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Job offer

  • JOB
  • Portugal
  • FEUP
  • Posted on: 29 October 2024

FEUP | Permanent Position - Assistant Researcher - Propostal 1235

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29 Oct 2024

Job Information

Human Resources Division
Research Field
Engineering » Other
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
PhD Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description



1. By order of 22/10/2024, the Dean of FEUP, Professor Doctor Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada, deliberated to open for a period of 15 working days, counting from the working day immediately following the publication of this notice in the “Diário da República”, an international selection procedure for the recruitment of one (1) Assistant Researcher (permanent position), under the Regulation for Research, Science and Technology Personnel of the University of Porto, Regulation Nr. 487/2020, of 22 May, hereinafter referred to as RDIUP, in its current version, by the Portuguese Labor Code, in its current version and by other applicable legislation and regulatory standards, for the scientific fields of Environment Engineering, of the R&D Unit Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente of the Department of Civil and Georesources Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), namely in the subfields of mining and mineral processing.

This recruitment is being carried out in accordance with the FCT-Tenure Programme and with the funding line provided for in Article 137 of the Lei do Orçamento de Estado of 2024 to promote the hiring of doctoral graduates exclusively for permanent positions by integrating them into research careers.

2. Composition of the Jury

By nos. 1 and 2 of article 22 of the RPIUP and in accordance with the respective appointment order, the jury has the following composition:


Professor Doctor João Manuel Abreu dos Santos Baptista, Full Professor, Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Porto


Professor Doctor Maria de Lurdes Proença de Amorim Dinis, Associate Professor, Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Porto

Professor Doctor Maria Cristina da Costa Vila, Associate Professor, Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Porto

Professor Doctor José António de Almeida, Associate Professor, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Professor Doctor Leonardo Azevedo Guerra Raposo Pereira, Associate Professor, Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa

Professor Doctor Maria Amélia Alves Rangel Dionísio Associate Professor, Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa

Professor Doctor José Manuel Marques, Associate Professor, Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa

3. Remuneration

The monthly remuneration is provided in Annexes I and II of RPIUP, corresponding to level 9 of the 1st remuneration position, in the amount of 3.427,59 €, on exclusive dedication.

4. General admission requirements

The applicants may be national, foreign and stateless, who hold a Doctor's degree in Mining engineering or a related engineering area, with a scientific and professional curriculum that reveals an adequate profile for the activity to be developed and with relevant experience in the scientific area to which they apply. 

 If the doctoral degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must be recognised by a Portuguese higher education institution under the terms of article 4.º of the Decree-Law no. 66/2018, published in the Official Gazette, 1st series, no. 157 of 16 August. This formality must be accomplished until the time of signing the contract.

5. Special admission requirements

5.1. If the applications are admitted considering the criteria of paragraph 4., the Jury shall decide on their approval or non-approval by justified nominal vote, and abstentions are not allowed, raising the special admission requirements.

5.2. The candidate approved by an absolute majority of the voting jury members shall be considered approved.

5.3. The approval of the candidates depends on assessing the scientific and curricular path compatible with the disciplinary area for which the call was opened and suitable for the performance of functions in the respective category of researcher, as documented in the respective curriculum vitae.

5.4. For the evaluation referred to in the preceding paragraph, the favourable vote shall be based cumulatively on the qualitative and quantitative requirements, and, to determine the appropriate profile for the activity to be carried out, the applicant shall have research experience in at least one of CERENA's strategic areas: Energy, Environment and Raw Materials.

6. By Article 26 of the RPIUP, the selection is made through the evaluation of the scientific and curricular careers of the candidates.

7. The evaluation of the scientific and curricular career, considering the appropriate profile for the activity to be developed, focuses on the relevance, quality, and current impact of the following criteria:

  1. Scientific, technological, cultural, or artistic production from the last five years that the candidate considers most relevant to the recruitment area, as well as applied or practice-based research deemed to have the most significant impact in the recruitment area;
  2. Activities related to the extension and dissemination of knowledge, particularly in the context of promoting culture and scientific practices, that the candidate considers most relevant; and management activities in science, technology, and innovation programs, or experience in observing and monitoring the scientific and technological system.

8. Selection methods

8.1. By Article 26 of the RPIUP, the selection is made through the evaluation of the scientific and curricular careers of the candidates.

8.2. The selection process will take place in two phases:

8.2.1 Evaluation of the Scientific and Curriculum Vitae (ESCC);

8.2.2 Professional Interview (PI), to be held for the three candidates with the best score in the Evaluation of the Scientific and Curriculum Vitae (ESCC). 

9. Evaluation of Selection Methods

Each jury member evaluates the scientific and curricular trajectory of each admitted candidate on a scale of 0 to 100 points, with scoring up to two decimal places. The classification is obtained through the weighting defined in the criteria to be evaluated.

10. Evaluation Method for the Scientific and Curricular Path (APCC)

For the evaluation of the Scientific and Curricular Path (APCC), the following criteria are weighted according to the requirements of the duties corresponding to the position for which the competition is open:

  1. Scientific performance in the area or subfields for which the competition is open;
  2. Transfer and valorization of knowledge;
  3. Management and communication of science and technology.

11. Evaluation of the Scientific and Curricular Path

In applying the criteria mentioned in point 10, the following parameters are evaluated, with the weighting factors indicated:

11.1. Scientific Performance (DC) in the area or subfields for which the competition is open:

DC1 - Scientific Production: Quantity and quality of scientific production, indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science, in the area and specific domain for which the recruitment process is open (books, journal articles, conference papers, conference presentations), expressed by the number and type of publications and the recognition they receive from the scientific community (reflected in the quality of the publication venues and references by other authors).

DC2 - Coordination and Participation in Scientific Projects: Quality and quantity of scientific projects in which the candidate participated, in the specific area and domain for which the recruitment process is open, funded on a competitive basis by public funds through national or international agencies or companies, and the results obtained. Emphasis is placed on coordinating projects and participating in international projects and networks. The evaluation considers the candidate’s contribution (coordination or participation), the amount of funding obtained, the level of competitiveness of the funding competition, the evaluations of completed projects, and any prototypes developed.

11.2. Transfer and Valorization of Knowledge (TVC):

TVC1 - Patents, Registrations, and Ownership Rights, Preparation of Technical Standards and Legislation: Authorship and co-authorship of patents, intellectual property rights registrations on software, mathematical methods, and mental activity rules. Participation in the development of legislative projects and technical standards.

TVC2 - Projects with Companies and Institutions and Consulting Services: Coordination and participation in projects with companies and institutions aimed at improving products and services; Coordination and participation in consultancy activities involving the business community and the public sector; Specialized services aimed at solving problems requiring advanced knowledge, requested by external entities.

TVC3 - Science and Technology Dissemination: Coordination and participation in scientific and technological dissemination initiatives aimed at the scientific community (e.g., organizing conferences and symposia) and various audiences. Publications in scientific and technological dissemination in the specific area and domain relevant to the recruitment process.

11.3. Science and Technology Management and Communication (GCCT)

Activities related to the management and communication of science and technology in the field for which the recruitment process is open: (a) participation in management bodies or performance of duties relevant to the mission of the University of Porto, especially the research unit in which the competition is based; (b) active contribution to the definition and fulfilment of scientific policies, particularly open science; (c) collaboration in evaluation committees for activities of a technical and scientific nature, promoted by national or international entities, namely within the scope of calls for projects, scholarships or prizes.Top of Form


12. Professional Selection Interview (EPS)

12.1 In the application of the selection method through the interview (EPS), the Selection Committee will assess the following factors:

EPS 1 - Didactic-pedagogical skills, including oral expression abilities, interpersonal relationship skills, and knowledge of Portuguese and English. The depth and scope of knowledge in didactics and pedagogy within the context of higher education teaching will be evaluated, as well as the essential competencies for effective advanced training, particularly oral expression abilities and fluency and coherence in Portuguese and English.

EPS 2 - The breadth of education and scientific knowledge acquired in the specific area and domain for which the recruitment process is open. The depth and scope of scientific knowledge in the relevant area and domain for the application will be assessed.

12.2. The weighting of each factor mentioned in the preceding issues is indicated in Annex I. 

13. Voting methodology of the jury

13.1. The jury's deliberations are taken by absolute majority, and abstentions are not allowed. 

13.2. After the admission of the candidates, and before starting the votes for the final ranking of the candidates, in the Evaluation of the Scientific and professional path, each member of the jury presents a written document to be attached to the minutes, with an orderly list of candidates in descending order of merit, duly substantiated, considering the criteria and parameters of the present call.

13.3. The Jury will use the following selection methodology:

  1. Will be positioned in the place to order, the candidate who, in each voting, obtains the absolute majority;
  2. Voting shall be carried out by the method of successive voting; 
  3. By point 13.2, the Jury votes initially for first place, then for the second place and so on until the final ranking of all the candidates admitted to the competition; 
  4. If a candidate obtains an absolute majority of the votes, he or she is ordered into the place that is being voted and is removed from the scrutiny, and the procedure to choose the candidate who will occupy the next seat begins and so on;
  5. If an absolute majority of the votes is not reached in the voting for any of the places, the Jury shall proceed to repeat the voting for the place in question, but excluding in each of the voting held, up to a limit of three, the candidate with the least votes, in order to find a candidate who reach the absolute majority of the votes;
  6. In the event of a tie to determine the candidate with the lowest number of votes, under the terms of the preceding paragraph, the Jury shall repeat the voting up to a limit of three, only among the candidates in a tie situation, and the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be excluded from each voting session.

13.4. If an absolute majority of the votes are not reached after the votes provided for in paragraph 13.3, or if the tie remains, the President of the Jury will have a vote of quality.  

13.5 In the various votes, each member of the Jury shall comply with the order which he/she has presented in the document referred to in paragraph 13.2.

13.6. From the jury meetings, minutes containing a summary of what has occurred therein are drawn up, indicating the meaning of the votes by each member and their reasons.

14. Application formalisation

Applications must be submitted exclusively on the FEUP website at the following address: Refª On-line 1235.

15. Processing of the applications

15.1. The application must be instructed with the following documents, being mandatory, the documents contained in points (a) to (d):

  1. Curriculum Vitae, containing all the information relevant to the evaluation of the application, considering the selection methods of this notice, namely the information on scientific publications of the SCI/or SCOPUS databases, including quartiles of journals, impact factors of journals and citation indicators. The applicant shall structure the curriculum in such a way as to facilitate the rapid and complete identification of his contribution in the scientific area in which the call is opened in each of the subparagraphs specified in the selection methods.
  2. Certificate of Qualifications proving the ownership and date of obtaining the degree required for the call and, where applicable, the recognition of that degree, title or certificate by paragraph 4. 
  3. Scientific publications, selected by the candidate, up to a maximum of 5, duly justified, which the candidate considers the most significant for the recruitment area. 
  4. Any documents considered relevant by the candidates for the assessment of their merits.

15.2. Candidates belonging to the University of Porto are exempted from presenting the supporting documents that are part of their individual process.

15.3. Failure to comply with the deadline for submission of the application, failure to submit or submission of any of the documents referred to in points (a) to (d) of point 15.1 of mandatory submission shall determine the exclusion of the application. The decision to exclude shall be communicated to applicants by e-mail for the purpose of holding the hearing of the persons concerned.

15.4. When necessary, the Jury requests the candidates to provide additional documentation related to the presented curriculum vitae, as follows: a) the documentation referred to is not intended for the presentation of elements not referenced in the curriculum vitae, nor to the combination of missing documents required in the notice; b) all candidates are made aware that additional documentation has been requested.

16. False statements

False statements made by candidates will be punished in accordance with the law.

17.  Participation of candidates and decision 

17.1. The draft decision on the final ranking of candidates shall be notified by e-mail, with a receipt for delivery of the notification, for the purposes of the hearing of the persons concerned, by the Code of Administrative Procedure.

17.2. The deadline for candidates to be heard in writing is ten working days from the first working day immediately following the delivery date of the message, by the Code of Administrative Procedure.

17.3. After the hearing of the concerned candidates, the Jury appreciates the allegations.

17.4. After the deadline for hearing the concerned candidates, without any candidate expressing an opinion, the draft decision is converted into a final decision.

18. Final decision period

18.1. Within 90 days from the deadline for the submission of applications, the counting shall be suspended during the hearing of the interested parties, and the jury's final decision shall be given.

18.2. The final ranking of candidates is submitted for approval by the Rector of the University of Porto, and the candidates are notified as defined in paragraph 17.1.

19. Policy of non-discrimination and equal access: FEUP actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access so that no candidate may be privileged, benefited, impaired or deprived of any right or exempt from any duty due to, inter alia, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation,  marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and syndical affiliation.

20. Under D.L. No. 29/2001 of February 3, a disabled candidate has a preference for equal classification, which prevails over any other legal preference. Candidates must declare in the application, on a commitment of honour, their degree of disability, the type of disability and the means of communication/expression to be used in the selection process by the diploma mentioned above.


Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, 22/10/2024

Dean of FEUP - Professor Rui Artur Bártolo Calçada


Annex I

Table 1. Weights of criteria and sub-criteria of the evaluation of the scientific and curricular career






(Scientific performance)


DC1 (Scientific Production)


DC2 (Coordination and participation in scientific projects)



(Valorization and Knowledge Transfer)


TVC1 (Patents, registration and intellectual property)


TVC2 (Projects with companies and consulting services)


TVC3 (Dissemination of science and technology)



(Science and Technology Management)


Activities of management and communication of science and technology



Evaluation of Scientific and Curricular Career

APCC = 0,70 x DC + 0,20 TVC + 0,10 x GCCT 


Table 2. Weights in the Professional Interview



EPS1 (Didatic-Pedagogical Skills)


EPS2 (Scope of the formation and scientific knowledge)



Professional Interview

EPS = 0,50x EPS1 + 0,50 x EPS2 


Table 3. Weight of the selection methods



Curricular evaluation (APCC)


Interview (EPS)



The final result (RF) shall be calculated by:

RF = APCC x 0,70 + EPS x 0,30

Where to apply



Research Field
Engineering » Other
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

Full announcement also available at

Applications must be formalized at, reference on-line no. 1235, and must be submitted by 23h59 (local time) on 20/11/2024.

Specific Requirements

Full announcement also available at

Applications must be formalized at, reference on-line no. 1235, and must be submitted by 23h59 (local time) on 20/11/2024.

Additional Information


3.427,59 Euros

Eligibility criteria

Full announcement also available at

Applications must be formalized at, reference on-line no. 1235, and must be submitted by 23h59 (local time) on 20/11/2024.

Selection process

Full announcement also available at

Applications must be formalized at, reference on-line no. 1235, and must be submitted by 23h59 (local time) on 20/11/2024.

Additional comments

Full announcement also available at

Applications must be formalized at, reference on-line no. 1235, and must be submitted by 23h59 (local time) on 20/11/2024.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Postal Code


Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
Postal Code

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