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Job offer

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  • JOB
  • Japan

Professor Position (Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)

Apply now
23 May 2024

Job Information

Osaka University
Biophysics and data science laboratory
Research Field
Pharmacological sciences
Agricultural sciences
Biological sciences
Ethics in health sciences
Environmental science
Medical sciences
Information science
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Leading Researcher (R4)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Not Applicable
Hours Per Week
See description
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

[Background of the recruitment and description of the project]
* Background of the recruitment and description of the project
The Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University seeks to appoint a Professor in the Division of Bioengineering. This position is open to individuals who will engage in pioneering research and education in bioengineering, such as biological system engineering, bioinformatics, and medical information technology. We seek outstanding individuals who can contribute to developing science and technology from both basic and applied perspectives by pioneering interdisciplinary research in collaboration with medicine, biology/physiology, neuroscience, and information technology. In addition to research and education at the Department of Mechanical Science and Bioengineering, the Graduate School of Engineering Science, the successful applicant will be responsible for education in the Biophysical Engineering Course, Department of Systems Science, Faculty of Engineering Science. Inquiries regarding this position are welcome.

[Work content and job description]
Specialized Field: Biological system engineering, Bioinformatics, and Medical information technology
- Research in the area described above
- Educational activities for graduate and undergraduate school students
- Administrative tasks at the Graduate School of Engineering Science and Osaka University

* Assigned department
Existing departments

[Work location]
* Address
560-8531 Osaka 1-3, Taikenyama-cho, Toyonaka

[Number of hired]
Number of hired:1 person(s)
Hiring date:2025-01-01 00:00:00
Starting date:2025-01-01 00:00:00
Job content supplemental explanation:Starting Date: January 1, 2025, or as soon as possible after that


Additional Information


Annual salary:7 million yen
Wages description:Basic salary, etc.: To be determined in accordance with the University's regulations, taking into consideration his/her career and other factors.
<Model Salary: 50 years old (Professor) > Annual salary: 9,848,000 yen
<Reference: Publication of the compensation of officers and the salary level of employees (Osaka University website)
Working hours:08:30-17:15
Break time:12:15-13:00
Holidays :Based on “6. Regulations Pertaining to Working Hours, Holidays and Leave for National University Corporation Osaka University Staff”
Overtime and other explanations:The Discretionary Labor System, Special Work Type will be applied with the applicant’s consent. (deemed working hours: 8 hours a day)
Employment type:Regular employee
Contract period:Tenured
Probationary period:Probationary period present
Probationary period description:6 months

[Various systems]


[Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace]
Osaka University campuses and related facilities are smoke-free, except for designated areas.

[Supplementary explanation of compensation]
Concerning work conditions other than the above-mentioned, please refer to “3. Work Regulations for National University Corporation Osaka University Staff” and/or related regulations.
Please note the above-mentioned work conditions are as of the day this employment offer is posted, and subject to change.
After employment, the affiliation, work location, and responsibilities may be subject to change within the limits set by the University.

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Osaka University

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