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Job offer

  • JOB
  • France

Postdoctoral position in the Social Sciences (quantitative research) in the European Research Council (ERC) project WE-COOP on labour, gender, and democracy

Apply now
4 Jun 2024

Job Information

Université de Strasbourg
Direction des ressources humaines
Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe - ERC
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The WE-COOP project (2023-2028) is recruiting a full-time post-doctoral researcher (12 months, renewable x1

depending on personal circumstances). Hosted at the University of Strasbourg, the project is funded by a Starting

Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) and is led by Dr. Ada Reichhart (Principal Investigator).

Identification du poste

Title of post: Postdoctoral position in the Social Sciences (quantitative research) in the European Research

Council (ERC) project WE-COOP on labour, gender, and democracy

Type of contract: Fixed term contract (35h/week)

Category (A, B or C) :

Contract period: 12 months (renewable x1 depending on personal circumstances)

Expected date of employment: 1st September 2024

Workplace: SAGE Laboratory (UMR 7363), University of Strasbourg, France

Desired level of education: PhD

Experience required: -

Contact(s) for information on the position: Dr. Ada Reichhart, Principal Investigator,

Date of publication: ****

Closing date for the receipt of applications: 18 March 2024

Research project

The WE-COOP project shifts our traditional androcentric perspective on workplace democracy by investigating the

labour experiences of women in worker cooperatives. Studied for their high potential in the democratisation of

labour relations, worker cooperatives have been systematically considered only from the perspective of class

struggles. WE-COOP excavates how and why worker cooperatives are also a locus where yet unexplored sets of

representations, practices and justifications pertaining to women’s emancipation and gender equality at work are


Focusing on France as a case study, the project relies on a multi-layered survey of worker cooperatives as well as

on rare forms of all-women cooperative experiments. It combines quantitative and qualitative methods with

innovative participatory research in four incremental steps, allowing for the appropriation by women workers of

their narratives and struggles.

Job description & Role

Hired on a full-time basis (35 hours/week), the postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for carrying out a

quantitative survey as part of phase 1 of the WE-COOP project. The aim of the survey is to map out for the first

time the working experience of women in worker cooperatives in France, with the help of a targeted participation


The main task will be to help draft a questionnaire, distribute it as part of a participatory research protocol and

produce a usable database. The postdoctoral researcher will also be responsible for drafting the scientific section

of the short report destined to the target population.

She/he will be able to contribute to the project’s publications as co-author/author, and to carry out her/his own

research activities in relation to the main topics of the WE-COOP project.


Ø Qualifications / knowledge/operational skills:

- PhD in the social sciences, in a discipline closely related to the project (sociology, political science, etc.);


- Proven experience and skills in developing questionnaires.

- Excellent command of methods and tools for processing and analysing quantitative data in the social sciences

and humanities.

- Proven experience and skills in database management.

- A strong interest in or experience of research into themes related to the project is desirable: gender studies;

work and gender inequalities; intersectional studies of power relations at work; feminist political theories; social

critique of work; democratic work; democracy and participation; critical theories; social and solidarity economy.

- Interest in participatory research.

- Ability to work independently and contribute to the project as part of a team.

Ø Disciplines:

Social Sciences, in particular sociology, political science; economics.

Working context & Benefits

The postdoctoral researcher will be part of the SAGE laboratory (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe; UMR

7363) at the prestigious University of Strasbourg, renowned for the quality of its research and its international

scope. An office space will be provided at the MISHA (Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme d'Alsace)

on the Esplanade campus situated in the city, with the possibility of working remotely some days of the week

depending on personal circumstances.

She/he will be part of a supportive team, committed to professional development and intellectual discovery, and

will have the opportunity to advance her/his own research career as part of this prestigious international research


She/he will benefit from the support of the project's PI, collaborators, and network to develop her/his academic

skills and career.

She/he will benefit from additional dedicated funding for her/his research dissemination activities and

participation in international scientific events.

Ø Specific occupational conditions:

Physical conditions

§ Prolonged screen work

Other conditions

§ Interaction with different interlocutors.

§ Handling of confidential information.Shared office.

Languages of the project

English and French: Good oral and written communication skills for academic research (C1 level for both


Additional languages are welcome.

How to apply?

Please send the following documents via e-mail to Dr. Ada Reichhart ( with "WE-COOP

application" in the subject line:

(1) Cover letter describing your motivation and suitability for the post (English or French).

(2) CV (English or French) with contact information for 2 references who may be contacted during the

recruitment process.

(3) Two writing samples sole author (French or English, published or unpublished).

Please submit these documents by 1st July 2024.

We will consider all applications that meet these requirements.

Interviews will be held in Strasbourg or remotely (depending on personal circumstances) in French and English.

Informal enquiries about the position are welcome: Dr Ada Reichhart (


Where to apply



Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Internal Application form(s) needed
JUIN - PD1 EN - Fiche de poste WE-COOP.pdf
(93.33 KB - PDF)
JUIN - PD1 FR - Fiche de poste WE-COOP.pdf
(102.98 KB - PDF)

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
SAGE Laboratory (UMR 7363), University of Strasbourg, France


4 rue Blaise Pascal
Postal Code

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