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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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30 Oct 2024

Job Information

Medizinische Universität Wien (Medical University of Vienna)
Research Field
Researcher Profile
Established Researcher (R3)
Other Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Not Applicable
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Tenure-track assistant professor “Machine Learning in the Life Sciences”, with the opportunity to acquire a EUR 1.8 million startup grant from the Vienna Science and Technology Fund

The Medical University of Vienna is looking for excellent candidates to start a new research group in the field of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) research in the broader context of medicine and the life sciences. This could, for instance, include novel AI/ML methods for fundamental or clinical research in any area of medicine, human biology & diseases, neuroscience, cognitive sciences, novel biology-inspired or clinical AI/ML methodology, the study of large real-world patient populations, novel AI/ML approaches in healthcare, the prevention of diseases, and healthy living/ageing. We appreciate a strong computational background and the ambition to develop novel methods, algorithms, or innovative applications.

The successful candidate will launch their independent scientific career in an ambitious and collaborative environment at one of Europe’s leading biomedical and clinical research institutions, with the institutional support to build a globally competitive research group. Moreover, the Medical University of Vienna will endorse and support the successful candidate’s application for a Vienna Research Group grant by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund, which can provide a EUR 1.8 million research budget over six to eight years (

The Medical University of Vienna is one of Europe’s premier biomedical and clinical research institutions. We are looking for a highly qualified scientist who will advance the field of deep learning with ambitious and novel approaches, enthusiasm for inter- and multidisciplinary research, and commitment to teaching. 

The candidate will become part of the faculty at the newly founded “Integrated Center for AI in Medicine” (, which unites an interdisciplinary group of researchers in the area of AI/ML. The candidate will join on a dual appointment any of the units active in this area, for instance the AI Institute (, the Computational Imaging Research Lab (, or any of the clinical or pre-clinical departments of the Medical University of Vienna, such as Biomedical Imaging, Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine, Dermatology, Oncology, Pathology, Pharmacology, etc. (

The candidate should have outstanding research expertise in AI/ML methods and an interest (and, if possible, demonstrated research experience) in applications of machine learning / artificial intelligence in medicine or the life sciences in a broad sense. Synergies with areas of established research in Vienna are a plus. This includes the research clusters of the Medical University of Vienna and research institutes such as Max Perutz Labs and CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

We offer: 

The successful candidate will be offered a tenure-track Assistant Professor position (according to § 99 (5) Austrian University Law 2002) for a maximum duration of six years. If, during this time, the successful candidate meets the tenure criteria stipulated in the qualification agreement, they will be promoted to tenured Associate Professor. Details are described in the university’s official career development guidelines ( The gross salary for this position is based on the collective agreement for university employees (§49, A2) and may be adjusted depending on previous work experience.

The Medical University of Vienna provides an excellent research environment, including an international PhD program and an Integrated Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, which brings together scientists across departments and disciplines. The position comes with a highly competitive remuneration and benefits package. The Medical University of Vienna may hire up to three tenure-track assistant professors based on a competitive selection process.

Where to apply



Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

Your profile: 

  • Scientific education, including a PhD or similar degree obtained within the last eight years
  • International recognition in the broader field of artificial intelligence/machine learning research
  • An interest in applications in medicine in a broad sense (including healthcare, decision support, human biology, diseases, neuroscience)
  • A track record of strong publications and acquisition of peer-reviewed third-party funding
  • Educational and didactic qualifications, including supervision of Master’s and PhD students
  • Diversity and gender competence
  • International working experience

Additional Information

Selection process

The Medical University of Vienna aims to increase the proportion of women in leadership positions, encouraging qualified female candidates to apply. In case of equivalent qualifications, preference will be given to female applicants. Subsidised childcare facilities are available on campus.

Application documents: 

Please submit your application in English to no later than 31st December 2024. All application materials should be merged into a single PDF document. 

Applications should include: 

  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications 
  • List of five key publications with download links
  • Summary of research and teaching activities 
  • A concept of future research plans 
  • Contact details of three referees

Candidates are also requested to complete an application fact sheet (PDF file) and two supplementary tables (Excel files):, which should be included in the application materials. Information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation can be found at

Professor Markus Müller, MD

Additional comments

About us

The Medical University of Vienna is one of Europe’s most established institutions of medical training research, training, and practice. It was part of the University of Vienna, founded in 1365 and became an independent university in 2004. With 8,000 students, it is the largest medical training facility in the German-speaking countries. It comprises 30 departments, two clinical institutes, 13 basic science centres, and numerous specialised laboratories, making the Medical University of Vienna one of the most important institutions of cutting-edge research in biomedicine. (

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Medical University of Vienna
Postal Code
Spitalgasse 23


Spitalgasse 23
Postal Code

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