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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

  • JOB
  • France

Wide-angle glide-symmetric absorbers for aircraft communications

Apply now
1 Mar 2023

Job Information

Sorbonne University
Group of Electrical Engineering of Paris (GeePs)
Research Field
Engineering » Electronic engineering
Engineering » Communication engineering
Physics » Electronics
Physics » Electromagnetism
Physics » Applied physics
Physics » Optics
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe - MSCA
Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

A 3-year PhD position is available in the framework of the MSCA Doctoral Network GENIUS “Glide-symmetric mEtamaterials for iNnovative radIo-frequency commUnication and Sensing”, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme and by the UK Research and Innovation.

The doctoral candidate will conduct original research in the use of metamaterials characterized by glide symmetry to develop novel absorbers for aircraft communications.

The research project will be done at Sorbonne University (SU), France and at Thales Research & Technology (THALES), France. The candidate will be enrolled in a PhD programme at SU.

The candidate will develop original models for glide symmetric (GS) absorbers, being reliable over a large bandwidth and a large range of incident angles, possibly by means of circuit-based approaches. The model will allow for the fast simulation and optimization of this class of metasurfaces. She/he will study the absorbing performance with respect to relevant parameters of the incident radiation, and eventually the impact on antenna systems in typical use-case scenarios. Different prototypes will be designed, according to the required response to maximize (bandwidth, angular response, etc.). She/he will be in charge of the fabrication (additive manufacturing, machining, PCB, etc.) and measurement of the designed prototypes.

Where to apply



Research Field
Engineering » Electronic engineering
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Engineering » Communication engineering
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Physics » Electronics
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Physics » Electromagnetism
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Physics » Applied physics
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Physics » Optics
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

The applicant should have completed a Master program in Engineering or Physics with a good background in electromagnetic devices and electromagnetic theory at the date of the recruitment.

Specific Requirements
  • The applicant should have good knowledge of programming languages such as Python, C and Matlab.
  • The applicant should have basic knowledge of commercial electromagnetic (EM) simulation software; knowledge of numerical methods for EM will be a plus.
  • The applicant should have a very good knowledge of English (both written and oral).
  • The applicant should be highly motivated, autonomous, and willing to collaborate with both academic and industrial partners.
Research Field
Engineering » Electronic engineeringEngineering » Communication engineeringPhysics » ElectronicsPhysics » ElectromagnetismPhysics » Applied physicsPhysics » Optics
Internal Application form(s) needed
PhD Offer Genius.pdf
(735.54 KB - PDF)

Additional Information


The candidate will benefit of a salary approximately € 32,000 to € 55,000 per annum (depending on family status). She/he will conduct research in recognized international teams, will attend all the common training events of the Network (PhD schools, workshops, convened sessions at international conferences) and will be in contact with the other five doctoral candidates of the network working on similar topics at SU, THALES, KTH and with the other GENIUS partners.

Transferable-skill training will be provided both at SU and THALES as part of the doctoral programme. No knowledge of French is required, and French classes will be available at SU if the candidate is interested.

Eligibility criteria

In order to comply with the MSCA DN eligibility rules, the applicant:

  • must not be already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment;
  • must undertake transnational mobility: must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date. Short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.

To be eligible for a PhD at Sorbonne University, the applicant needs a Master of Science degree (i.e. 2nd level title, as defined by the Bologna Process), issued by an officially recognized academic institution, which grants admission in PhD programmes in the country of issuance.


Selection process

Sorbonne University is engaged to assure an Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) of researchers. The composition of the selection committee will respect the rules of parity both in gender and in academic/industrial participation. Rejected applications will receive constructive feedbacks, and the recruited candidate will have the possibility to be accompanied in their administrative procedures to enroll in the PhD programme and move to Paris.

The candidates will be evaluated based on their resumes and on an interview, either in person or by telematic way.

In order to apply, candidates are required to provide the following documents to the email address

  1. full CV, demonstrating their personal study career and proving that they match the eligibility criteria already described above;
  2. motivation letter;
  3. certificate of Master of Science degree with final mark, if already obtained;
  4. certificate of transcript of records for the Master of Science career, with marks;
  5. any other official documents which can be useful for the purpose of declaring the conformity of the title (i.e., diploma supplement, declaration of value, ...).

All the certificates and official documents shall be issued by the relevant university in English, French, Italian or Spanish.

Additional comments

Place and research environment of the PhD program

1.5 years at Sorbonne University (Paris, France)

The applicant will work at Sorbonne University, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, located in the hearth of Paris. The "Wave and Propagation group" of the GeePs laboratory is a research group active on the modeling, design, fabrication and measurement of artificial materials for extreme wave manipulations with applications to space and terrestrial communications, smart devices, radar and imaging.

1.5 years at Thales RT (Palaiseau, France)

The applicant will work at Thales Research & Technology France, located in Palaiseau. The French research center of Thales Group counts more than 300 researchers, PhD candidates and other scientists from sponsored organisms. The research study will be conducted within the Laboratory “Energy and Radiation: Modelling, Materials and Synthesis” in the Research Group “Technology and Materials”.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Sorbonne University
Ile de France
Postal Code
4 place Jussieu
Number of offers available
Thales Research and Technology
Postal Code
1 avenue Augustin Fresnel


Ile de France
4 place Jussieu
Postal Code

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