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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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7 Jun 2024

Job Information

Ecole nationale des chartes
Research Field
History » Medieval history
Language sciences » Philology
History » Paleography
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Master Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe - ERC
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


LostMA is a project funded by the European Research Council, as a StartingGrant, for the period 2024-2029.

LOSTMA aims at understanding how human cultures are constituted andevolve, through the question of the transmission of written cultural artefacts.

The project strives to establish in what measure the transmission (andsubsequent preservation or loss) of written artefacts, texts and ideas deviatesfrom pure chance, and, if it deviates, by how much and why. This will be investigated by analysing the way in which texts in manuscript form were copied, transformed or destroyed, in a similar manner to the evolution of living organisms or that of language variants, through processes of innovation/mutation, fixation or extinction. As such, the goal of this project is not only to understand the processes behind the transmission of texts, but also to grasp the extent to which humans are the actors of the transmission of their own culture and how much the survival of texts or the constitution of cultural canons are due to chance.

LostMA will attempt a paradigm-shift in philological methods, by combining artificial intelligence, complexity science and philological expertise. On the mathematical sciences side, the work will range from theoretical to numerical and statistical:stochastic models (birth-and-death processes, branching processes, random trees, …), computer simulations (agent-based models, in particular), machine learning and data analysis will be used to emulate andcomprehend the processes and mechanisms of textual transmission. A case

study will be undertaken, regarding chivalric literature in European context.

Supported by deep learning methods, large-scale data collection will be made on a corpus of 4000 documents in Romance, Germanic and Celtic languages,with a full-text zoom on approx. 1000 Old French manuscripts. Data will provide observable values to be compared to simulation results, in order to measure deviations from chance, make inferences on non observable values such as loss/survival rates of works and manuscripts, and understand the dynamics at work behind the transmission of texts.



The PhD student will work under the supervision of Jean-Baptiste Camps, inside the LostMa project team, including two research engineers and one

post-doc. She or he will pursue a PhD in the topics covered by the project. In particular, the PhD student will work on the cartography and analysis of the production of works, texts, and manuscripts, of a part of the LostMa corpus. This corpus is centred on Medieval chivalric romances in Romance, Germanic and Celtic languages (e.g., chansons de geste et romans, cantar de gesta, Ridderroman, riddarasögur, …).

The PhD student will most likely specialise in one of the following :

- a specific subcorpus, with precise geographic and/or linguistic boundaries,

- a specific methodology (e.g., stylometric analysis of the manuscripts ; computational stemmatology ; …)

- or a specific topic, e.g. circulation of the texts and manuscripts between differents centres ; role of insularity or of lateral areas, circulation of texts between different centres, etc.

Ultimately, the PhD will have the goal of participating in producing estimation of the particularities of textual transmission, the role of chance and selection in the process, and the estimation of lost works and documents.

The PhD work will likely involve some of the following steps :

- delimiting a corpus of known, preserved or lost, works, witnesses and manuscripts of chivalric narratives for a given geographic space/language ;

- collecting digitisations of the manuscripts, and use the deep learning based workflow of the project for layout analysis, handwritten text recognition

- using computational methods such as stylometry, quantitative paleography, dialectometry, etc., to refine the attribution, dating or localisation of the works or documents when needed ;

- collecting information about the tradition of the texts, such as existing text genealogies (stemmata), or, if necessary, build them using stemmatological methods ;

- applying the methodology of the project and the results of its modelling to this specific case, as well as maybe, other related methodologies (e.g., unseen species), to assess the particularities of the process of textual transmission, survival or destruction of works and manuscripts for the chosen corpus.

The work of the PhD will take place mostly in the following work packages of the project :

* WP B-1 Collection of existing stemmata, encoded as computer-readable graphs and metadata.

* WP B-2 Collection of metadata on works, authors, and manuscripts

* WP C-1 Document processing workflow


Where to apply



Research Field
History » Medieval history
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Language sciences » Philology
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent


— Previous work in at least one of the Medieval languages or literature in the perimeter of the project (Medieval Romance, Germanic or Celtic languages)

— preferably, knowledge in paleography, codicology and/or philology

— strong interest in cultural transmission and textual criticism

— taste for multidisciplinary collaboration and team work

— knowledge in quantitative methods, mathematical modelling, and basic programming skills (Python, R) would be appreciated



— MA in Digital Humanities, Computational Literary Studies, Medieval Studies or Philology

— experience in digital methods (such as computational text analysis, stylometry, stemmatology, …)

Research Field
History » Medieval history
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4
Research Field
Language sciences » Philology
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4

Additional Information



— Inclusion in a dynamic and multidisciplinary team, in Paris

— Work on an European research project, with an ambitious scope and computational methodologies beyond the current state-ofthe- art

— Ability to pursue research at the interface of historical sciences, computational methods and complexity science, with a PhD project contributing to push the boundaries of the current methods and knowledge in cultural transmission

— Opportunity to develop your skills and acquire new one, by being part of the strong and developing community dedicated to the study of past and current cultures with

Holidays: 49 days/year

Catering: contribution to catering expenses,

Health: affiliation with the social security system; contribution to complementary health insurance;

Transportation: contribution to transportation costs up to 75%;

Sport: access to the sports services of PSL University;

Training: access to training from the internal school.

Selection process


Applications (CV and letter of application, including a summary research plan of 2 pages, excluding bibliography) should be sent to the Director of the École

nationale des chartes, by e-mail to : as well as until 5 July 2024. Candidates selected on the basis of their application, will then be invited to attend a (remote or in presence) interview between 10 and 15 July 2024. The contract starts on 1 September.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Ecole nationale des chartes
Postal Code
65 rue Richelieu
Number of offers available
Campus Condorcet
Postal Code
14 cours des Humanités


Postal Code

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