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  • Portugal

INESC TEC is accepting applications to award 2 Scientific Research Grant - Plurianual_LA - CRAS (AE2024-0201)

Apply now
30 May 2024

Job Information

Research Field
Engineering » Electrical engineering
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Portuguese version:


INESC TEC is now accepting grant applications to award 2 Research Initiation Grant (BII) within the scope of the INESC TEC LA funded by National Funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., project reference LA/P/0063/2020.


Type of grant: Research Initiation Grant (BII)

General scientific area: ENGINEERING

Scientific subarea: Electrical engineering

Grant duration: 12 months, starting on 2024-07-03 .

Scientific advisor: José Miguel Almeida

Workplace: INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal

Maintenance stipend: 601,12, according to the table of monthly maintenance stipend for FCT grants (…), paid via bank transfer. Grant holders may be awarded potential supplements, according to a quarterly evaluation process (Articles 19, 21 and 22 of the Regulations for Grants of INESC TEC and Annex II), up to a maximum limit of 50 of the monthly maintenance stipend.

INESC TEC supports costs with registration, enrolment or tuition fees, during the grant duration, under the terms established in the internal document: "Payment of Tuition fees to grant holders" (

The grant holder will benefit from health insurance, supported by INESC TEC.


Prepare a review of the state of the art on the use of sensors for complex robotic systems in the area of maritime robotics;
Contribute to the processing of data collected by sensors or sensor networks for autonomous vehicles by producing appropriate hardware and software;
Carry out a project course unit in the area of robotic systems;
Write the scholarship activity report.


Expand knowledge of the state of the art in the specific scientific area of scholarship;
identify and select appropriate methods for the study in question;
Develop research capacity through the application of selected methods;
Exercise a critical spirit in evaluating the research process and the results obtained.


Admission requirements:
Master's student in Electrical Engineering or related field.;

The awarding of the fellowship is dependent on the applicants' enrolment in study cycle or non-award courses of Higher Education Institutions.

Preference factors:
Knowledge of mobile robotics, knowledge of electronics design, ease of using Matlab and Python in the scientific field Fluency in English (written and spoken). Good communication, planning, time management and risk management skills and experience in writing technical and scientific reports.

Minimum requirements:
Experience in programming in C and C++;
Experience in Linux and ROS 1 and 2 environments;
Who is undertaking a master's degree in the area of robotics and autonomous systems.


Selection criteria and corresponding valuation: the first phase comprises the Academic Evaluation (AC), based on the criteria referred to in Article 12 of the Regulations for Grants of INESC TEC, while the second phase comprehends the Individual Interview (EI).
All factors are evaluated on a scale of 0 to 100, taking into account the applicants' merit, suitability and conformity with the preference factors.
The weight of the AC factors are as follows: Academic Qualifications (FA, 60), Scientific Publications (PC, 0), Experience (EX, 20) and Motivation Letter (CM, 20).
Candidates who score less than 50 points in the AC average will be considered excluded on absolute merit. The top five candidates approved on absolute merit will be qualified for the individual interview. The Final Grade (CF) is obtained by the weighted average of AC (80) and EI (20).


Candidates who present a degree of disability equal to or greater than 90% will benefit from an incentive (20) in the score of the CV Assessment.
Candidates who present a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60% and less than 90% will also benefit from an incentive (10) in the score of the CV Assessment.
Said score may, in these cases, exceed 100 points.
Candidates must demonstrate the degree of disability during the application, namely through the submission of the Multi-Purpose Medical Certificate of Disability, issued in accordance with Decree-Law no. 202/96, of October 23 - currently in effect.

The Selection Jury is composed of the following members:
President of the Jury: Diana Viegas
Full member: André Dias
Full member: Ana Paula Lima
Substitute member:

Release of results and prior hearing: the results of the selection process, as well as the terms and procedures for prior hearing, will be released to the applicants by email, under the terms referred to in Article 13 of the Regulations for Studentships and Fellowships of INESC TEC.


Application Documents:
1. Motivation letter;
2. Curriculum Vitae (must include the list of previous fellowships, their type, beginning and end dates, funding entities and host institutions);
3. Certificate or diploma degree dully recognised in Portugal;
- Documents proving the awarding of academic degrees and diplomas, or the according recognition - in cases of academic degrees or diplomas granted by a foreign higher education institution - can be dismissed in the application process, and replaced by the applicant's declaration of honour, with the verification of said condition taking place during the grant's hiring stage. The submission of the certificate is mandatory when signing the contract.
- Academic degrees or diplomas awarded by a foreign higher education institution require an authentication by a Portuguese higher education institution, and the corresponding registration on the DGES platform, in conformity with Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of August 16, and Ordinance no. 33/2019, of January 25. More information available on the website
4. Proof of enrollment in a degree awarding study cycle or in a non degree awarding Higher Education program.
- The proof of enrollment may be presented just during the grant hiring stage.
5. Signed declaration stating not having benefited from any other research fellowship (Article 5, no. 5)
6. Documental evidence to support the country of residence, residence permit or other legally equivalent document, in cases where the applicant is a foreigner or non-resident in Portugal - valid until the beginning of the grant.
7. Other supporting documents relevant to the final assessment.

Failure to deliver the required documents within the 90-day period after the date of the notice of the conditional awarding of the grant implies its cancellation.

Application period: From 2024-05-31 to 2024-06-14

Submission of applications: the application will be formalised by submitting the form available in the Work With Us section of INESC TEC website.


The hiring process shall comply with the current legislation regarding the Research Grant Holder Statute, approved by Law no. 40/2004 of August 18, in its current wording, as well as by the Regulations for Grants of INESC TEC and for Grants Regulation in force.

For more information, please check the Regulations for Grants of INESC TEC and relevant annexes at


Research Field
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Specific Requirements

Academic qualifications: Master's student in Electrical Engineering or related field.;
Minimum profile: Experience in programming in C and C++;, Experience in Linux and ROS 1 and 2 environments;, Who is undertaking a master's degree in the area of robotics and autonomous systems.
Preference factors: Knowledge of mobile robotics, knowledge of electronics design, ease of using Matlab and Python in the scientific field; Fluency in English (written and spoken). Good communication, planning, time management and risk management skills and experience in writing technical and scientific reports.

Research Field
Engineering » Electrical engineering
Years of Research Experience

Additional Information


Maintenance stipend: 601,12 euros, according to the table of monthly
maintenance stipend for FCT grants (…), paid via bank transfer. Grant holders may be awarded potential supplements, according to a quarterly evaluation process (Articles 19, 21 and 22 of the Regulations for Grants of INESC TEC and Annex II), up to a maximum limit of 50% of the monthly maintenance stipend.

Costs attributable to INESC TEC may include registration, enrolment or tuition fee stipend, either directly or through reimbursement, during the grant duration.

The grant holder will benefit from health insurance, supported by INESC TEC.

Selection process


Selection criteria and corresponding valuation: the first phase comprises the Academic Evaluation (AC), based on the criteria referred to in Article 12 of the Regulations for Grants of INESC TEC, while the second phase comprehends the Individual Interview (EI).
All factors are evaluated on a scale of 0 to 100, taking into account the applicants' merit, suitability and conformity with the preference factors.
The weight of the AC factors are as follows: Academic Qualifications (FA, 60), Scientific Publications (PC, 0), Experience (EX, 20) and Motivation Letter (CM, 20).
Candidates who score less than 50 points in the AC average will be considered excluded on absolute merit. The top five candidates approved on absolute merit will be qualified for the individual interview. The Final Grade (CF) is obtained by the weighted average of AC (80) and EI (20).


Candidates who present a degree of disability equal to or greater than 90% will benefit from an incentive (20) in the score of the CV Assessment.
Candidates who present a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60% and less than 90% will also benefit from an incentive (10) in the score of the CV Assessment.
Said score may, in these cases, exceed 100 points.
Candidates must demonstrate the degree of disability during the application, namely through the submission of the Multi-Purpose Medical Certificate of Disability, issued in accordance with Decree-Law no. 202/96, of October 23 - currently in effect.

The Selection Jury is composed of the following members:
President of the Jury: Diana Viegas
Full member: André Dias
Full member: Ana Paula Lima
Substitute member:

Release of results and prior hearing: the results of the selection process, as well as the terms and procedures for prior hearing, will be released to the applicants by email, under the terms referred to in Article 13 of the Regulations for Studentships and Fellowships of INESC TEC.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Postal Code
Campus da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias


Campus da FEUP - Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
Postal Code
4200-465 Porto

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