- Portugal
Job Information
- Organisation/Company
- Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
- Department
- Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (IELT)
- Research Field
- Other
- Researcher Profile
- First Stage Researcher (R1)
- Country
- Portugal
- Application Deadline
- Type of Contract
- Temporary
- Job Status
- Not Applicable
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- Not funded by a EU programme
- Reference Number
- Notice nr. 11652/2024/2
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
Offer Description
Notice nr. 11652/2024/2
Professor Luís Baptista, Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH) makes it publicly known the opening of a tender, for the period of 15 business days, for the international selection of one PhD researcher position, through an indefinite duration contract at NOVA University of Lisbon - School of Social Sciences and Humanities, to carry out research activities in the scope of the Strategic Project of the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (IELT), under the core funding of the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition - UIDB/00657/2020, financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology, through national funds.
The opening of the tender and the composition of the selection panel have been authorised by decree from the Executive Administrator of NOVA FCSH, in the scope of the delegation of powers under the terms set forth in paragraph i) of no. 2 of Dispatch no. 11072/2021, of 3 November, published in the Diário da República, 2ª série,no. 219, of 11 November, as amended by Dispatch no. 2331/2023, published in the Diário da República, 2ª série,no. 34, of 16 February, of May 10th 2024, following a favourable statement from NOVA FCSH’s Scientific Council of May 8th 2024.
1. The contract procedure of the PhD researcher is to be carried out according to the Decree-Law No. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law No. 57/2017, of 19 July, which approves a contracting regime for PhD holders designed to stimulate scientific and technical employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC). It will be entered into in accordance with the Portuguese Labour Law, approved by Law No. 7/2009, of 12 February, in its current wording and Implementing Decree No. 11-A/2017, of 29 December.
2. The PhD researcher will be contracted for an indefinite duration as lawfully established in RJEC, article 6, no. 1, paragraph b), ex vi, of no. 2 of article 18 of RJEC, only for the duration necessary to perform the tasks as defined for the project, namely as follows.
3. Description of the position:
The vacancy now open aims to select a doctoral researcher to carry out a project in the field of IELT's mission delimited by the multifaceted links between literature and tradition. Specifically, the programme will focus on the study of the Almada Negreiros and Sarah Affonso estate, kept at the Almada Negreiros and Sarah Affonso Study and Documentation Centre (CEDANSA), and its cataloguing in the MODERN!SMO.PT electronic archive. Special care will be taken to catalogue and study the sections dedicated to geometry and Almada Negreiros' theory of seeing, followed by the critical edition, for publication on paper, of the multiple texts on his theory of the image, as well as the curation of exhibitions with the new materials identified in the process.
In this sense, it must be articulated with the line of scientific work of the MODERN!SMO.PT project, and it must also design an innovative and consistent plan for the creation of knowledge in the area, which includes the dissemination of results in indexed journal(s) with international impact, as well as in teaching programme(s).
The researcher to be hired must have and prove competences and experience in research and teaching in the field of the research project.
4. Under the terms of the Implementing Decree No. 11-A/2017, of 29 December, art. 2, the contract is attached to the base remuneration of 2 294,95 €, corresponding to level 33 of the 1st grade of the salary scale.
5. The workplace is located at the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition, at Colégio Almada Negreiros – Campus de Campolide, 1099-032 Lisbon, Portugal, and/or other locations necessary to carry out the job duties.
6. Applicants to this call may be national, foreign or stateless persons holding a PhD degree with a scientific and professional curriculum showing a suitable profile for the position.
7. The selection of the PhD to be hired is carried out through the evaluation of the scientific and curricular background of the candidates in the competition.
The evaluation of the scientific and curricular background, taking into account the appropriate profile for the activity to be developed, focuses on the relevance, quality and up-to-dateness of: a) The scientific, cultural and artistic production of the last five years, considered most relevant by the candidate and properly identified in the CV, associated with the tender; b) The activities carried out in the last five years, associated with the scope specified for the tender; c) The development plan (objectives, lines of action, concrete actions, funding and timeline) to achieve the objectives associated with the performance of the job.
8. The period of five years mentioned in the previous paragraph may be increased by the selection panel, at the request of the candidate, when based on the suspension of the candidate’s scientific activity for socially protected reasons, particularly reasons, namely parental leave, long-term serious illness, and other situations of unavailability for work that are legally protected.
9. The evaluation and ranking criteria are expressed on a scale from 0 to 100 points. Selection will be based on the Curriculum Assessment (CA) which is worth 90 points and the Interview (I), which is equivalent to 10 points of the assessment.
10. The criteria for the evaluation of the candidates in the CA are as follows:
- Curriculum evaluation of the elements considered most relevant by the jury associated with the tender (0 — 25 points);
- Activities considered of greater impact by the jury associated with the position, considering the professional experience within the scope of the activities specified in point 3 (0 — 25 points);
- Research Plan proposed by the candidate (0 — 40 points).
Candidates who obtain a minimum of 80 points will proceed to the Interview.
11. The evaluation criteria for candidates in E are as follows:
- Motivation for the development of the proposed project (0 — 5 points);
- Adaptation and teamwork experience (0 — 5 points).
12. The composition of the selection panel is as follows:
- Abel Barros Baptista (Full Professor, NOVA FCSH)
Jury Members:
- Fernando Cabral Martins (Associate Professor with Habilitation, NOVA FCSH, retired)
- Pedro Sepúlveda, (Associate Professor, NOVA FCSH)
Substitute Members:
- Clara Abreu Rowland (Associate Professor with Habilitation, NOVA FCSH)
- Joana Meirim (Invited Assistant Professor, NOVA FCSH)
13. The application process must be fulfilled, under penalty of exclusion, by submitting all the following documents:
a) Application Form (available at modelo) clearly stating the procedure at hand;
b) Copy of the PhD certificate and/or, having the doctoral degree been obtained abroad, a declaration of honour (available at https://fcsh.unl.pt/faculdade/concursos_para_investigadores/);
c) Curriculum vitae of the candidate, organized according to the guidelines in paragraph 7 above;
d) Research project and respective Work Plan;
e) Motivation Letter.
14.The application, complete with the documents abovementioned, should be emailed to drhrecrutamento@fcsh.unl.pt within strictly 15 business days counting from the day following the publication of the present Public Notice in the Portuguese Government Diary - Diário da República. The subject of the email must indicate the reference of this Notice and the required documents should be preferably in PDF format.
If necessary, the selection board may require from the candidate additional documents in support of statements offered.
False declarations will be disciplined in accordance with Law.
Candidates who formalise their application incorrectly or who fail to meet the requirements stated for this tender will be excluded.
15. The candidate to be hired must have obtained a minimum score of 80 points.
16. In case the PhD degree of the successful candidate has been conferred by a foreign higher education institution, the degree recognition must comply with the Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of 16 August. The conditions of which must be fully met by the date assigned to the celebration of the contract.
In the event that the PhD degree is not recognised after the above-mentioned formalities have been met, the candidate ranked second will be invited for the position under consideration.
17. Non-discrimination and equal access policy: NOVA University Lisbon actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, disadvantaged or deprived of any right or exemption from any duty owing, in particular, to ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and trade union membership.
May 10th 2024 — Executive Administrator of NOVA FCSH, Joana Pires
Where to apply
- drhrecrutamento@fcsh.unl.pt
- Research Field
- Other
- Education Level
- PhD or equivalent
Additional Information
4. Under the terms of the Implementing Decree No. 11-A/2017, of 29 December, art. 2, the contract is attached to the base remuneration of 2 294,95 €, corresponding to level 33 of the 1st grade of the salary scale.
7. The selection of the PhD to be hired is carried out through the evaluation of the scientific and curricular background of the candidates in the competition.
The evaluation of the scientific and curricular background, taking into account the appropriate profile for the activity to be developed, focuses on the relevance, quality and up-to-dateness of: a) The scientific, cultural and artistic production of the last five years, considered most relevant by the candidate and properly identified in the CV, associated with the tender; b) The activities carried out in the last five years, associated with the scope specified for the tender; c) The development plan (objectives, lines of action, concrete actions, funding and timeline) to achieve the objectives associated with the performance of the job.
8. The period of five years mentioned in the previous paragraph may be increased by the selection panel, at the request of the candidate, when based on the suspension of the candidate’s scientific activity for socially protected reasons, particularly reasons, namely parental leave, long-term serious illness, and other situations of unavailability for work that are legally protected.
9. The evaluation and ranking criteria are expressed on a scale from 0 to 100 points. Selection will be based on the Curriculum Assessment (CA) which is worth 90 points and the Interview (I), which is equivalent to 10 points of the assessment.
10. The criteria for the evaluation of the candidates in the CA are as follows:
- Curriculum evaluation of the elements considered most relevant by the jury associated with the tender (0 — 25 points);
- Activities considered of greater impact by the jury associated with the position, considering the professional experience within the scope of the activities specified in point 3 (0 — 25 points);
- Research Plan proposed by the candidate (0 — 40 points).
Candidates who obtain a minimum of 80 points will proceed to the Interview.
11. The evaluation criteria for candidates in E are as follows:
- Motivation for the development of the proposed project (0 — 5 points);
- Adaptation and teamwork experience (0 — 5 points).
12. The composition of the selection panel is as follows:
- Abel Barros Baptista (Full Professor, NOVA FCSH)
Jury Members:
- Fernando Cabral Martins (Associate Professor with Habilitation, NOVA FCSH, retired)
- Pedro Sepúlveda, (Associate Professor, NOVA FCSH)
Substitute Members:
- Clara Abreu Rowland (Associate Professor with Habilitation, NOVA FCSH)
- Joana Meirim (Invited Assistant Professor, NOVA FCSH)
15. The candidate to be hired must have obtained a minimum score of 80 points.
16. In case the PhD degree of the successful candidate has been conferred by a foreign higher education institution, the degree recognition must comply with the Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of 16 August. The conditions of which must be fully met by the date assigned to the celebration of the contract.
In the event that the PhD degree is not recognised after the above-mentioned formalities have been met, the candidate ranked second will be invited for the position under consideration.
- Website for additional job details
Work Location(s)
- Number of offers available
- 1
- Company/Institute
- Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (IELT)
- Country
- Portugal
- City
- Postal Code
- 1069-061
- Geofield
- City
- Lisboa
- Website
- Street
- Av. de Berna, 26 C
- Postal Code
- 1069-061
- drhrecrutamento@fcsh.unl.ptgestao.ielt@fcsh.unl.pt