- Portugal
Job Information
- Organisation/Company
- Instituto Superior de Agronomia
- Department
- Núcleo de Recursos Humanos
- Research Field
- Environmental science » Other
- Researcher Profile
- First Stage Researcher (R1)
- Country
- Portugal
- Application Deadline
- Type of Contract
- Other
- Job Status
- Full-time
- Hours Per Week
- 35
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- Not funded by a EU programme
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
Offer Description
2 (two) Post-Doc Scholarships - DeSIRA_Climate Change Scenarios
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Socio-environmental sciences ( Socio-environmental science, Companion modelling)
Portugal (Lisboa), France (Paris), Guinea-Bissau (Malmon project villages)
- 31-01-2023
Notice resume:
The call is open to holders of a PhD degree in academic fields encompassing the scientific domains of Geography, socio-environmental Sciences. Availability to conduct field work in rural areas in Guinea-Bissau is mandatory and should be expressed in the motivation letter. Candidates are expected to do research within the framework of the project “Mangrove, mangrove rice and mangrove people: sustainably improving rice production, ecosystems and livelihoods (MALMON)“, refª FOOD/2019/412-700 (https://www.malmon-desira.com/) funded by the European Commission through the DeSIRA Program.
Call for 2 (two) Post-Doc Scholarships
Ref DeSIRA_Rains CEN
The University of Lisbon’s School of Agriculture (ISA), opens a call for applications for the award of two (2) Post-Doctoral Scholarship, within the framework of the project “Mangrove, mangrove rice and mangrove people: sustainably improving rice production, ecosystems and livelihoods (MALMON)“, refª FOOD/2019/412-700 (https://www.malmon-desira.com/) funded by the European Commission through the DeSIRA Program, under the following conditions:
Scientific area
Human Ecology, Human Geography, Socio-environmental Sciences, sustainability sciences
Eligibility criteria
The call is open to holders of a doctoral degree in academic fields encompassing the scientific domains of Human Ecology and Human Geography. Availability to conduct field work in rural areas in Guinea-Bissau and to learn Creol is mandatory and should be expressed in the motivation letter.
The Post-Doc Scholarships can only be granted provided that the following requirements are cumulatively met:
a) Evidence that the PhD degree has been obtained in the three years prior to the date of submission of the application for the scholarship;
b) Post-doctoral research is carried out in a different host entity from the one where the research work that led to the attribution of a doctoral degree was carried out;
c) The scholarship holder does not exceed, with the conclusion of the scholarship contract in question, an accumulated period of three years in this type of scholarship, consecutive or interpolated.
Evaluation criteria
- Familiarity with social methods of interviews, questionaries
- Experience in sustainability sciences, socio-environmental sciences, human ecology or human geography
- Ability to conduct participative research with farmers
- Interest in learning and conducting participative modelling activities (companion modelling approaches)
- Excellent written and oral communication skills in Portugues and/or English
- Strong organizational skills, scientific creativity and independence shown by scientific records, including publications and research projects
Work Plan
The successful candidate will participate in the activities of the project “Mangrove, mangrove rice and mangrove people - sustainably improving rice production, ecosystems and livelihoods”, with the overall aim at developing participatory scenarios of the impact of climate change on people’s livelihoods and conception of co-management rules for climate changes mitigation:
- Identify and formally engage with local stakeholders in the participatory process, identify their main demands and collectively define an actionable roadmap (modes and intensities of interactions, mutual expectations of scientists and stakeholders, processes, and expected deliverables to address the local questions under concern)
- Co-develop a conceptual model of the socio-ecosystems concretized in the form of a role-plaing game and agente-based model using for exemple the Cormas platform. The construction of the conceptual model will be done through a series of workshops with the stakeholders. The elaborated models will remain simple enough to be manipulated and played and to allow a certain distancing from reality, while allowing the complexity of the systems (main dynamics and interactions) under study, the points of view and the stakes to be taken into account in order to provoke debates at the end of the game sessions and to give leads for the management of the territories.
- Using the model, the groups will examine the past and present socio-ecological trajectories and, modifying or creating new rules, and will prospect several scenarios seeking for more sustainable future pathways.
- To collaborate in any project activities deemed necessary and to engage in interdisciplinary research with the PhD students of the project.
- To write and publish articles in peer-reviewed journals highlighting research findings; to work on project reports and present findings at international conferences.
Applicable law and regulation
Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law no. 40/2004, published in Diário da República no. 194/2004, Series I-A, 2004‐08‐18, in the wording given by Decree-Law no. 123 / 2019, of August 28 and Regulation of Scholarships of the University of Lisbon in the wording given by Order No.8061/2022, July 1.
Workplace and scientific supervision
The accepted candidate’s workplace will shift between Lisbon (University of Lisbon’s School of Agriculture), France (UMR PALOC or UMR Espace-DEV), and Guinea-Bissau and will have as his/hers tutors: Doctors Marie-Paule Bonnet, Marina Temudo, Rui Sá.
Beneficiaries and eligibility
This call is open to:
- National citizens or citizens of other EU Member States
- Citizens of third-party states, holders of a valid residence permit or beneficiaries of a long-term VISA in any EU Member States at the time of the signature of the contract
Duration of the scholarship:
This position is opened for 18 months and will begin on Febereiro of 2023.
The value of the scholarship will be 2 497,03 € while abroad and 1 686 € while in Portugal according to the table of values of monthly maintenance allowances, fixed in annex I of the Scholarship Regulation of the University of Lisbon in the wording given by Order no. 8061/2022, July 1. The scholarship will be paid monthly by bank transfer.
While in Portugal or Guinea-Bissau the doctoral candidate will be entitled to personal accident insurance and, if not covered by any social protection scheme, can ensure the exercise of the right to social security by joining the voluntary social insurance scheme, under the terms of Code of Contributory Regimes of the Social Security System.
Selection methods and their valuation
The selection methods to be used will include grading on a scale of 0 to 20 based on the following components: curriculum assessment (80%) and motivation letter (20%).
The candidates’ CV will be evaluated considering the following parameters: Relevance of the training area (20%), relevance of professional experience, including the evaluation criteria (40%), scientific publications (40%).
The jury may not award the scholarship if no candidate with the appropriate profile is found.
Jury Composition of the call
President – Marie Paule Bonnet
Effective Member – Marina Temudo
Effective Member – Rui Sá
Substitute Member – Emilie Coudel
Substitute Member – Ana Cabral
Form of publicity / notification of results
The results will be communicated to all candidates by email.
Application Deadline
The call is open from 31 de Janeiro a 13 de Fevereiro de 2023.
Documentation to be submitted
- Detailed curriculum vitae;
- Motivation letter;
- Copy of the certificate(s) of academic qualifications with the final grade and grade obtained;
- Copy of proof of fulfilment of the requirements indicated in the “Beneficiaries and eligibility” section above;
The omission of any of the elements will be reason for exclusion of the contest.
If the qualification has been granted by a foreign higher education institution, it will have to be recognized by a Portuguese higher education institution by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES, only in case of automatic recognition), under the terms of Decree-Law no. 341/2007, of 12 October, regulated by Notice no. 227/2017 , of July 25 and updated by Decree-Law No. 66/2018, published in the Diário da República, 1st series, No. 157, of August 16, 2018. For getting more information about this, we suggest consulting the DGES portal (http://www.dges.gov.pt). It may be waived its presentation in the application, being replaced by the applicant's declaration of honour, stating that the candidate has completed the bachelor’s degree or the master’s degree by the deadline for the application, with the verification of this condition only in the stage of contract formalisation of the scholarship.
The documentation must be sent by email to the following e-mail address: filipazacarias@isa.ulisboa.pt, indicating the reference DeSIRA_Climate Change Scenarios in the subject of the e-mail
Authorized on January 27, 2023 by the President of Instituto Superior de Agronomia, António Guerreiro de Brito
Where to apply
- filipazacarias@isa.ulisboa.pt
- Research Field
- Environmental science » Other
- Education Level
- PhD or equivalent
Additional Information
Work Location(s)
- Number of offers available
- 2
- Company/Institute
- Instituto Superior de agronomia
- Country
- Portugal
- Geofield
- State/Province
- Lisboa
- City
- Lisboa
- Website
- Street
- Tapada da Ajuda
- Postal Code
- 1349-017 Lisboa
- gp@isa.ulisboa.pt