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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

  • JOB
  • Poland

Full-time research and teaching assistant professor

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The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
28 Aug 2024

Job Information

University of Warsaw
Research Field
Cultural studies » Other
Literature » Other
Researcher Profile
Established Researcher (R3)
Other Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Dean of the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw
announces a contest
for a position of full-time research and teaching assistant professor
in the discipline of culture and religion studies as well as literary studies
in the Institute of Applied Polish Studies
Section of Editing and Stylistics
(number of positions: 1, permanent contract,  
anticipated starting day: 1.03.2025)

Where to apply



Research Field
Cultural studies » Other
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Literature » Other
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

-    A post-doctoral degree (doktor habilitowany) in humanities, in the discipline of culture and religion studies or cultural studies or literary studies. 
-    Ph.D. in humanities, in the discipline of culture and religion studies or cultural studies or literary studies.
-    Research experience in cultural anthropology as well as popular literature and culture, confirmed by book publications, editing or co-editing of collective volumes, publication of articles in collective monographs and peer-reviewed journals as well as conference speeches.
-    Experience in conducting research projects.
-    Teaching experience at an academic level, in particular in teaching cultural and literary classes, original classes (seminars, conversation classes), as well as writing courses or workshops.
-    Achievements in the mentoring and training of young staff.
-    Experience in international cooperation.
-    Experience in organisational work for a higher education institution.
-    Experience in dissemination and popularisation of science.
-    Your own literary output will be an asset.

Specific Requirements

-    Conducting active research in the discipline of culture and religion studies as well as literary studies, including: participating in domestic and international conferences, regular publishing of research findings (especially in highly scored publications and journals included in the lists of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education); cooperation with other research institutes domestically and internationally; willingness to raise funding for research (e.g. grants from National Science Centre, Ministry of Science and Higher Education etc.).
-    Conducting classes in the Polish language – both proprietary and included in syllabuses of the Faculty of Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw – especially cultural and literary classes as well as writing workshops; willingness to continuously improve professional skills and competencies in teaching; tutor students.
-    Participating in organisational activities, undertaking and responsible performing organisational duties and functions, especially those resulting from the current needs of the Faculty of Polish Studies and the Institute of Applied Polish Studies and related to research or education conducted in the Faculty.

Internal Application form(s) needed
(73.37 KB - PDF)

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria

Required documents:
1.    Application for the contest addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Polish Studies (please include the reference number of the contest announcement).
2.    Academic CV with the information on foregoing didactic and organisational activities as well as career history.
3.    List of publications.
4.    A plan of future research activities.
5.    Certified copy of Ph.D. and post-doctoral (doktor habilitowany) diplomas, copies of documents proving skills and experience.
6.    A personal questionnaire; the form is available on the Human Resources Office’s website:….
7.    A declaration that the contestant knows and accepts the conditions of the contests for academic teachers published on the website of the Faculty of Polish Studies (
8.    A declaration that the University of Warsaw will be the primary place of employment of the contestant; the form is available on the Human Resources Office’s website:….
9.    Declaration of consent to the processing of candidate’s personal data for recruitment processes at the University of Warsaw (with the following content: “I hereby give my consent to the processing of my personal data, included in this application, by the University of Warsaw, headquartered at 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, 00-927 Warsaw, to conduct the recruitment process and select an employee and concluding a contract of employment at the University of Warsaw. I have been informed of my rights and obligations. Providing my personal data is voluntary") together with the form “Information on the processing of personal data” available on the Human Resources Office website:….

The above-mentioned documents should be sent by e-mail to: (in the form of pdf files, preferably all documents in one file labelled 'name – contest'). Please include the contest reference number in the subject line of the message. 


The documents listed in items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 must be accompanied by a handwritten signature (and scanned as such).

Candidates are required to present original documents to the committee on request.
In case of employment, the successful candidate is required to provide original documents.

Applications sent after this deadline will not be considered.

Selection process

The Faculty Contest Committee will adjudicate the contest in accordance with Ordinance No. 106 of the Rector of the UW dated September 27, 2019 (consolidated text: Announcement No. 25 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw dated 7.09.2020, Monitor UW of 2020, item 388) and the Rules of the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw, attached to Ordinance No. 13 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw dated 22.01.2020 (Monitor UW of 2020, item 42). 
The Committee, after conducting a preliminary selection procedure, may decide to interview selected candidates.

Candidates will be informed about the results of the contest by email.
The Faculty of Polish Studies reserves the right to postpone the date of the contest settlement.

The contest is the first stage of the procedure described in the Statutes of the University of Warsaw for the employment as an academic teacher, and its positive outcome is the basis for further proceedings.

Expected date of contest adjudication: until: 25.10.2024

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Polish Studies


Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
Postal Code

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