided for the last three years (declare periods), duration of Bachelor's and Master's degrees, research experiences, any additional information such as awards, fellowships, internships, extracurricular activities, qualifications etc.


Please send your application as a single PDF file to:

Please write on the SUBJECT of the email 'CO2Valorize PhD position'.

For further questions, please contact prof. Fabrizio Bezzo via email


A selection committee will rank eligible applications based on CVs and merits. Short-listed candidates for each position will be invited for a web interview in November / December 2022, where the final candidates will be selected.

Applicants with a positive evaluation but not selected will be included on a reserve list and might be contacted at a later stage.


The deadline for applications is 20.11.2022 at 23:59 pm (CET).

Individual projects will start between 01.01.2023 and 01.03.2023.

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Postal Code
kenny drew vej 101


kenny drew vej 101
Postal Code

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