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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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21 May 2024

Job Information

Instituto Politécnico de Beja
Research Field
Environmental science » Earth science
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Despacho N.º 74/PIPB/2024
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja is opening a call for applications of 1 (one) research scholarship SOLVO - SOLuções baseadas em cobertura do solo com mulch e biochar procedentes de resíduos do lagar para reverter processos de desertificação nos oliVais do MediterrâneO, 2022.06004.PTDC, co-funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the following conditions:

Scientific Area:

Agrarian and environmental sciences – Environmental Toxicology

Admission requirements:

  • Graduated in the areas Environmental Sciences, Agrarian Sciences or related areas;
  • Work experience in the areas of analytical methodologies of physicochemical parameters and ecotoxicological analysis for characterizing soils, sediments, water and other types of environmental samples;
  • Work experience in publication of articles and scientific presentation of results in conferences
  • Good oral, read and written English;
  • Strong motivation to develop the technical and scientific work.

According to the FCT Research Scholarship Regulation No. 950/2019 of December 16, 2019, article 3º and 6º, candidates for BI (Research Scholarships) must fulfill the condition for the award of the scholarship, the effective insertion in study cycles leading to the award of academic degrees or in courses that do not award an academic degree. Courses that do not lead to an academic degree include the courses provided for in clause e) of no. 3 of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 74/2006 of March 24 and must be developed in a higher education institution in association with at least one I&D unit, including the course plan in one or more research areas of the unit.

Work Plan:

The main objective of the SOLVO project is to develop nature-based solutions that effectively reverse soil degradation, through the application of materials such as mulch and biochar derived from olive farming activities. Therefore, in collaboration with the other members of the Technical Team, the scholarship holder to be admitted must perform and/or collaborate in the execution of the following tasks:

i) Carrying out analysis of physical-chemical parameters of the soil (pH, conductivity, macronutrients and micronutrients, potentially toxic metals);

ii) Carrying out direct and indirect ecotoxicological tests on soil/eluate samples with different bioindicators;

iii) Carrying out soil enzymatic tests.

iv) Collaboration in the remaining project tasks;

v) Scientific dissemination of project results in the form of communications and articles in national and international forums.

Applicable legislation and regulations: The scholarship is awarded under Law No. 40/2004, of 18 August (Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow) and the Regulation of Scholarships and Research of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in force ( /, as well as the Regulation of Scientific Research Grants in force at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, approved by FCT.

Place of work: The work will be carried out at the facilities of the Agricultural Higher School of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, under the scientific guidance of Professor Patricia Alexandra  Dias Brito Palma.

Duration of the scholarship: The scholarship will last for 12 months, on an exclusive dedication basis, starting in July 2024. The scholarship contract may be renewed until the limit of 18 months, in accordance with Art.4 and Art.18 of the Regulation on Scientific Research Scholarships in force at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (RBICIPBEJA).

Amount of the monthly maintenance allowance: The scholarship amount corresponds to 990,98 € according to the table of scholarship values defined directly by FCT ( Payment of the scholarship will be made monthly by bank wire transfer. To this amount is added the monthly amount referring to Voluntary Social Insurance, if applicable, in accordance with the conditions defined in the Research Fellow Statute. The scholarship holder will benefit from a personal accidents’ insurance.

Selection methods: The evaluation criteria in decreasing order of importance are:

            1. Academic CV relevant to the area of the position offered (C);

            2. Suitability of the candidate's profile for the purposes for which the scholarship is intended (P);

            3. Previous experience relevant to the position, (E).

Calculation formula and/or weights of evaluation criteria:

The formula for calculating the final classification (CF) of each candidate, considering the criteria mentioned above, is:

            CF = 0.5 C + 0.3 P + 0.2 E

Composition of the jury

President: Patrícia Alexandra Dias Brito Palma;

Member: Alexandra Telo da Costa Trincalhetas Tomaz;

Member: Sérgio Prats Alegre;

Substitute member: Júnia Aparecida Alves Ferreira Caturra.

Form of publication/notification of results: The call is published on the portal and at

The models of the documents identified in paragraph d), of the n.º 1 of article 6 of Law nº 40/2004, of 18 August (Research Scholarship Holder Statute) can be consulted in the area of this call at https: //

The indication of financial support will be made in accordance with the guide of the Information and Advertising Standards for Support to Beneficiaries of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P

Notification of results/Appeal: The draft of the classification list resulting from the selection process, in accordance with the applicable regulations, will be published within 30 (thirty) working days after the end of the deadline for receiving applications, through written communication to candidates, which may be sent by mail electronically, in accordance with article 112 of the Administrative Procedure Code (CPA). An appeal may be made against these results to the President of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, within 10 (ten) working days after the respective communication. The decision on the appeal is the responsibility of the President of the Institute, after hearing the Competition Jury, and will be announced within 5 (five) working days after the end of the deadline for receiving it, through written communication to the candidates, which may be sent by email. After the decision or in the absence of appeals, the final classification list is approved by the President of the Institute and published within 5 (five) working days after approval, through written communication to the candidates, which may be sent by email. Within the scope of the procedure for awarding the scholarship, if the final ranking list, duly approved, contains a number of approved candidates greater than the number of scholarships to be filled, an internal recruitment reserve is always created, which can be used when there is need for occupation due to scholarship holder withdrawal, under the terms of the CPA, to be used during project eligibility. 

Deadline: The call is open from 27/05/2024 to 11/06/2024, with a deadline for submitting applications of no less than 10 working days.

Form of application: delivery of documents into the Office and Archive Service of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja until 4 pm on the day indicated in the previous point.

Presentation of documents: Candidates must send an application using the model contained in Annex 5 of the IPBeja Scientific Research Grant Regulations, available at, with reference to this announcement, to the address indicated below, accompanied by curriculum vitae, documents proving academic qualifications indicating the classification of the Curricular Units (CU) and final, document proving enrolment in a study cycle (optional during the application phase, constituting a mandatory element when contracting the scholarship) and other documents that they consider relevant for the final assessment.


Instituto Politécnico de Beja

Serviço de Expediente e Arquivo – SEA - Despacho N.º 74/PIPB/2024

Rua Pedro Soares, s/n – Campus do IPBeja

7800-295 Beja


Research Field
Environmental science » Earth science
Education Level
  • Graduated in the areas Environmental Sciences, Agrarian Sciences or related areas.
Specific Requirements
  • Work experience in the areas of analytical methodologies of physicochemical parameters and ecotoxicological analysis for characterizing soils, sediments, water and other types of environmental samples;
  • Work experience in publication of articles and scientific presentation of results in conferences
  • Good oral, read and written English;
  • Strong motivation to develop the technical and scientific work.

Additional Information


Monthly maintenance stipend of 990,98 € according to the table of scholarship values defined directly by FCT ( To this amount is added the monthly amount referring to Voluntary Social Insurance, if applicable, in accordance with the conditions defined in the Research Fellow Statute. The scholarship holder will benefit from a personal accidents’ insurance.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Instituto Politécnico de Beja
Postal Code
Rua Pedro Soares. S/N (Campus do IPBeja)


Rua Pedro Soares. S/N (Campus do IPBeja)
Postal Code

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