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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

National Laboratory of Energy and Geology
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The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
19 Dec 2022

Job Information

National Laboratory of Energy and Geology
Research Field
Engineering » Other
Economics » Other
Environmental science » Other
Management sciences » Other
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe
Reference Number
Project no. 101056862
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Assistant Researcher - Profile Model Development

The National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, LNEG, I.P., is openning, for a period of 35 working days from the date of this publication, an international selection contest for the recruitment of a doctorate, in the form of a fixed-term employment contract in public functions, for a period of 36 months, eventually renewable for periods of 1 year up to a maximum limit of 6 years, for the exercise of scientific research activities in the scientific area “Environment and Climate Change”, with a view to developing research activities within the scope of the Project "CO2NSTRUCT – “Modelling the role of circular economy construction value chains for a carbon-neutral Europe”, Project no. 101056862, funded by the Horizon Europe Program of the European Commission. CO2NSTRUCT will integrate circular economy practices into the TIMES energy system & greenhouse gases mitigation model for the whole of Europe. It is focused on six carbon-intensive/pervasive construction materials (cement, steel, wood, brick and insulation materials), with a particular emphasis on 2 clusters: offshore wind and buildings. It will model the use of natural resources for decarbonization using a circular economy approach.

1. Activities to be performed

The following activities will be performed:

a) Scientific research activities within the scope of the following CO2NSTRUCT project’s tasks:

research activities within the scope of the following CO2NSTRUCT project’ tasks:

  • Task 4.1.Secondary data analysis – CE rebound effects: perform secondary analysis to quantify the CE rebound effect for critical materials in the construction supply chain;
  • Task 4.2 Case studies – CE rebound effects in the six carbon-intensive construction materials lifecycles: analysing strategies (at micro, meso and macro levels) to improve the outcomes of CE measures;
  • Task 5.2Harmonization of data, material value chains, behaviour, externalities, and CE tools for integration in mitigation models: identifying gaps and missing links between TIMES energy system models and CE analytical tools;
  • Task 5.3.Circular climate mitigation framework: the JRC-EU-TIMES model structure and input files will be assessed to select which of the “wish-list” features can be implemented, considering computational and data limitations for all countries in the model;
  • Task 6.1.Define circular climate mitigation scenarios formulating which CE measures will be modelled in JRC-EU-TIMES to address modelling EU circular climate mitigation pathways towards carbon neutrality;
  • Task 6.2.Integrate CE in TIMES energy-climate mitigation model: implement complementary approaches to integrate CE into TIMES;
  • Task 6.3.Analysis of circular mitigation pathways for a carbon-neutral Europe: a comparative analysis will be made between achieving carbon neutrality with and without considering CE strategies in climate mitigation modelling.

b) Support CO2NSTRUCT project management at LNEG;

c) Prepare scientific publications;

d) Organize / participate dissemination and discussion activities for both partial and final results for different types of audiences;

e) Contribute to the establishment and/or participation in national and international scientific collaborations.

2. Requirements for application and desired profile

a)Candidates can be national, foreigners and stateless holding a PhD degree in Engineering, Economics, Environment, System Analysis, Management, or related disciplines relevant for the project, with a scientific and professional curriculum revealing a profile suited to the activities to be developed, namely: previous knowledge/experience in the area of energy transition in the context of decarbonization (including publications in this area) or previous knowledge/experience in the area of analysis of energy systems from a techno-economic, social and environmental perspective (including publications in this area).

If the PhD degree has been conferred by a foreign higher education institution, the degree has to obey to the established in the Portuguese Decree Law no. 66/2018, of the 16th of August, and related legislation (namely Decree Law no. 60/2018, of the 3rd of August), and any formalities there established need to be completed until the date where the contract is signed.

b) The generic requirements for candidate’s admission to this call are defined in Article no. 17 of LTFP (Portuguese General Law for Working in Public Function or “Lei Geral do Trabalho em Funções Públicas”), which are complemented with the specific requirements defined in the previous point.

c) The following are considered preferential factors for candidate evaluation:

(i) familiarity with the IEA-ETSAP family of TIMES models or similar modeling tools focusing on holistic analysis of energy systems;

(ii) previous knowledge/experience in the application of quantitative and qualitative skills to analyze energy systems and technological transition;

(iii) experience in the development or application of quantitative modeling techniques, combined with familiarity or strong interest in applying the mentioned capabilities in the context of climate mitigation. High-level analytical skills and ability to develop and apply new concepts are required;

(iv) excellent written and verbal communication skills in English;

(v) ability to deal with a wide range of people from different educational and cultural backgrounds and to work both autonomously and within a team.

3. Workplace

Workplace shall be at LNEG – Estrada da Portela, Bairro do Zambujal, 2720-999 Amadora, Portugal.

4. Remuneration

Remuneration is fixed according to the category of Assistant Researcher, in accordance with the applicable provisions of Portuguese legislation, namely Article no. 15 of RJEC and Decree-Law no. 11-A / C 2017. The values correspond to the intermediary remuneration level between classes no. 53 and 54 of the remuneration table, approved by Ordinance (Portaria) no. 1553-C/2008, 31st of December, which corresponds to the gross value of 3 230.21 Euros;

5. Applicable legislation

a) The following legislation is applicable:

i) Decree Law nº 57/2016 of August 29, which approved the regime of PhD contracting with the purpose of stimulating scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC);

ii) Decree-Regulatory nº. 11-A / 2017, of December 29, which regulates the remuneration levels of contracts entered into under Decree-Law No. 57/2016 of August 29;

iii) General Labor Law in Public Functions (LTFP), approved in annex to Law no. 35/2014 of June 20, in its current version;

iv) Decree-Law Nº 124/99, of April 20, which approved the Statute of the Scientific Research Career.

b) Under the terms of Article 16 of Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of August 29th, the present procedure is exempt of the authorization by two members of Government responsible for the areas of Finance and Public Administration, namely the procedure of recruitment of workers in situation of requalification, referred to in article no. 265 of LTFP.

6. Jury composition

According to Article no. 13 of the RJEC, the jury of the call procedure has the following composition:

  • President: Teresa Ponce de Leão (PhD), President of LNEG Executive Board;
  • Member #1: Sofia Gago da Câmara Simões (PhD), Principal Researcher at LNEG;
  • Member #2: Justina Catarino (PhD), Assistant Researcher at LNEG;
  • Member #3: Cristina Sousa Rocha (Engineer), Assistant Researcher at LNEG;
  • Member #4: Paula Cristina Cayolla Morais Trindade (PhD), Assistant Researcher at LNEG;
  • Alternate Member: Laura Aelenei (PhD), Assistant Researcher at LNEG.

7. Evaluation of applications

a) Under the terms of article no. 5 of the RJEC, candidate selection is performed through the evaluation of performance regarding both scientific performance and working experience. This takes into consideration the relevance, quality and timeline of candidates’ scientific outputs and working experience, considering the goals of the CON2STRUCT research project, as follows (in descending order of importance):

i) Scientific outputs over considered most relevant by the candidate and related to the area of the call;

ii) Research activities considered to be of greatest impact by the candidate and related to the area of the call;

iii) Activities of knowledge extension and dissemination considered of greatest relevance by the candidate and related to the area of the call;

iv) Management activities of scientific & technology and innovation projects/programs, or experience in observation and monitoring of the scientific & technological / higher education system, in Portugal or abroad.

b) The evaluation criteria, in descending order of importance, are:

i) Adequacy and merit of the academic curriculum of the candidate taking into account the area of the call and requirements/profile mentioned in a), b) and c) of point 2;

ii) Previous relevant experience (including R&D projects and scientific publications in the project domain) considering the requirements and profile mentioned in in a), b) and c) of point 2;

iii) Interview [only to selected candidates based on criteria (i) and (ii)].

c) The final classification system of candidates is expressed by the following formula:

          Total: 0.5×A+0.40×B+0.10×C

In which:

          A is the classification between 0 and 5 obtained in criteria (i) of b);

          B is the classification between 0 and 5 obtained in criteria (ii) of b);

          C is the classification between 0 and 5 obtained in criteria (iii) of b).

8. If the "overall classification" of candidates results in values lower than 3.3 points, the jury may decide to close the call and to initiate a new call procedure.

9. Rules for the jury

a) The jury deliberates through nominal voting based in the selection criteria adopted and published, with no abstentions being allowed.

b) The meetings of the jury are registered in minutes, which contain a summary of the meeting, as well as the issued votes per each member and respective reasoning. The minutes can be supplied to the candidates whenever requested

c) Upon conclusion of the implementation of the evaluation criteria, the jury elaborates a ranking of all approved candidates with the respective classification.

10. Homologation

The final deliberation of the jury is homologated by the President of the institution, who also has the powers to hire the selected candidate.

11. Application procedure:

a) Applications are formalized with a letter, addressed to the President of the National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, mentioning the identification of this notice, as well as the following information of the applicant: full name, parents’ names, number and date of the respective identification document card (i.e. Portuguese Citizen's Card, Passport or other civil identification number), tax identification number, date and place of birth, marital status, profession, residence and contact address, including e-mail address and telephone contact.

b) The application has to be is accompanied by documents supporting the conditions established in points 2 and 7 for admission to the present call, namely:

  1. Copy of PhD certificate or diploma;
  2. Detailed CV structured according to the items in points 2 and 7;
  3. A motivation letter (with maximum 750 words) describing the suitability of the candidate and the relevance of his/her scientific trajectory to the this position, drafted in the English language;
  4. Indication, if possible, of at least two contacts from whom references about the candidate may be requested;
  5. Other documents relevant for the evaluation of the competence in “related disciplines relevant for the project”.

c) Candidates are requested to send their applications and supporting documents, in PDF format, via one of the following: (i) by e-mail; (ii) in person at the LNEG  - Alfragide campus, located at Estrada da Portela, Bairro do Zambujal, Alfragide, during the opening hours, or (iii) by post to the same address. When sent by post, the letter must be registered, with notice of reception, and posted until the last day of the deadline for the application, which is fixed in 35 working days after publication of this Notice.

d) The candidates whose application is not correctly formalized or who do not prove compliance with the requirements referred in this call are excluded from being admitted for evaluation. The jury has the right to request to any candidate the presentation of documents supporting their declarations, in case of doubt.

e) False declarations provided by candidates are punishable by Portuguese law.

12. Publication of results

The list of candidates admitted and excluded, as well as the final classification list, are published in the electronic page of LNEG, The candidates are notified by email with a delivery receipt notification.

13. Preliminary Hearing and Final Decision

Under the terms of article no. 121 of the Portuguese Administrative Procedure Code the candidates have, upon notification, 10 working days to comment. After 20 days from this deadline, the final jury’s decision is issued.

14. The present call is aimed, exclusively, to fill in the mentioned vacancy. The call can be terminated until the homologation of the final list ranking the candidates. The call expires with the occupation of the working position on offer.

15.Policy of non-discrimination and in equality in access: The National Laboratory of Energy and Geology actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and in equality in access. Therefore, no candidate can be preferred, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exempt of any duty on the basis of (namely): ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic status, instruction, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic disease nationality, ethnicity or breed, territory of origin, language, religion (creed), politics or ideological convictions, or workers’ union membership.

16. Under the terms of Decree-Law no. 29/2001, of the 3rd of February, in case of equal classification, the candidate with a handicap has preference, which prevails above any other preference right. The candidates must declare in the application form, under commitment of honor, the respective degree of disability, the type of handicap, and the means of communication/expression to use during the selection procedure, according to the terms of the above-mentioned Decree-Law.

Where to apply



Research Field
Economics » Other
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

Additional Information



is fixed according to the category of


Researcher, in accordance with the applicableprovisions of Portuguese legislation, namely Article no. 15 of RJEC and Decree-Law no. 11-A / C 2017. Thevalues correspond to the intermediary remuneration level between classes no. 53 and 54 of the remunerationtable, approved by Ordinance (Portaria) no. 1553-C/2008, 31


of December, which corresponds to the grossvalue of 3 230.21 Euros;

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Postal Code
2610-999 Amadora
Estrada da Portela Bairro do Zambujal Apartado 7586- Alfragide


Estrada da Portela Bairro do Zambujal Apartado 7586- Alfragide
Postal Code
2610-999 Amadora

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