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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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27 Mar 2024

Job Information

National and Κapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Geology and Geoenvironment
Research Field
Geosciences » Geology
Geosciences » Other
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
H2020 / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Project Title: Bridging spatial and temporal scales of tectonic activity in active rift environments

Supervisors: Dr. Haralambos Kranis (NKUA), Dr. Athanassios Ganas (NOA) Dr. Alexander Whittaker (Imperial College)

General framework:

This doctoral position is part of the European-based Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network TALENTS ( TALENTS aims at training early career researchers with an interdisciplinary, science-driven approach to develop new sustainable solutions for global challenges associated with the energy transition. We focus on continental rifts, which are key regions for geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage, new resources such as native hydrogen and helium, as well as endangered human habitats due to geohazards such as earthquakes and volcanic activity. TALENTS fuses research and training at 18 European institutes and academic partners, as well as 11 companies that are actively involved in the energy transition. The doctoral network is centered around 12 individual PhD projects addressing fundamental scientific aspects of rift system processes, collectively bridging several orders of magnitude of spatial and temporal scales. Each doctoral candidate is linked to a second academic partner to complement and broaden their scientific training and to a dedicated industry partner to acquire industry-relevant skills and preview possible non-academic career paths.

Specific objectives: this PhD project is part of the TALENTS project, as DC6 in the WP1 (

Active continental rifts are the loci of substantial geological processes, including active faulting, while at the same time are home to millions of people who live and develop in these earthquake-prone zones. The issue of seismic hazard assessment in such tectonic settings requires a thorough understanding of how rifts evolve, overprint pre-existing structures, and interact with neighbouring structures that develop within areas undergoing active extension. Such spatio-temporal relationships/interactions call for the evaluation and assessment of a variety of instrumentally recorded datasets that cover the present-day fault activity rates, together with data retrieved from the broader geological record, i.e. over timescales of 103-106 years.

To address these issues, we will use the natural laboratory of the active Gulf of Corinth rift, central Greece, with a view to examining its relationship with the adjacent/neighbouring extensional domains, such as the Gulf of Argos, between which a marked stress re-orientation is observed, and the Gulf of Patras, which lies within a transition zone, from extension to shearing. The proposed research project will focus on both the short-term (i.e. instrumentally recorded) fault activity and deformation and the long-term evidence, since aspects such as fault inception, evolution, linkage, death and migration are key parameters to our understanding of seismic cycles, which may not be covered by instrumental data.

Ground-deformation, geodetic and seismicity data will be used to address the short-term timescale. The examination of the long-term fault and deformation history will include structural mapping and tectono-sedimentary analysis, using traditional and modern field techniques, including UAV-assisted, Structure-from-Motion (SfM) digital outcrop modelling; compilations of vintage and modern seismic reflection data and core data, qualitative tectonic geomorphology techniques applied to state-of-the-art satellite data will also be utilized, while basement, syn-rift and fault dating methods, will also be sought, with a view to constraining activity rates at both timescales. Through the reconciliation of these two perspectives, we aim at a better understanding of the seismic cycle in extensional (rift) environments; also, at gaining insight into the Pliocene -Quaternary evolution of the Gulf of Corinth, in conjunction with neighbouring grabens, such as the Gulf of Argos and/or Patras.

This project would suit a student with interests in rift evolution, active faulting, landscape dynamics; and earthquake hazards and their impact on society. You will join the multinational doctoral network ‘TALENTS: The doctoral rift science network for the energy transition’ Marie Skłodowska-Curie Network as a Doctoral Candidate (DC). TALENTSinvolves NKUA and six other European universities, who will recruit 12 DCs in total, addressing fundamental scientific aspects of rift system processes, collectively bridging several orders of magnitude of spatial and temporal scales. Each DC is linked to a second academic partner to complement and broaden their scientific training and to a dedicated industry partner to acquire industry-relevant skills and preview possible non-academic career paths. Moreover, regular workshops across all participants, fieldtrips and training opportunities are integral to the doctoral network

Academic secondment: Imperial College, 1 month in year 3, to contrast interplay surface processes with tectonics between basin and margin scale.

Industry secondment: Geosystems Hellas, 3 months in year 1, to ncorporate UAV photogrammetical processes, airborne LiDAR processing techniques, and modern RS/photogrammetrical techniques

Enrolment in Doctoral Degree: NKUA


Where to apply



Research Field
Geosciences » Geology
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent

- Master degree or equivalent in Geology, Geoscience, Geophysics or related fields.

- Experience with handling, processing and interpreting geoscience related spatial data such as field structural geology, remote sensing, and geophysics based datasets. 

- Skills in quantitative geological mapping in the field and from remote sensing datasets. Desirable to have some experience of numerical or lab based modelling of geoscientific concepts  

- Good level of English proficiency (understood, spoken and written).

- Team spirit and proactive attitude.

Research Field
Geosciences » GeologyGeosciences » Other

Additional Information


The salary of the DCs will be paid according to the MSCA rules.

Salary: Each fellowship includes the following attractive salary (subject to local taxes, social security deductions, etc):

  • 2774 €/month gross living allowance
  • 600 €/month gross mobility allowance
  • When applicable, a family allowance may also be provided in the amount of 495€/month

See also:

Eligibility criteria

The available position is free to apply for, given that the following criteria defined by the EU are fulfilled by the applicant:

  • All researchers recruited in a doctoral network must be doctoral candidates i.e. not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment, and also must still be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers.
  • Researchers can be of any nationality.
  • Mobility Rule: at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
  • The mobility rule applies to the (first) beneficiary where the researcher is recruited, and not to beneficiaries to which the researcher is sent or seconded. It is also only determined at one point in time: that of the fellow's first recruitment in the project.
  • Eligibility criteria for MSCA-DN researchers pages 80-82/111
Selection process

Application procedure

Applicants  must send the following documents (IN ONE SINGLE PDF FILE) to the email specified (e-mail: by 30 April 2024, clearly indicating in the subject “Application for TALENTS PhD position”:

(1) A motivation statement,

(2) statement of research interests,

(3) career vision,

(4) curriculum vitae,

(5) academic credentials (mark sheets and degree statements),

(6) short abstract of the MSc thesis or equivalent, and

(7) the names and contact details of two referees.

The application and supporting documentation to be used as the basis for the assessment must be in English.

Applicants can apply for a maximum of 2 PhD positions for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network TALENTS (, motivating and ranking their choices.

Assessment Criteria

Supervisors will pre-select candidates for each position, based on the information included in the application that will be evaluated against the following criteria:

- Educational record;

- Scientific quality of the applicant’s CV;

- Expected individual impact and benefit to the fellow and to the project;

- Previous experience in the general subject of the advertised research programme.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews with multiple supervisors from the network (online or in-person). Good level of English proficiency (understood, spoken and written) will be considered. Candidates will be notified of the outcome.


Additional comments

Please contact Dr. Haralambos Kranis by email at for any additional prior to, or after, applying.

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Department of Geology and Geoenvironment
Postal Code


Panepistimiopolis Zografou
Postal Code

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