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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

University of Silesia in Katowice
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The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
10 May 2024

Job Information

University of Silesia in Katowice
Research Field
Engineering » Biomedical engineering
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
app. 40
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


announces the open call for the position of Assistant Professor in the group of research-teaching staff

Place of work:  Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Biomedical Engineering

Job location: 75 Pułku Piechoty 1A, 41-500 Chorzów, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice

Number of available positions: 1                                                       

Key words: medical physics, thermovision diagnostics, sports medicine, physical medicine, 

Applications to the open call may be submitted by those who meet the conditions specified in Section 113 of the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (i.e., Journal of Law 2023 item 742). 


  • conducting scientific research in the discipline of biomedical engineering in the scope of use of the thermovision: in sports medicine, physiotherapy, dentistry, hyperbaric therapy, slow-healing wounds and in the scope of implant prosthetics using dynamic surgical navigation,
  • publishing research results in accordance with the strategy of the discipline,
  • teaching classes in the 1st cycle and 2nd cycle studies for the Medical physics degree programme and the related programmes,
  • organization of the conferences connected with medical physics and biomedical engineering,
  • realization of the science popularization activities in terms of medical physics and biomedical engineering for children and young people,
  • realization of organizational duties in accordance with the Individual Assignment of Duties.



Research Field
Engineering » Biomedical engineering
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent


  • minimum PhD in the discipline of natural sciences in the discipline of physical sciences or in a related discipline,
  • research experience in the scope of biomedical engineering and medical physics and biophysics,
  • recent, high-scoring scientific achievements in the discipline of biomedical engineering and medical sciences published in the journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science,
  • competences allowing for internationalization of the candidate’s research activity,
  • experience in realization of the research projects,
  • documented history of applying for financing of research at the institutions in the candidate’s country and abroad,
  • documented scientific internship connected with application of thermography in the sports medicine,
  • international cooperation confirmed by publications on thermography in sport,
  • knowledge of research methods including: infrared thermography, active dynamic thermography, UV-VIS spectroscopy, electromyography, QA in the X-ray diagnostics and interventional radiology, as well as knowledge of the basics of the MRI scan diagnostics, structure and the way of work of the CyberKnife, methods of treatment planning in the tele radiotherapy, the modern irradiation techniques and treatment planning in the radiotherapy,
  • ability to operate the equipment including: infrared thermography, active dynamic thermography, UV-VIS spectroscopy, electromyography, ECG equipment for cardiac stress test, and lactate and glucose analyser used in cardiac stress test of sportsmen,
  • experience in teaching classes in the higher education institution in the 1st cycle and 2nd cycle studies,
  • experience in realization of the didactic projects,
  • documented didactic mobility,
  • documented didactic achievements and achievements in popularization of science,
  • documented forms of professional development in terms of academic teaching,
  • experience in conducting classes using the tools for distance learning,
  • command of English that allows for teaching classes,
  • command of Polish that allows for conducting classes or readiness to learn Polish (in the case of foreign candidates).


  • ability to operate software such as: Statistica, Imagel, MS Excel, AutoCad, BIOPAC, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,
  • presentation of two letters of recommendation from the persons/institutions of the medical environment or connected with biomedical engineering,
  • presentation of the scientific development plan,
  • experience in work in a research team,
  • confirmed professional qualification in terms of X-ray diagnostics and interventional radiology,
  • experience in preparation of opinions for industry,
  • participation in the research team creating the research licence in the scope of thermovision,
  • readiness to share one’s knowledge and experience with others.

Additional Information



  • full time employment under the fixed period employment contract*
  • employment at the University as a primary place of work,
  • base remuneration in accordance with the Remuneration regulations of the University of Silesia,
  • additional remuneration components in accordance with The Rules and Regulations of Remuneration for Employees of the University of Silesia in Katowice,
  • pro-quality bonus for special achievements according to regulations in force,
  • the annual teaching load of 210 hours,
  • task-based working time,
  • opportunity for professional development,
  • work environment supporting sustainable development based on the diversity, equality and inclusion,
  • social benefits package,
  • group life insurance for the University employees and their families,
  • private medical care as a part of additional health insurance for the University employees and their families,
  • ability to join the Occupational Pension Scheme and the group pension insurance POGODNA JESIEŃ.

*at the University first employment contract concluded with an academic is the fixed period employment contract for the period of maximum 4 years. 


Eligibility criteria


  1. motivational letter,
  2. scientific resume (CV),
  3. copies of documents confirming candidate’s education (or scans of such documents),
  4. list of the candidate’s scientific achievements,
  5. list of the candidate’s didactic achievements,
  6. list of the candidate’s achievements in terms of popularization of science,
  7. documented other qualification requirements,
  8. other documentation defined in the open call requirements.


Selection process


  • application submission deadline: 9th of June 2024 (11.59 p.m. CET)
  • the selection process will be concluded by: 8th of August 2024 



Applications received after the deadline, incomplete applications and applications submitted in any other way than defined in the open call announcement shall not be considered.

The open call is conducted and solved by the open call committee appointed by the Rector. The open call procedure consists of two stages:

1) the formal assessment of the submitted documents,

2) merit-based evaluation of the candidates.

The formal assessment is preceded by the initial verification of the submitted documents confirming fulfilment of the requirements defined in the open call announcement. In the case of doubts the open call committee may call the applicant to complete the documentation in the defined period of time.

The open call committee prepares a list of persons whose applications fulfil the open call requirements to the greatest extent and invites them for an interview.

The interview may take place in person or by using the electronic means of communication. The invited candidates may be asked to prepare additional materials for the needs of presentation of their candidacy during the interview.

The open call committee may resign from conducting the interview if they state that the applications submitted in the open call do not fulfil the open call requirements.

The open call is solved by way of resolution adopted by the open call committee by secret ballot with the simple majority of votes.

The applicants are notified about the results of the open call. The applicants have a right to appeal against the open call committee’s decision in writing within 7 days from the day they are notified about the result of the open call. The appeal shall be considered by the Rector within the period of maximum 30 days.

The final, binding decision on employment of the candidate selected and recommended by the open call committee is made by the Rector.

The University reserves the right to leave the call unresolved.

Additional comments


The condition necessary for employment of the candidate selected in the selection proceedings is the fulfilment of the obligations arising from Section 265(4), (5), (13) of the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (Journal of Law of 2023 item 724).

In the case of applying for employment at the University of Silesia in Katowice as the primary place of work, candidates employed in other higher education institutions as their primary place of work, should, as of the day of their employment, fulfil the requirement defined in art. 120, section 2 of the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (Journal of Law of 2023 item 742), according to which an academic may have only one primary place of work at a time.

In the case of person selected as a result of the open call selection procedure, who has obtained their academic degree, their degree in arts or their professional title abroad, and whose academic degree, degree in arts or their professional title has not been recognized as equivalent with the adequate Polish degree or title, employment of such person is possible in accordance with art. 116 section 2a of the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (Journal of Law of 2023 item 742), in accordance with the procedure in force at the University or on the basis of the nostrification procedure, for which the candidate shall apply. 

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Postal Code
75 Pulku Piechoty 1


Bankowa 12
Postal Code

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