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  • Portugal

Research grant; 1 vacancy - ESE_BI_2024_01 - UIDB/00742/2020

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26 Mar 2024

Job Information

University of Minho
Human Resources
Research Field
Ethics in health sciences » Other
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Digital Europe
Reference Number
ESE_BI_2024_01 - UIDB/00742/2020
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

A call for applications is open for the award of a doctoral scholarship under the Programme Contract for the multiannual funding of R&D Units 2020-2023, namely to the R&D Unit - Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E), under reference UIDB/00742/2020, financed by national funds entered in the FCT/MCTES budget through national funds (PIDDAC), under the following conditions:


Scientific Area: Health Sciences and Nursing or related areas


Category of recipients: Doctoral students who fulfil the necessary conditions to enrol.

Type of research grant:

a) Lecturers: [Research grants (BI) are intended for R&D activities by students enrolled in doctoral programmes].


Requirement for the grant: Scholarships will only be awarded to successful candidates who present valid proof of enrolment on a degree or non-degree course, depending on the type of scholarship in the competition, issued by the academic services of the Higher Education Institution, respectively indicating the academic year in progress or its duration (start and end).

Profile of recipients

a) Compulsory requirements:

 - Degree in Nursing or other related areas.

- Previous experience in research projects;

b) Requirements in the contractualisation phase:

- Enrolment in a doctorate in the area of nursing, or related scientific areas;

 - applicable to the type of scholarship for students enrolled in a doctorate;

- Proof of academic qualifications completed by the application deadline, including those resulting from academic degree recognition processes.

c) Preferred Factors:

- Knowledge acquired during academic career/training in (i) database management; (ii) data analysis; (iii) experience in co-developing intervention programmes in different health systems; (iv) experience in health promotion and disease prevention activities.


Eligibility of candidates: Applicants must fulfil the eligibility conditions set out in Article 9 of the FCT I.P. Research Grants Regulations (2019).


Work plan and objectives to be achieved:

Candidates' work plans must fall under at least one of the following priority research topics: Violence in Society and Institutions; Health Education and Literacy; Pain Management; Innovation in Nursing Care Technology; Active Ageing; Development and Training of Health Professionals; Wound Care; Differentiated (Complex) Nursing Care Methodologies; Patient Safety and Care Effectiveness; and Health Transitions and Self-Care. Applicants must identify one, or up to a maximum of three, of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and justify how they fit into their proposed research project. If there isn't one, they should mention "Not included in any of the goals". All the information about the 17 SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda can be found at the following address:


Applicable legislation and regulations: Research Grant Holder Statute (EBI), approved by Law no. 40/2004 of 18 August, in the current wording published by Decree-Law no. 123/2019 of 28 August; Research Grant Regulations of the University of Minho, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, nº. 119, order no. 6524/2020 of 22-06-2020, rectified using rectification statement nº. 447/2021 of 22-06-2021 and Research Scholarship Regulation, no. 950/2019 of 16-12-2019, of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. - in force.

Host/contracting organisation and scientific orientation: The R&D activities leading to a doctoral degree will take place at the Research Unit in Health Sciences: Nursing of the School of Nursing of the University of Minho, which will be the host institution for the scholarship holder, under the guidance of the Scientific Coordinator of the UICISA: E Centre at UMinho, Professor Ana Paula Morais de Carvalho Macedo, without prejudice to the fact that the work may be carried out in collaboration with more than one institution.

Duration of the grant(s): The scholarship will last for 8 months, starting in May 2024 up to the maximum limit of the typology to be awarded and the duration of the project (December 2024).


Monthly maintenance allowance: The amount of the MMS corresponds to 1259.64, according to the table of values of FCT, I.P. grants in Portugal (Annex I - Table of monthly maintenance allowances of the FCT I.P. Research Grant Regulations) and Annex II of the University of Minho Research Grant Regulations, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 119, order no. 6524/2020 of 22-06-2020, rectified by declaration of rectification no. 447/2021 of 22-06-2021, by the applicable regulations.

Payment is made by the 23rd of each month, by transfer to the scholarship holder's NIB indicated in the contractualisation process.

Other benefits: Reimbursement of Voluntary Social Insurance, corresponding to the 1st step of the contribution base and Personal Accident Insurance.

Exclusive regime: The performance of duties as a grant holder is carried out on an exclusive basis, under the terms of article 5 of the Research Grant Holder Statute and applicable research grant regulations.


Composition of the Selection Panel: The panel for assessing the applications and selecting the candidate is made up of the chairman of the panelDoctor Ana Paula Morais de Carvalho Macedo, Coordinating Professor of the UMinho School of Nursing


Effective members

Doctor Helena Rafaela Vieira do Rosário, Assistant Professor at the UMinho School of Nursing

Doctor Odete Sofia da Silva Lomba de Araújo, Adjunct Professor at the UMinho School of Nursing


Alternate members

Doctor Maria Fátima Silva Vieira Martins, Coordinating Professor of the UMinho School of Nursing

Doctor Rui Pedro Gomes Pereira, Adjunct Professor at the UMinho School of Nursing

If the Chairman of the Jury is unable to attend, he will be replaced by the first member of the Jury, and the alternate member will be appointed to replace the member of the Jury.


Assessment and selection criteria and procedures

The selection methods to be used will be the merit of the candidate (MC), which may, if the jury deems it necessary, be supplemented by an interview (E) with the two best-placed candidates. In this case, the final classification will be obtained by the following formula: (0.6 x MC) + (0.4 x E) and expressed on a scale of 1 to 20 (or another scale). If no interview is held, the final classification will correspond to the classification attributed to the candidate's merit:


Candidate merit - MC (100%):

Mot) Motivation letter: the content of the motivation letter is considered, with a weighting of 10%.

Hab) Academic qualifications: reflects the suitability of the academic area for the work plan and the final classification of the academic degree, according to the reference table, with a weighting of 30%.

CV) Curriculum vitae reflects the scientific and professional career, with a weighting of 60%.


The final classification of the candidate's merit will be obtained by applying the following formula:

MC=(Mot*0,10) + (Hab*0,30) + (CV*0,60)

The jury reserves the right not to award the scholarship if none of the candidates meet all the requirements and correspond to the desired profile. The documents proving that you hold academic degrees and diplomas, or that they have been recognised when awarded by foreign higher education institutions, may be waived at the stage of the award. of the application form, being replaced by a declaration of honour by the candidate, and verification of this condition will only occur at the stage of contracting the scholarship. This declaration must attest to facts that occurred on a date before the application. In the event of a discrepancy between the information contained in the declaration and the documentation submitted to contract the scholarship, only the information contained in the latter will be considered. If it is found that the documents proving the academic degree and diploma, or their respective recognition under the terms of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16 August, do not correspond to the classifications awarded in the assessment of the academic career and could consequently alter the candidate's ranking, the scholarship will not be contracted.

Note: Candidates with degrees obtained abroad must present proof of recognition of the qualifications in Portugal and conversion of the final classification obtained in them to the Portuguese classification scale or a declaration in the terms indicated in the previous point. Candidates who do not fulfil one of these requirements will be given a mark of "0" for their bachelor's and/or master's degree. Candidates will be assessed on the remaining parameters.


Announcement of results:

The draft results of the assessment, substantiated in the minutes, will be sent to the candidates by email, under the terms of article 12 of the FCT's RBI.

If the result is unfavourable to the award of the requested grant, the candidates have a period of 10 working days to give their opinion, if they wish, at a prior hearing for interested parties, under the terms of articles 121 and 122 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (DL no. 4/2015 of 7 January). (A dispensa da audiência aos interessados deverá ser fundamentada nos termos do artigo 124.º do CPA)


Complaints and appeals procedures:

The results of the assessment will be publicised using an ordered list (by final mark obtained), displayed in a visible and public place in the host unit, as well as by email to all candidates, attaching the minutes of the jury's deliberations for this purpose.

The selected candidate must express their intention to accept the scholarship in writing. In the event of non-acceptance, the scholarship will be awarded to the candidate in order of final ranking.

A complaint against the final decision may be lodged with the President of the Jury within 15 working days. Interested parties may also submit an optional hierarchical appeal, under the terms of article 15.2 of the UMinho RBIC.


Deadline for applications and how to submit them: The competition is open from 2 April to 15 April 2024.

The application must be accompanied by the following documents in PDF format, preferably by the following:

a) Letter of Motivation, b) Certificate of qualifications indicating the final classification obtained or declaration by the candidate;

c) Curriculum vitae;

d) Declaration on honour proving that you meet the conditions for the type of scholarship, by the application requirements (namely the requirements under the heading "Profile of the recipients");

e) Any documents that the candidates consider to be relevant for assessing their merit.As candidaturas deverão ser remetidas por correio eletrónico para e, indicando a referência do concurso em Assunto. Não serão admitidas candidaturas enviadas por outras vias.


Contractualisation of the grant: The grant is awarded through the signing of a contract between the University of Minho and the grant holder, by the draft contract (Annex IV of the University of Minho's Regulations for Scientific Research Grants - order no. 6524/2020 of 22-06-2020, rectified by declaration of rectification no. 444/2021 of 22-06-2021) in its updated version by point 2.4 of the "Rules for Awarding and Managing Grants for R&D Projects, including Infrastructure Projects".º 447/2021 de 22-06-2021) in its updated version by point 2.4 of the "Rules for Awarding and Managing Scholarships within the scope of R&D Projects, including infrastructure projects, the multiannual funding programme for R&D units and other FCT funding instruments (Version 2021)".

The contract can only be signed once all the required documentation has been received, depending on the type of scholarship, which must take place within a maximum of 6 months [including proof of academic degrees or diplomas and enrolment in study cycles or non-degree courses, depending on the type of scholarship].

Once all the documentation has been received, the contracting authority has a period of 60 working days to sign the scholarship contract. Once received by the scholarship holder, he/she must return the duly signed contract within 15 working days. Scholarship contracts can only begin once they have been duly authorised by the contracting authority.

Termination and cancellation of scholarship contracts:

Without prejudice to the other causes provided for in the applicable scholarship regulations (FCT and UMinho) and the Research Fellow Statute, the scholarship ends with the completion of the contracted work plan, as well as with the end of the period for which it was granted or renewed. At the end of the scholarship, the scholarship holder is obliged to submit the Final Report of the work carried out, by the objectives and evaluation criteria defined by the scientific supervisor, within 30 days of the end of the scholarship.

The final report must be drawn up by Annex I of the University of Minho's Regulations for Scientific Research Scholarships - order no. 6524/2020 of 22-06-2020, rectified by declaration of rectification no. 447/2021 of 22-06-2021.

Where to apply



Research Field
Ethics in health sciences » Other
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Ethics in health sciences » Other
Internal Application form(s) needed
Edital Bolsa BI_Ing_doutoramento.pdf
(106.06 KB - PDF)

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Universidade do Minho - Escola Superior de Enfermagem


Campus de Gualtar, edifício 10
Postal Code

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