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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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17 Jun 2024

Job Information

Complutense University of Madrid
Department of Chemistry
Research Field
Chemistry » Analytical chemistry
Biological sciences » Biology
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
PHD Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe - MSCA
Reference Number
Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

ElectroChemiLuminescence doctoral network for early sepsis diagnosis (ECLectic)

We are excited to advertise 1 three-year positions for PhD degrees to begin in November 2024 as part of the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Doctoral Network (HE-MSCA DN) entitled “ElectroChemiLuminescence doctoral network for early sepsis diagnosis”.

ECLectic is a doctoral training network coordinated by the University of Bologna. Through an ambitious multidisciplinary doctoral program, we will train the next generation of clinically oriented analytical scientists capable of delivering innovative solutions that will improve the lives of patients, reduce the cost of healthcare and position Europe as a leader in biomedical devices.

We have selected sepsis as the target disease because it is a significant analytical challenge, demanding extreme detection sensitivity, high selectivity and extremely rapid response. ECL is a powerful diagnostics tool with exceptional performance in terms of signal to noise ratio. To reach these goals, we have assembled a highly inter- and multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral eclectic team of analytical scientists, (nano)(bio) materials specialists, microfluidic device engineers as well as clinicians so as to enable ultimate translation to the clinic

Complutense University of Madrid




Description of Projects (for more information see the project’s website):

  • DC7 (Home institution: Complutense University of Madrid, ES) Project Title: Selection and production of recombinant antibodies (rAb) for biosensing applications

Objectives: This PhD aims to develop biosensing platforms for sepsis biomarkers detection based on novel bioinspired recognition elements for the specific target analytes (biomarkers), such as recombinant antibodies (rAb), isolated by “phage display”.

Expected Results: DC should be able to (i) select and produce the recognition elements for target biomarker analysis using phage display or other genetic engineering techniques, (ii) characterize the novel selective recognition elements and functionalize the best candidates with nanomaterial or organic probes for ECL-based biosensing strategies and (iii) assessment of their performance in bioassays for biomarker detection in clinical samples using integrated microfluidic devices.

Supervisor:Prof. Elena Benito Peña

DC background, experience and skills: MSc, MRes, MEng in chemistry, biochemistry, biomedical engineering or subjects related to analytical chemistry and antibody selection.

Where to apply



Research Field
Biological sciences » Biology
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Chemistry » Analytical chemistry
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Specific Requirements

Candidates must hold a Master’s degree (Specific degrees depending on the positions - For more information see the project’s website ) with excellent academic transcripts.

We are looking for highly motivated, outstanding students with optimal interpersonal and communication skills.

All candidates must prove full proficiency in spoken and written English

Research Field
Chemistry » Analytical chemistryBiological sciences » Biology
Internal Application form(s) needed
(217.73 KB - PDF)

Additional Information



  • Enrolment in an internationally recognized doctoral programs
  • A detailed PhD research program a main supervisors and a co supervisor
  • Further intersectoral and international experience through a minimum of 5-months secondment at partner organisations or other beneficiary
  • The opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team within a world-wide consortium of research institutions and industrial partners
  • An extensive network-wide training program with 8 network events ranging from training on soft skill (communication and dissemination) and entrepreneurship and knowledge valorisation to workshops on ECL microscopy and development of electrochemical biosensors.
  • The MSCA programme offers competitive and attractive working conditions. The successful candidates will receive a salary in accordance with the MSCA regulations for doctoral candidates. Gross salary will consist of a Living Allowance (= € 3.400/monthly, correction factor to be applied per country) and a monthly Mobility Allowance of €600. An additional family monthly allowance of €660 is applicable depending on family situation (for additional information see the EU MSCA website). Please be aware that these amounts are subject to taxes, the exact salary will be confirmed upon employment.


Eligibility criteria

Starting dates of the projects will be between June 1st and November 1st, 2024.

To be eligible for all positions (DC1), the applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • They must not be already in possession of a doctoral degree.
  • They must comply with the MSCA mobility rule: not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruitingbeneficiary for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to the date of the recruitment.

Applicants who will complete their Master’s degree by the deadline for enrolment in the PhD programme are also entitled to apply*

*Local eligibility criteria apply depending on each position and beneficiary institution. 

Selection process

The selection procedure will consist of the following steps:

  • Eligibility check: The Recruitment Committee will check each application is complete and that applicants fulfil the eligibility criteria described in the previous sections.
  • 1st stage Evaluation: Each eligible application will be evaluated independently by the PIs of our network, according to the project options expressed by the applicants. The PIs will select at least 3 candidates per position to pass through to the following stage.
  • Online interviews: The short-listed candidates will be interviewed by a Selection Committee that will include the recruiting PIs plus one/two additional consortium members with a balance in terms of gender (not less than one-third), geography and academic/private sector representation. Candidates, positively evaluated, but not initially called for interviews, will be put on a reserve list (for reallocation in case of candidate(s) withdrawal).
  • Notification of the selection outcomes: Short-listed candidates will be informed about the outcome, and those selected will be put in touch with the corresponding PI and the HR Department of the hosting institution to initiate the hiring procedure. Applicants who have not been successful, but who have received a positive evaluation, will be put on a reserve list to cover possible renunciations and future positions.

Recruitment calendar:

  • Call opening: 18 June 2024
  • Deadline for applications: 15 July 2024
  • 1st stage evaluation: 16  – 19 July 2024
  • Interviews: 29 July 2024 – 31 July 2024 (selected candidates will receive notice of at least 10 days prior to the interview)
  • Notification to candidates: 1st August 2024
  • Start date of the fellowship: October/November 2024
Additional comments

How to apply

Candidates are required to submit the following supporting documents through/to and

  1. The ECLectic CV Application form template including Personal information; Education and research experiences, Language and other relevant skills; Contact details of at least two scientists for reference.
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. A certified/signed copy of a recent transcript of exams taken with relative marks. A certified/signed copy of Master of Science certificate. 
  4. A motivation letter (maximum 1 page) highlighting relevant research experience, skills and academic achievements and explaining why you are interested in the program and in the selected research projects.
  5. Two letters of support provided by academics and research professionals
  6. Copy of valid identity document
Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Complutense University of Madrid
Postal Code
Av. Complutense


Av. Complutense
Postal Code

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