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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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  • Portugal


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26 Jun 2024

Job Information

UNIDCOM-IADE, Universidade Europeia
Research Field
Arts » Other
Computer science » Other
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Master Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Under the terms of the Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, with the financial support of FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) within the scope of the UNIDCOM/IADE Strategic Project 2020-2023 (UIDB/00711/2020), it is herey announced the opening of a call for 1 (one) Research Grant (BI), for students enrolled in a PhD course, within the scope of the scientific development of the internal project Designing DiscourseFact-Based standardization of communication of political campaign proposals in the Portuguese Context.

The scholarship awarded under this call will be funded by the UNIDCOM/IADE Strategic Project 2020-2023 reference UIDB/00711/2020, funded by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

The grantee will carry out activities within the scope of supporting the promotion of the project's research lines and activities, namely:

  • In-depth literature review:

a) Communication (visual; political speech; social networks; others);

b) Good practices (other case studies)

(c) supporting technological solutions;

  • Definition of an initial version of a framework and guidelines;
  • Interviews with experts to understand and validate the hierarchy and relevance of what is defined in the previous point.

Where to apply



Research Field
Arts » Other
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

The research grants in question are intended for candidates enrolled in a PhD.

Candidates with experience in research methods in Design are valued, with the ability to visualize data, knowledge of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, good communication and a good ability to write in English being valued. Enrolling in a PhD in the field of Design is preferable.

Specific Requirements

It is essential, under penalty of non-admission to the Competition, to attach the following documents to the application:

  • Curriculum vitae of the candidate, dated and signed;
  • Certificates of qualification of the academic degrees held, mandatorily specifying the final classification and, if possible, the classifications obtained in all the subjects taken, or, alternatively, a declaration of honour by the candidate in how he/she completed the degrees required in this, notice until the end of the application deadline;
  • For degrees obtained abroad, a record of recognition of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions and a record of the conversion of the respective final grade to the Portuguese grade scale, or, alternatively, a declaration of honour by the candidate;
  • Valid proof of enrollment in a PhD degree course, issued by the academic services of the Higher Education Institution concerned, indicating the current academic year or its duration (beginning and end);
  • Fluency in Portuguese and English, spoken and written;
  • Motivation letter;
  • Portfolio with the description of the work developed and the respective degree of participation.
  • Preferential Factors: - Candidates enrolled in PhDs in the area of Design will be valued.

Applicants must meet the eligibility conditions provided for in article 9 of the Regulation of Research Grants of FCT I.P (2019). In particular, citizens who have already benefited, for the same purpose, from the same type of scholarship directly funded by FCT are not eligible.

Documents proving the holding of academic degrees and diplomas, or their recognition when they have been awarded by foreign higher education institutions, may be waived at the application stage, being replaced by a declaration of honour by the candidate, and this condition will only be verified at the scholarship contracting stage. This declaration must attest to facts that occurred prior to the application.

In situations of discrepancy between the information contained in the declaration and the documentation submitted for the purposes of contracting a scholarship, only the information contained in the latter will be considered. If it is found that the documents proving the holding of the academic degree and diploma, or the respective recognition under the terms of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16 August, do not correspond to the classifications awarded in the evaluation of the academic path and may, consequently, change the ranking of the candidate, the scholarship will not be contracted.

Research Field
Arts » Other
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4

Additional Information


The monthly amount paid corresponds to 1259.64 €, according to the table of values of FCT, I.P. scholarships in the country, according to the Table of monthly maintenance allowances of the FCT Research Grants Regulation, according to the applicable regulation. Payment is made by transfer to the IBAN/NIB of the grantee indicated in the contracting process.

Other benefits: Reimbursement of the Voluntary Social Security, corresponding to the 1st Bracket of the contribution base, if the candidate chooses to be assigned, and Personal Accident Insurance.

Exclusivity regime: The performance of functions as a grant holder is exercised on an exclusive basis, under the terms provided for in article 5 of the Research Grant Holder Statute and applicable research grant regulations.

Eligibility criteria

The call is open for 10 days, counting immediately after the date of publication of the notice on the Euraxess Portal.

Applications must be formalized, mandatorily, by sending an email accompanied by the following documents, as detailed above:

• Curriculum vitae of the candidate;

• Certificates of qualification of the academic degrees held;

• Document proving enrollment in a course leading to a doctoral degree;

• Motivation letter;

• Portfolio with the works developed;

• Declaration under oath that he/she does not exceed, with the conclusion of the scholarship contract in question, an accumulated period of one year in this type of fellowship, consecutive or interpolated, and has not already been a beneficiary of any other research grant, directly or indirectly, funded by FCT.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to, with cc for, indicating in the subject: "Design Discourse Scholarship Competition".

Applications sent by other means or out of time will not be accepted.

Selection process

The selection of candidates will be made based on the curricular evaluation (AC, 80%) and interview (ENT, 20%), considering the Admission Requirements stipulated in this notice. In view of the objectives and specific nature of the research work to be developed, the following parameters will be considered, evaluated on a scale from 0 (zero) to 20 (twenty).

The criteria for the evaluation and ranking of candidates in the CA are as follows:

  • Academic Qualifications (HA): classification of the bachelor's degree and classification of the Curricular Units related to the activities to be developed attended within the scope of the bachelor's degree or the curricular part of the master's degree – 50%.
  • Experience (E): Research experience – 20%.
  • Preferential Factors (FP): Enrollment in a PhD in Design, availability to travel in Portugal, and in particular, Lisbon, willingness to carry out research on the themes of the project and motivation letter(s), portfolio – 10%.
  • Interview: – E: 20%

The Interview phase is mandatory for the first three classified in the curricular evaluation phase.

The jury may not award the scholarship if the quality of the candidates is lower than intended.


Jury will be:

President: Hande Ayanoglu, Associate Professor at IADE, European University.

1st Effective Member: Eduardo José Gonçalves, Assistant Professor at the European University.

2nd Effective Member: Fernando Oliveira, Assistant Professor at IADE, European University.

Alternate Member: André Sabino, Assistant Professor at IADE, European University.


In case of impediment of the President of the Jury, he will be replaced by the first effective member, and the alternate member will be appointed to replace the effective member.

Additional comments

The contracting entity will be Europeia ID, located at Rua Manuel Pinto de Azevedo, 748, 4100-320 Porto, Portugal.

The work of the Scholarship Holder will be developed at the Design and Communication Research Unit (UNIDCOM/IADE) and its laboratories, located at Avenida Dom Carlos I, 4, 1200-649, Lisbon. The activities will be developed under the scientific supervision of Drs. Eduardo José Gonçalves and Fernando Oliveira.

The scholarship will have a duration of 6 months and may, eventually, be renewed, up to the applicable legal limit. Candidates admitted to the competitions must meet the conditions that enable them, under the applicable Research Fellowship Regulations, to comply with the maximum legal duration for the type of fellowship stipulated in the notice of the opening of the call, considering the fellowships from which they may have benefited previously, in a consecutive or interpolated period.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Postal Code
IADE - Avenida D. Carlos I, 4,


IADE - Avenida D. Carlos I, 4,
Postal Code

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