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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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  • Portugal


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17 Jul 2024

Job Information

University of Minho
Research Field
Engineering » Materials engineering
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Master Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Doctor Rui Manuel Costa Vieira de Castro, Professor and Rector of Universidade do Minho, in the use of his own competence, in accordance with the terms of subsection d) of section 1 of article 92 of Law no. 62/2007, from September 10th and subsection d) of section 1 of article 37 of the Statutes of Universidade do Minho, approved by Normative Order no. 13/2017, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 183, of September 21st, makes it known that, for a period of 10 working days counting from the business day immediately after the date on which this notice is published, an international selection tender is open for recruitment, in the form of an uncertain term contract celebrated under the Labour Code, of 1 (one) research assistant position under private law, for the exercise of scientific research activities in the scientific area of materials engineering, within the scope of the project “INOV.AM - Innovation in Additive Manufacturing”, ref.ª PRR/49/INOV.AM/EE, financed by the Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação – IAPMEI, I.P., under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), operational program: C5. Capitalization and Business Innovation, with a view to the development of polymeric and metal-based moulding inserts to be incorporated into hybrid injection moulding moulds, using additive manufacturing technologies for the production of moulding inserts, analysis and simulation of the injection moulding process and structural analysis of moulding inserts to be later inserted

into hybrid mould structures for polymeric and metallic based parts.

1. Applicable Legislation: This tender, open by Decree of 09/04/2024, by the Rector of Universidade do Minho, is governed by the Regulamento da Carreira, Recrutamento, Contratação e Avaliação do Desempenho do Pessoal Investigador em Regime de Direito Privado da UMinho (RPI-UM), amended and republished by the Normative Order no. 10353/2022, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 163, of August 24th, and other applicable laws and regulations 

2. Place of Work: The work placement is located in the facilities of Minho University.

3. Monthly salary: The salary to be attributed is 1.861,26€, corresponding to the remuneration level 5 included in the annex 1 of the RPI-UM.

4. Eligibility Criteria: Any national, foreign and stateless candidates who hold a master degree in in the field of knowledge / specialty that shows an appropriate profile for the activities to be developed.

Opponents of this tender with qualifications obtained abroad must prove the recognition, equivalence or registration of the doctoral degree, under the terms of the applicable legislation. This formality must be completed by the signing date of the contract.

4.1. General admission requirements are those defined in point 4. For the purpose of determining the appropriate profile for the activity to be developed, the following are special requirements:

a) Proven research and development experience in R&D projects for at least 3 years in the scientific area, or scientific area related to the tender;

b) Possess knowledge in the proposed research domain, namely in additive and subtractive manufacturing;

c) Experience in Rapid Tooling;

c) Proven experience in simulation software for the injection moulding process (Moldex3D) and CAD design software (Solidworks/Fusion 360);

d) Proven experience in machining software for the subtractive process (PowerMill).

5. Formalization of the applications: Applications are formalized through a request addressed to the Rector of Universidade do Minho, under the terms defined in the attached template.

5.1. The application must include the following documents:

a) copy of certificate or diploma degree;

b) detailed curriculum vitae structured in accordance with point 9;

c) proof of professional experience;

d) any other documents that the applicant considers relevant.

5.2. Candidates must submit the request and supporting documents, using digital tools, in PDF format, mandatorily, by electronic means, to the address, until the deadline for submission of applications established in this notice, indicating in subject “Ref. CTTI-PI-10/24-IPC(1)”

5.3. Failure to comply with the deadline for submitting the application, such as failure to submit or late submission of the application referred to in point 5 and the documents referred to in points a) to c) of point 5.1, determines the exclusion of the application. The exclusion decision is notified to the candidates, by email,

for the purpose of holding the hearing of interested parties.

5.4. The jury may, whenever it finds necessary, request candidates to provide documents complementary to the facts referred to in the submitted curriculum, determining a deadline for this purpose.

5.5. False statements provided by the candidates will be punished by law.

6. Members of the Jury: The selection jury has the following composition, according to article no. 13 of the RSE and article no. 35 of the do RPI-UM:

President of the jury: Doctor João Pedro Lourenco Gil Nunes, Assistant Professor |Department of Polymers

Engineering and Director of the Institute for Polymers and Composites | School of Engineering of the University of Minho;

Doctor António José Vilela Pontes, Associate Professor with Habilitation | Department of Polymers Engineering| School of Engineering of the University of Minho;

Doctor Álvaro Miguel Céu Gramaxo Oliveira Sampaio, Associate Professor| School of Architecture, art and design| School of Architecture, art and design of the University of Minho;

Doctor Fernando Moura Duarte, Assistant Professor| Department of Polymers Engineering| School of Engineering of the University of Minho;

Doctor Carla Isabel Domingues Correia Martins, Assistant Professor| Department of Polymers Engineering| School of Engineering of the University of Minho.

7. Rules of operation of the Jury: The jury shall deliberate by means of a nominal vote in accordance with the adopted and published selection criteria, and abstentions will not be allowed.

7.1. The jury meetings will be documented in written minutes, containing a summary of what has taken place, as well as the votes cast by each of the members and the respective grounds, being provided to the candidates whenever requested.

8. Approval on absolute merit:

8.1. The jury must decide on the absolute merit of the candidates, based on the merit of the global curriculum of the candidates in the scientific area for which the tender is open and also considering the fulfilment, cumulatively, the fulfilment of at least one of the following requirements:

a) The list of the 2 scientific publications to be presented by the candidate must show that he has the necessary capacity to exercise, at least adequately, the functions associated with the category and scientific area to which the tender relates.

8.2. The decision of exclusion on absolute merit is notified to the candidates, by email, for the purpose of holding the hearing of interested parties.

8.3. Once the deadline for the exercise of the right of hearing the interested parties has expired, the jury analyses the allegations presented and, if it keeps the exclusion decision, notifies the excluded candidates by email

with delivery receipt, subsequently beginning the application of the selection methods to the admitted candidates.

9. Method(s) and evaluation criteria: The selection method consists of a Scientific and Curricular Path Assessment (SCPA), with 100% weight on the final evaluation.

All candidates, approved on absolute merit, are subjected to the evaluation of the scientific and curricular path to be carried out according to the criteria and weights defined in point 9.3.

9.1. The evaluation of the Scientific and Curricular Path Assessment (SCPA) focuses on the relevance, quality and timeliness:

a) of the scientific, technological, cultural or artistic production of the last five years considered most relevant by the candidate for the area of recruitment and applied research activities, or based on practice, considered to have the greatest impact by the candidate for the area of recruitment, with a minimum weight of 80%;

b) of the activities of extension and dissemination of knowledge, namely in the context of the promotion of the cultural and scientific practices considered most relevant by the candidate, and activities for the management of science, technology and innovation programs, or experience in observation and monitoring of the scientific and technological system, with a maximum weight of 20%.

9.2. The five-year period mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be increased by the jury, if requested by the candidate, and when justified on grounds of suspension of scientific activity for socially protected reasons such as parental leave, prolonged serious illness, and other situations of unavailability for work that are legally protected.

9.3. In the Evaluation of the Scientific and Curricular Path Assessment (SCPA): The following parameters and evaluation criteria are considered with the respective weightings/weights:

AQ – Academic Qualifications;

STP – Scientific and Technological Production;

REMA – Research, Extension and Management Activities;

a) Academic Qualifications (AQ) in which the candidate's training area is evaluated:

- Master in Polymer Engineering or Materials Engineering: AQ=100 points;

- Master's degree in related areas: AQ = up to 80 points

b) Scientific Production (STP) corresponds to the evaluation of the scientific and technological production of

last five years obtained by the formula: STP = 0.27 PQ + 0.18 PV, where:

- PQ corresponds to the quantitative evaluation of publications in ISI/SCOPUS journals:

• publications in the contest area: PQ = up to 100 points;

• publications in related areas, PQ = up to 60 points;

• publications in other areas, PQ = 0 points;

- PV corresponds to the qualitative evaluation of up to 2 articles to be provided by the candidate,

• very relevant publications for the contest area: PV = up to 100 points;

• publications relevant to the contest area, PV = up to 60 points;

• publications of little relevance to the contest area, PV= 0 points;

c) Research Activities (REMA) corresponds to the evaluation of research activities, extension and management developed in the last five years. This parameter includes: (i) participation in R&D projects, services, and transfer of technology; (ii) participation in science management and knowledge dissemination activities, including the organization of conferences, symposiums and scientific cooperation activities.

• activities in the contest area, REMA = up to 100 points;

• activities in related areas, REMA = up to 60 points;

• activities in other areas, REMA = 0 points.

The final classification of the SCPA is obtained by the following formula:

SCPA = 0.35 AQ + 0.45 STP + 0.2 REMA.

9.4. Candidates with an absolute merit score lower than 60 points in one of the methods, the following method, if any, not being applied to them, as well as candidates who have not attended, have given up on them or, although approved, have not been included in the tranches used.

9.5. The valuation of the evaluation parameters is expressed on the numerical scale from 0 to 100 points.

9.6. The classification of each candidate is obtained by the average of the classifications of each one of the members of the jury. In case of a draw, the Chairman of the jury will make a final decision to untie the applicants.

10. Order of candidates: The order of the candidates must be based on the evaluation made according to the evaluation criteria described in this notice.

10.1. After completion of the application of the evaluation criteria, the jury will draw up an orderly list of successful candidates with their respective classification.

10.2. The final classification of the candidates is expressed in the numerical scale of 0 to 100 points; the classification being obtained through a weighted average.

11. Participation of interested parties and decision: The final ordering is notified to the candidates, by email with receipt of delivery of the notification, allowing them to pronounce for the purpose of preliminary hearing of the interested parties, pursuant to article 121 and following of the Code of Administrative Procedure, applying, with the necessary adaptations, the provisions of article 31 of the Regulation.

11.1. After the hearing of the interested parties, the jury analyses the allegations presented and approves the final ordering list of the successful candidates. Within 90 days, from the deadline for submission of the applications, the final decisions of the jury are given.

11.2. The period referred to in the previous number may be extended when the high number of candidates and or the special complexity of the competition justifies it.

11.3. The final decision of the jury is approved by the Rector of Universidade do Minho, who also decides on the hiring.

12. Publication of results: The list of admitted and excluded candidates, as well as the final ranking list of the successful candidates, are published on Universidade do Minho's website, and the candidates are notified by email with receipt of delivery of the notification.

13. The present tender is exclusively designated to fill the indicated vacancies and may be terminated up to the homologation of the final ranking list of candidates, expiring with the respective occupation of the jobs on offer.

14. The present announcement was approved by the jury of the tender at its meeting on 16/05/2024, according to the approved minutes of the said meeting.

15. Non-discrimination and equal access policy: Universidade do Minho actively promotes a policy of nondiscrimination and equal access, so that no candidate may be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exempt from any duty due, namely, to ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and trade union membership.

15.1. Pursuant to section h) of article 9 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, the Public Administration, as an employer, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities for men and women in accessing employment and professional advancement, scrupulously any form of discrimination.

The Rector, Professor Rui Vieira de Castro



To the Rector of Universidade do Minho

Name (…), birthdate (…), VAT no. (…), identification card no. (…), address (…), Postal code (…), Mobile Phone no. (…),

email address (…), holder of a degree in (…), hereby requests that you kindly accept my application for the international

competition for recruitment in the form of an uncertain term contract under the Labour Code and the “Regulamento

da Carreira, Recrutamento, Contratação e Avaliação do Desempenho do Pessoal Investigador em Regime de Direito

Privado da UMinho”, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, no. 209, of 27 October, of __ researcher position

in the scientific area of __________________, according to a notice published in the Diário da República no. __,

2nd series, of __/__/__, with Ref._______.

I also declare that I agree to receive by email the communications and notifications resulting from the present selection

tender procedure.

Find attached the following documents: xxx

(Place and date)


Where to apply



Research Field
Engineering » Materials engineering
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

details discribe in the job discription section

Specific Requirements

details discribe in the job discription section

Additional Information


details discribe in the job discription section

Eligibility criteria

details discribe in the job discription section

Selection process

details discribe in the job discription section

Additional comments

details discribe in the job discription section

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
University of Minho


Postal Code

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