- Portugal
Job Information
- Organisation/Company
- Instituto Superior Técnico
- Department
- Direção de Recursos Humanos
- Research Field
- Physics » Other
- Researcher Profile
- First Stage Researcher (R1)
- Positions
- Master Positions
- Country
- Portugal
- Application Deadline
- Type of Contract
- Not Applicable
- Job Status
- Not Applicable
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- Not funded by a EU programme
- Reference Number
- IPFN BASICO 2025-2029
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
Offer Description
Applications are open for 1 Research Studentship(s) (PhD students), within the framework of project 30% PEP 1018P.05859.1.09.07, IPFN BASICO 2025-2029 e 70% no Eurofusion – PEP 1018P.05872.1.01.01, financed by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC
Workplan: “Oxidation behaviour of boron coatings for nuclear fusion applications”. Boronization techniques will be used to cover the tungsten (W) first wall in ITER in order to decrease the contents of the main plasma impurity during reactor operation, oxygen. The aim of the worplan is to study the oxidation behaviour of boron (B) coatings, a beneficial process occurring after boronization. Thin B coatings will be deposited on W substrates and annealed under controlled times, temperatures and atmospheres. Ion beam analysis, electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and thermal desorption analytical techniques will be used to characterize the oxidation process.
Duration: The research fellowship(s) will have the duration of 12 months. It’s expected to begin in April 2025, and may be eventually renewed up to the maximum of 48 months, including the duration of the initial contract.
It is mandatory to formalize applications with the submission of the following documents: i) B1 Form – Fellowship application (http://drh.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/bolseiros/formularios/ ); ii) Curriculum Vitae; iii) academic degree certificate, where applicable; iv) proof of enrollment at an academic degree course (PhD); v) motivation letter.
Applications must be submitted to the email: bolsas@drh.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Where to apply
- bolsas@drh.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
- Research Field
- Physics » Other
- Education Level
- Master Degree or equivalent
Admission Requirements:To be enrolled at a PhD.
Additional Information
Monthly maintenance allowance: According to the values for Research Fellowships awarded by FCT in Portugal (https://www.fct.pt/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Tabela_valores_SMM_2025.pdf ), the amount of the monthly maintenance allowance is € 1309,64, being the payment method of the Fellow by wire transfer.
Admission Requirements:To be enrolled at a PhD.
Selection methods: The selection methods will be the following: Curriculum evaluation and individual interview with the respective weight of 60% and 40%.
Composition of the selection Jury: Dr. Carlos Silva (ist23913), Dra. Marta Dias (ist46980), Dr. Rodrigo Mateus (ist24807)
Announcement/ notification of the results: The final evaluation results will be communicated to all applicants by email.
Deadlines and procedures of complaint and appeal. A complaint may be lodged from the final decision within 15 working days, or an appeal to the Executive Board of IST-ID within 30 working days, both counted from the respective notification
Legislation and Regulations: Statute of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law nr. 40/2004, of August 18, as worded by Decree-Law nr. 123/2019, of August 28; FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships, available on https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/docs/RegulamentoBolsasFCT2019.pdf and https://dre.pt/application/file/a/127230968 .
Workplace: The work will be developed at IPFN, Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Estrada Nacional 10 (km 139,7), 2695-066 Bobadela LRS, under the scientific supervision of Dr. Norberto José Sobral Catarino and Dr. Rodrigo Clemente Velez Mateus.
- Website for additional job details
Work Location(s)
- Number of offers available
- 1
- Company/Institute
- ist
- Country
- Portugal
- Geofield
- City
- Lisboa
- Website
- Street
- Av. Rovisco Pais
- Postal Code
- 1049-001 Lisboa