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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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12 Dec 2022

Job Information

Organisation/Company Associação para a Inovação de Desenvolvimento da FCT
Premises of CENIMAT|i3N
Research Field
Engineering » Materials engineering
Chemistry » Other
Physics » Other
Technology » Nanotechnology
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

By decision of the Board of Directors, - Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT (“”) opens an international call to hire a PhD Researcher, with the internal reference “#NOVAID202”, under a unfixed term employment contract to conduct research activities in the field of Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics and Nanotechnology in the scope of the project SUPERIOT –“Truly Sustainable Printed Electronics-based IoT Combining Optical and Radio Wireless Technologies”, (ref. 101096021), funded by the European Union, in the scope of Horizon Europe framework.

1. Type of contract and applicable legislation

The hiring of the PhD Researcher shall be made by means of an Unfixed Term Employment Contract entered into in accordance with the Portuguese Labour Code approved by the Law no. 7/2009 of February 12th, as amended. The contract should have a forecasted duration of 35 months, and should not be extended further than the project duration. The contract should begin in 01-02-2023.

2. Main attributions and activities and exclusivity

The PhD Researcher shall (i) optimize the formulation of two-dimensional (2D) material inks prepared by liquid phase exfoliation techniques and/or combustion methods; (ii) conduct ink-jet, screen and flexographic printing processes and electrical characterization of devices (sensors, supercapacitors and memristors); (iii) participate in clean room processing to assist on the fabrication of the devices and (iv) participate in the supervision of MSc and PhD students whose theses are involved in the context of SUPERIOT project. The PhD Researcher shall fully devote the whole of his/her professional activity to, on an exclusive basis, unless it opts for the full-time regime.

3. Place of work

The PhD Researcher’s working place shall be at the premises of CENIMAT|i3N located in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de LIsboa and he/she shall travel, in Portugal or abroad, as  required by his/her attributions or as necessary for his/her activity.

4. Monthly remuneration

The PhD Researcher shall earn a monthly remuneration in the gross amount of €2.153,94 by reference to the 1st grade of the salary scale, pursuant to Regulatory Decree no. 11-A / 2017, of December 29, amended by Decree-Law nº 10-B / 2020, of 20 March. The monthly remuneration will be two thirds of the  abovementioned if the investigator opts for the full-time regime.

5. Admission Requirements

Applicants to this call may be national, foreign or stateless candidates holding a PhD degree in the field of Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering, Engineering Physics or related areas and preference will be given to whom has some of the requirements:

a. experience in the processing and characterization of nanomaterials and thin films produced by coating and printing methods;

b. Clean room processing including photolithography and thin film deposition techniques (PVD).

c. familiarity with techniques for morphological, electrical and structural characterization of electronic devices, such as sensors, supercapacitors and memristors;

d. fluency in the English language;

6. Evaluation of the Applications and Composition of the Jury

Applications shall be subject to evaluation by a jury that shall follow a similar procedure to the one established in articles 13 and 14 (by virtue of article 19) of Decree-Law no. 57/2016 of 19 July, as amended by Law no. 57/2017 of 29 August.

The jury is composed of the following members:

- Chairwoman: Dr. Joana Vaz Pinto;

- Member: Dr. Emanuel Carlos;

- Member: Dr. João Coelho;

- Substitute Member: Dr. Rita Branquinho;

- Substitute Member: Dr. Asal Kiazadeh.

7. Selection criteria

The selection of the successful candidate will be carried out through the evaluation of the scientific and curricular achievements and the selection criteria and their respective weighting shall be as follows, evaluated in a scale of 0 a 20:

a) Academic Curriculum (45 %);

b) Professional experience relevant to the project (45 %);

c) Quality of the Interview (10%).

The interview will be done only to the candidates with classification higher

than 75% (or 15 points) in the first two criteria.

8. Final Decision

The final deliberation of the jury shall be homologated by the ultimate governing body of that is also responsible for the decision of hiring.

The list of admitted and excluded candidates and the final list of classification will be publicised on the website of ( and sent by electronic mail with receipt of delivery to all candidates.

9. Submission of Applications

Applications must be submitted between 14/12/2022 a 24/01/2023, by email, addressed to with Prof. Joana Vaz Pinto in cc ( and containing a single PDF file with the following documents in Portuguese or English languages:

• Cover letter (2 pages maximum);

• Curriculum Vitae of the candidate (up to 5 pages maximum);

• Description of the 3 publications most relevant to the project (1 page maximum);

• Copy of the candidate's PhD certificate; 

o In case the PhD certificate is awarded by a foreign institution, candidates shall send together with their  application the certificate of Degree recognition in Portugal. Otherwise, the application will be excluded.

The subject of the e-mail should contain "Application to SUPERIOT project".

10. Non-discrimination and equal access policy actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, reason for which no candidate can be benefited, prejudiced or deprived of any duty, namely age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, religion or political beliefs.

Where to apply



Research Field
Engineering » Materials engineering
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

Applicants to this call may be national, foreign or stateless candidates holding a PhD degree in the field of Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering, Engineering Physics or related areas and preference will be given to whom has some of the requirements:

a. experience in the processing and characterization of nanomaterials and thin films produced by coating and printing methods;

b. Clean room processing including photolithography and thin film deposition techniques (PVD).

c. familiarity with techniques for morphological, electrical and structural characterization of electronic devices, such as sensors, supercapacitors and memristors;

d. fluency in the English language;

Additional Information


The PhD Researcher shall earn a monthly remuneration in the gross amount of €2.153,94 by reference to the 1st grade of the salary scale, pursuant to Regulatory Decree no. 11-A / 2017, of December 29, amended by Decree-Law nº 10-B / 2020, of 20 March. The monthly remuneration will be two thirds of the abovementioned if the investigator opts for the full-time regime.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants to this call may be national, foreign or stateless candidates holding a PhD degree in the field of Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering, Engineering Physics or related areas and preference will be given to whom has some of the requirements:

a. experience in the processing and characterization of nanomaterials and thin films produced by coating and printing methods;

b. Clean room processing including photolithography and thin film deposition techniques (PVD).

c. familiarity with techniques for morphological, electrical and structural characterization of electronic devices, such as sensors, supercapacitors and memristors;

d. fluency in the English language;

Selection process

Applications shall be subject to evaluation by a jury that shall follow a similar procedure to the one established in articles 13 and 14 (by virtue of article 19) of Decree-Law no. 57/2016 of 19 July, as amended by Law no. 57/2017 of 29 August.

The jury is composed of the following members:

- Chairwoman: Dr. Joana Vaz Pinto;

- Member: Dr. Emanuel Carlos;

- Member: Dr. João Coelho;

- Substitute Member: Dr. Rita Branquinho;

- Substitute Member: Dr. Asal Kiazadeh.

The selection of the successful candidate will be carried out through the evaluation of the scientific and curricular achievements and the selection criteria and their respective weighting shall be as follows, evaluated in a scale of 0 a 20:

a) Academic Curriculum (45 %);

b) Professional experience relevant to the project (45 %);

c) Quality of the Interview (10%).

The interview will be done only to the candidates with classification higher than 75% (or 15 points) in the first two criteria.

Additional comments

Applications must be submitted between 14/12/2022 a 24/01/2023, by email, addressed to with Prof. Joana Vaz Pinto in cc ( and containing a single PDF file with the following documents in Portuguese or English languages:

• Cover letter (2 pages maximum);

• Curriculum Vitae of the candidate (up to 5 pages maximum);

• Description of the 3 publications most relevant to the project (1 page maximum);

• Copy of the candidate's PhD certificate;

o In case the PhD certificate is awarded by a foreign institution, candidates shall send together with their application the certificate of Degree recognition in Portugal. Otherwise, the application will be excluded.

The subject of the e-mail should contain "Application to SUPERIOT project".

The final deliberation of the jury shall be homologated by the ultimate governing body of that is also responsible for the decision of hiring.

The list of admitted and excluded candidates and the final list of classification will be publicised on the website of ( and sent by electronic mail with receipt of delivery to all candidates. actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, reason for which no candidate can be benefited, prejudiced or deprived of any duty, namely age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, religion or political beliefs.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available


Campus de Caparica
Postal Code
2829-516 Caparica

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