- Portugal
Job Information
- Organisation/Company
- Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
- Department
- CIMO - Centro de Investigação de Montanha
- Research Field
- Agricultural sciences
- Researcher Profile
- First Stage Researcher (R1)
- Positions
- Master Positions
- Country
- Portugal
- Application Deadline
- Type of Contract
- Other
- Type of Contract Extra Information
- -
- Job Status
- Full-time
- Offer Starting Date
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- Not funded by a EU programme
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
Offer Description
The Consortium of Agricultural Sciences Schools (CECA) is launching a call for the award of 20 (twenty) Studentships, in the area of Agricultural Sciences, under the FCT Research Grant Regulation (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Statute (EBI).The grants will be funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the Collaboration Protocol signed between the FCT and the Consortium of Schools of Agricultural Sciences (CECA), within the scope of the Centro Ciência LP, Category 2 Center, under the auspices of UNESCO, in the area corresponding to Agricultural Sciences.The Consortium of Schools of Agricultural Sciences (CECA) is formed by the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) of the Universidade de Lisboa, the Universidade de Évora (UE), and the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD).
The call is open from 1st March 2025 to 23h59 (Lisbon time) of 30th April 2025. Applications and supporting documents foreseen in this Opening Notice must be submitted, obligatorily, by email sent to the email addresses of the respective institutions:
IPB – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança: ceca.bolsas@ipb.pt
ISA – Instituto Superior de Agronomia: ceca.bolsas@isa.ulisboa.pt
UE – Universidade de Évora: ceca.bolsas@uevora.pt
UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro: ceca.bolsas@utad.pt
Each candidate may submit only two applications to the call, under penalty of cancellation of all submitted applications. The provision of false statements or plagiarism by the candidates shall be grounds for cancellation of the application without prejudice to the adoption of other sanction measures.
The doctoral research grants are intended to fund research activities leading to the attainment of the academic degree of doctor in one of the Consortium institutions (IPB, ISA, UE and UTAD) under the Consortium of Schools of Agricultural Sciences (CECA). The research activities underlying the grants are carried out in one of the Research Units headquartered in the CECA member institutions (studentships "in the country"), which will be the host institution of the grantee, without prejudice to the work being carried out in collaboration between more than one institution.
Research activities should preferably be developed in collaboration with institutions in Portuguese-speaking African countries or East Timor, and address topics of interest to institutions in those countries. The research activities leading to the attainment of the academic degree of Doctor of the selected studentship holders must be framed in the activity plan and strategy of the R&D Units of the institutions that integrate the CECA, and must be developed within the scope of the following Doctoral Programmes:
• PhD in Agribusiness and Sustainability, from the EU and UTAD
• PhD in Agricultural Production Chains – From Table to Field, from UTAD – taught in English
• PhD in Animal Science, from UTAD • PhD in Biosystems Science and Technology, from IPB
• PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, from the EU
• PhD in Agronomic and Forestry Sciences, from UTAD
• PhD in Food Sciences, from the EU
• PhD in Veterinary Sciences, from the EU
• PhD in Veterinary Sciences, from the EU UTAD
• PhD in Agricultural Innovation in Tropical Food Chains, from ISA/ULisboa – taught in English
• PhD in Natural Product Technology, from IPB
• PhD in Sustainable Land Use, in one of its specialties (Agricultural Engineering, Food Engineering, Forestry and Natural Resources), from ISA/ULisboa
As a rule, the duration of PhD studentships is annual, renewable for up to a maximum of four years (48 months), and cannot be granted for a period less than 3 consecutive months.
PhD studentships are intended for applicants that are enrolled or that comply with the requirements to enrol on the Doctoral Programmes listed in this Notice (point 2) and that will carry out research towards this degree in research units associated with the respective doctoral programme, or in host institutions associated with CECA. Moreover, applicants should preferably do their research studies in collaboration with entities from their country of origin. Applicants must have a master's degree or a 5-year bachelor's degree in fields of study compatible with the chosen doctoral program.
4.1 Applicants's Admissibility Requirements
Citizens of Portuguese-speaking African countries or East Timor can apply for this call.
To apply for a PhD studentship, under this Notice, it is necessary:
• To be hold of a Bachelor's Degree lasting at least five years or a Master's Degree in the areas of Sciences and/or Agronomic, Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Animal Production Engineering, Veterinary Medicine or in areas of science and/or engineering considered to be related;
• Not to have benefited from a PhD or a PhD in industry studentship directly funded by FCT, regardless of its duration;
• Not to hold a doctoral degree.
4.2 Application's Admissibility Requirements
It is mandatory, under penalty of non-admissibility, to submit the following documents:
• Elements of the identity card/ citizen card/ passport;
• Curriculum Vitae (CV), using the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform. Register and fill in here https://www.cienciavitae.pt ; Consulte o Guia Ciência Vitae em caso de dúvidas: https://www.ciencialp.pt/guia-ciencia-vitae/
• Academic degree certificates indicating the final grade and if possible the final grade of disciplines obtained, or alternatively a candidate's statement of honour on how he/she completed the bachelor's or master's degree by the end of the application deadline;
• In case of foreign degrees (not obtained in Portugal) it is mandatory to submit the recognition of such degrees and the conversion of the final grade to the Portuguese grading scale or, alternatively, a candidate's statement of honour that he/she will obtain recognition of a foreign degree equivalent to that of a Bachelor or Master until the end of the application period. Failure to present the aforementioned recognition and the conversion of the final grade to the Portuguese grading scale of at least one of the academic degrees required for admission to this call (5-year Degree or Master's Degree), by the end of the application period, determines the minimum grade (zero points) in the evaluation of such degree, sub-criterion A1 "Academic background and marks obtained" (point 6.1);
• Motivation letter in which the applicant explains the reasons why wishes to enrol in one of the PhD Programs listed in this Notice. The candidate must also indicate his/her preference in relation to the consortium institution where he/she wish to carry out the PhD;
• Recommendation letters (two) signed by the respective issuer, one of which may be a letter of support from a higher education institution, employer or other, with precise reference to this call and to the doctoral program and institution to which he/she is applying. These letters should include the context of the academic and/or professional relationship of the candidate with the referee and, eventually, may refer to the applicant’s maturity and career path adequacy related to the proposed PhD program he/she is applying;
• The application and all documents associated with it, including letters of motivation and recommendation, should be written in Portuguese or English.
To support the process, consult the Application Guide here: https://www.ciencialp.pt/guia-de-candidatura/
Regarding the above mentioned admissibility requirements, the following should be noted:
• In case of foreign (non-Portuguese) academic degrees awarded by higher education institutions, and to guarantee the principle of equal treatment to applicants with national and foreign academic degrees, it is mandatory the recognition of these degrees and conversion of the respective final grade to the Portuguese grading scale.
• The recognition of foreign academic degrees and diplomas, and the conversion of the respective final grade to the Portuguese grading scale, can be issued by a Portuguese Public Higher Education Institution, or by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES, just in case of automatic recognition). It is suggested to visit the DGES portal at: http://www.dges.gov.pt.
• Only candidates who have completed a bachelor's or master's degree until the end of the application period will be admitted. If they still do not have a certificate of course completion, a statement of honour from the candidates that they have completed the necessary qualifications for the purposes of the call will be accepted by the end of the application period. Failure to present the course completion certificate specifying the final grade, by the end of the application deadline, determines the minimum grade (zero points) in the evaluation of the academic degree in question, concerning sub-criterion A1 "Academic background and marks obtained " (point 6.1).
• The studentship granting depends on the presentation, in the contracting phase, of proof of ownership of academic qualifications.
The candidate is exempt, at the time of application, from presenting the work plan to be developed, as well as the supervisor statement (and the supervisor Curriculum vitae). Thus, the members of the evaluation panel, in articulation with the Scientific Committees of the PhD Programs, will select the student scientific supervisor.
6.1 Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation takes into account the candidate's merit and motivation. All admitted applications will be scored on a scale from 0 to 100 points in each of the four evaluation criteria:
• Criterion A – Academic and professional background/path, and grades obtained;
- Subcriterion A1 - Academic path and grades obtained, with a weight of 40%,
- Subcriterion A2 - Professional career, with a weight of 20%,
• Criterion B – Interview (in person or by videoconference), with a weight of 20%; in case the jury decides not to interview the candidates, criteria C and D will have a weight of 20% each;
• Criterion C - Research activity, publications and additional training, with a weight of 10%;
• Criterion D - Letter of motivation and letters of recommendation/institutional support, with a weight of 10%.
For the purposes of the decision on granting studentships, candidates will be ranked according to the weighted average of the classification obtained in each of the four criteria, converted into the following formula:
Final Grade = (0.4 × A1 + 0.2 × A2) + (0.2×B) + (0.1×C) + (0.1×D)
For tiebreaking purposes, the final ranking list will be based on the scores assigned to each evaluation criteria in the following order: criterion A, criterion B, criterion C and criterion D.
The jury will try to distribute the studentship holders in a balanced way among the consortium schools, preferentially attributing 5 studentships per institution.
Important notice for candidates with degrees issued by foreign higher education institutions:
• Candidates with diplomas issued by foreign higher education institutions can apply and will be evaluated with the same criteria as candidates with diplomas issued by Portuguese institutions, provided that they present, in their application, proof of recognition of academic degrees and conversion of the final grade for the Portuguese grading scale under the applicable legislation.
• Applicants with recognized foreign diplomas who do not present proof of conversion of the final grade to the Portuguese grading scale will be evaluated with the minimum grade (zero points) of that degree in the sub-criterion A1.
• In any case, studentship contracts with candidates with diplomas issued by foreign institutions will only be concluded upon presentation of proof of recognition of the academic degree(s) and conversion of the final grade, as indicated above.
Candidates whose application is scored with a final grade lower than 70 points are not eligible for studentship granting.
6.2 Disability Bonuses
Applicants that state a degree of disability equal to or above 90% shall have a bonus of 20% on criterion A – Academic and professional background, and grades obtained. Applicants that state a degree of disability equal to or above 60% and under 90%, shall have a bonus of 10% in this criterion. The degree of disability should be duly proven by submitting, at the time of application, the document Atestado de Incapacidade Multiuso, issued according to the Decree-Law no. 202/96, of 23 of October, in its current version.
The evaluation panel is composed of the following members:
• José Alberto Cardoso Pereira, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB); Coordinator;
• Albino António Bento, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB);
• Cristina Vitória Miranda Guedes, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD);
• Fernanda Maria dos Reis Torroaes Valente, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa (ISA/ULisboa);
• Luís Leopoldo de Sousa e Silva, Universidade de Évora (UE);
• Maria Emília Calvão Moreira da Silva, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD);
• Maria Manuel Cordeiro Salgueiro Romeiras, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa (ISA/ULisboa);
• Rui Manuel de Almeida Machado, Universidade de Évora (UE).
• Ana Paula Calvão Moreira da Silva, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD);
• Cristina Maria Moniz Simões Oliveira, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa (ISA/ULisboa).
The evaluation panel will analyse applications considering the evaluation criteria disclosed in the Notice of the Call, considering all the appreciation elements. All panel members, including the coordinator, commit to respecting a set of responsibilities essential to the evaluation process, such as the duties of impartiality, the statement of any potential conflict of interest situations and confidentiality. During the evaluation process, confidentiality is fully protected to ensure the independence of all opinions produced.
For each application, a final evaluation form will be prepared by the panel where the arguments that led to the classifications attributed to each of the criteria and sub-criteria are presented in a clear, coherent and consistent manner, also explaining any bonuses awarded.
Reports of the responsibility of all its members will be produced from the meetings of the evaluation panel.
The reports and their attachments must include the following information:
• Name and affiliation of all evaluation panel members;
• Identification of all excluded applications and their respective justification;
• Methodology adopted by the panel for cases considered to be particular;
• Final Evaluation form for each candidate;
• Provisional ranking list of candidates, in descending order of final classification, of all applications evaluated by the jury, without ties;
• Conflict of interest (COI) declarations from all panel members;
• Possible delegation of votes and powers due to excused absence of any panel member.
The evaluation results are disclosed via e-mail to the e-mail address used by the candidate to send the application or indicated in the application.
Once the provisional ranked list of the evaluation results has been communicated, applicants may use their right to dispute it during the preliminary hearing phase, which takes place within 10 working days, according to Articles no. 121 and the following of the Administrative Procedure Code (CPA). The final decision will be disclosed after the analysis of applicants’ arguments presented in the preliminary hearing. Final decision can be claimed within 15 working days or, alternatively, appealed within 30 working days, after the communication of the final results, respectively. Applicants who choose to submit a claim must address their statement to the member of the Board of Directors of the FCT with delegated competence. Applicants who choose to submit an appeal must address it to the FCT Board of Directors.
Research studentship contracts are signed directly with the FCT. The following documents are of mandatory submission, upon conditional granting of the studentship for purposes of contracting thereof:
a) Copy of the documents of personal identification, tax number and, if applicable, social security;
b) Copy of the academic degree certificates;
c) Presentation of the registration of recognition of foreign academic degrees and conversion of the respective final grade to the Portuguese grading scale, if applicable;
d) Work Plan;
e) Document proving the acceptance and registration in one of the Doctoral Programmes identified in this Notice;
f) Supervisor(s) statement declaring to coordinate the work plan, as established in Article no. 5-A of the Statute for Research Fellowships (template will be made available by FCT);
g) Institutional document supporting the applicant, issued by the institution(s) where the work plan will be carried out, guaranteeing the necessary conditions to its successful development, as well as the fulfilment of the duties established in Article no. 13 of the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (template will be made available by FCT);
h) Updated document proving the exclusivity dedication regime (template will be made available by FCT).
The studentship granting is still dependent on:
• The fulfilment of all the requirements listed in this Notice of the Call;
• The results of evaluation;
• The absence of unjustified non-compliance of the fellowship holder during previous directly or indirectly FCT funded fellowships;
• FCT available budget.
The lack of any of the necessary documents to complete the contracting procedure implies the expiration of the studentship granting and conclusion of the process; applicants have up to 6 months after the disclosure of the provisional granting to present all of the listed documents.
Payment of scholarships will begin after candidates return the scholarship contract duly signed, which must occur within a maximum period of 15 working days from the date of its receipt. The scholarships awarded under this call will be financed by FCT with funds from the State Budget and, when eligible, with funds from the European Social Fund, in accordance with the regulatory provisions established for this purpose.
A monthly maintenance allowance is granted to studentship holders, in accordance with the table in Annex I of the RBI (https://www.ciencialp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Regulamento-950_2019_bolsas.pdf).
The studentship may also include additional allowances, according to RBI’s Article no. 18 and the values indicated in its Annex II.
All studentship holders have a personal accident insurance related to the research activities, which FCT will support.
All studentship holders who are not beneficiaries of any social protection regime can use the right to social security through the voluntary social insurance regime, under the terms of the Contributory Scheme of the Social Security System. FCT will ensure the charges resulting from contributions under the terms and with the limits provided in Article no. 10 of the EBI.
The scholarship recipient will benefit from their scholarship on an exclusive basis, in accordance with article 5 of the RBI.
Payments due to the studentship holder are made by bank transfer to the respective indicated account. The monthly maintenance allowance is paid on the first working day of each month.
Registration, enrolment or tuition fees components are payed directly by FCT to the institution where the studentship is registered and enrolled.
The renewal of the studentship always depends on applicant’s submission, within 60 working days prior to the renewal start date, of the following documents:
a) Declaration issued by the supervisor(s) and by the host institution(s) attesting the work plan development and the evaluation of the respective activities;
b) Updated document proving compliance with the exclusive dedication regime;
c) Declaration demonstrating the enrolment renewal in the study cycle leading to the doctoral degree.
During the scholarship grant period, students will be duly monitored by the Centro Ciência LP, Category 2 Center, under the auspices of UNESCO, in full coordination with the Consortium of Schools of Agricultural Sciences (CECA), which will coordinate additional activities, leading to the development of complementary skills, namely through Summer or Winter School, seminars or thematic workshops, etc.
In all R&D activities directly or indirectly financed by the scholarship, in particular, in all communications, publications and scientific creations, as well as theses, carried out with the support provided for by the scholarship, mention of financial support from the FCT and the European Social Fund must be made. To this end, the insignia of the FCT, MCTES, FSE and EU must be included in the documents relating to these actions, in accordance with the graphic standards of each operational program.
The dissemination of research results funded under the RBI must comply with the open access standards for data, publications and other research results in force in the FCT.
For all scholarships, and in particular in the case of actions supported by community funding, namely from the ESF, monitoring and control actions may be carried out by national and community bodies in accordance with applicable legislation in this matter, with supported scholarship holders being obliged to collaborate and provide the requested information, which includes carrying out surveys and evaluation studies in this area, even if the scholarship has already ended.
FCT promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, thus no applicant may be privileged, benefited, damaged, or deprived of any right or exempted from any duty. This includes ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnicity or race, land of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs or trade union affiliation.
The present call is governed by this Notice of the Call, the FCT Regulation of Research Fellowships, approved by the Regulation no. 950/2019, published in the Series II of the DR, of 16th December, by the Research Fellowship Holder Statute, approved by the Law no. 40/2004, of 18th of August, in its current version, and by other applicable national and European legislation.
Careful reading of the information necessary for the submission of applications for the Doctoral Programs in each of the CECA universities/schools is recommended.
General information on the Doctoral Admission Regime for the academic year:
IPB (Bragança) - https://ipb.pt/pt/estudar/cursos/doutoramento
ISA (Lisboa) - https://www.isa.ulisboa.pt/ensino/doutoramentos
UE (Évora) - https://www.uevora.pt/estudar/cursos/doutoramentos
UTAD (Vila Real) - https://utad.pt/estudar/inicio/doutoramentos
More information at:
Consórcio de Escolas de Ciências Agrárias;
Centro Ciência LP, sob os auspícios da UNESCO:
Where to apply
- ceca.bolsas@ipb.pt
- Research Field
- Agricultural sciences
- Education Level
- Master Degree or equivalent
Additional Information
Work Location(s)
- Number of offers available
- 20
- Company/Institute
- IPB – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança; ISA – Instituto Superior de Agronomia; UE – Universidade de Évora; UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
- Country
- Portugal
- Geofield
- State/Province
- Bragança
- City
- Bragança
- Website
- Street
- Campus de Sta Apolónia
- Postal Code
- 5300-253
- cimo@ipb.pt
- Phone
- 273303382