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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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15 Jul 2024

Job Information

Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences/International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences
Laboratory of Stem Cell RNA Metabolism,
Research Field
Biological sciences
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
PhD Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Description of proposed PhD programme (English; up to 500 words) (opis planowanych badań): Multicellular organisms derive from a single cell of the fertilized embryo. Developing embryonic stem cells (ESCs) specialize and loose pluripotency to differentiate into all mature tissues of the body. Regulation of the embryonic development has been intensively investigated. However, based on our preliminary data, we propose that an important post-transcriptional regulatory layer guiding ESC specification has been overlooked. We hypothesize that there is a post-transcriptional regulatory ‘code’ tuning pre-mRNA splicing during ESC differentiation. With this PhD project, we will how the abundance of splicing machinery components – splicing factors, is regulated at the level of the mRNA translation during exit from the pluripotency. We posit that translation guides quantitative and qualitative changes in the spliceosome, cellular machinery catalyzing splicing, between ESCs and their differentiated progenies. These ‘specialized’ spliceosomes, tailored to meet demands of ESC self-renewal, would be required for controlled splicing of the pre-mRNAs important for pluripotency. With ensemble of molecular and functional approaches, a PhD candidate will aim to define how pre-mRNA splicing is regulated in ESCs to guide their differentiation. First, she/he will determine how spliceosome components are controlled during exit from the pluripotency. Second, the goal will be to understand how this control affects biogenesis and function of spliceosome complexes. Finally, project will elucidate the importance of ESC-specific expression of splicing factors for alternative splicing and cell fate decisions during embryonic development. Particularly, PhD candidate will be responsible for the developing and employing computational approaches to define 1. Splicing patterns in differentiating ESCs with and without control of the selected candidate regulatory splicing factors and 2. Determine how individual, developmentally controlled alternative splicing events impact fate of the resulting mature transcripts and proteins.


Research Field
Biological sciences
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

Holding a degree of Master of Science [Magister], Master of Engineering [Magister Inżynier], medical doctor or equivalent in the field of: exact sciences, natural sciences, medical sciences or related disciplines, granted by a Polish or foreign university; a person who does not possess the qualifications described above may take part in the competition, but must obtain the qualifications in question and provide the relevant documents before the start of the programme at the Doctoral School (i.e., October 1, 2024). Education at the Doctoral School begins on October 1 2024;

Specific Requirements
  • Strong motivation for science,
  • Previous expertise in bioinformatic approaches related to the genomes biology will be considered a strong asset
  • Good conduct in written and spoken English.
Research Field
Biological sciences

Additional Information


Scholarship amount (net, monthly, PLN):

1st year: 5.000 PLN; 2nd year: 5.000 PLN; 3rd year: 5.000 PLN; 4th year: 5.000 PLN;

Selection process

The recruitment process consists of two stages:

a) selection of candidates by the Committee based on their previous achievements and academic performance presented in the documents submitted; for each position no more than 5 applicants who have achieved the highest scores, but no less than 60% of the maximum points, shall be qualified for the next stage.

b) an interview conducted by the Committee including in particular:

• a presentation delivered by the candidate containing the outcomes of his/her research (a Master’s thesis or other research work carried out by the candidate); the presentation must not last longer than 10 minutes;

• questions asked by the members of the Committee related to the presented project, the methods used and interpretation of the results obtained;

• questions asked by the members of the Committee related to the proposed PhD programme described in the recruitment announcement;

• questions related to the candidate’s motivation for scientific work.

Additional comments

Required documents:

a) an application for admission to the Doctoral School, together with consent to the processing of personal data for the recruitment procedure and a statement on familiarising oneself with recruitment rules and conditions; (You can find the form here:

b) a copy of the diploma from a university or the candidate’s statement on the estimated graduation date;

c) a scientific curriculum vitae including information on the candidate’s participation in scientific projects and other related activities, such as publications, involvement in science club, participation in academic conferences with an oral or poster presentation, national and international internships, prizes and awards, participation in grants, popularization of science, voluntary work;

d) a list of completed university courses with marks;

e) a motivation letter;

f) contact details to at least one academic adviser or academic staff member holding at least a doctor’s degree, who has agreed to give an opinion on the applicant. The opinion should not be attached to the application;

g) in the case of having a disability certificate or a certificate on the degree of disability, or a certificate referred to in Article 5 and Article 62 of the Act of 27 August 1997 on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities ‒ a statement of holding such certificate;h) candidates holding a diploma of completing studies abroad shall additionally attach a certified translation of the diploma, including the supplement, into Polish or English, unless the diploma or an official copy thereof, including the supplement, has been issued in English.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences
Postal Code
ul. M. Flisa 6


ul. Pawińskiego 5a
Postal Code

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