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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

University of Algarve
Apply now
1 Mar 2024

Job Information

University of Algarve
Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Not Applicable
Job Status
Not Applicable
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
UIDP/04020/2020 CinTurs
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

EDITAL Nº 006/2024 (6 BIPD)



TITLE: Six Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

A tender is now open for the attribution of six Postdoctoral Research Fellowship within the scope of the CinTurs R&D project/institution (Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being), UIDP/04020/2020, under the following conditions:

Scientific Area: Economics and Management, Economic and Social Geography and Sociology.

Admission Requirements: i) Hold a PhD degree obtained in the three years prior to the date of submission of the application for the scholarship; ii) Had carried out the research work that led to the attribution of a doctoral degree in an entity other than the host of the scholarship (CinTurs); iii) Have research experience in at least one of the three CinTurs research areas: Tourism, Territories and Environment; Tourism and Hospitality Management; Tourism, Leisure and Society; iv) Have experience in publishing scientific articles in journals indexed in Scopus, in quartiles 1 or 2, in at least one of the scientific areas of the tender; v) Have excellent knowledge of English (oral and written).

Work Plan: The scholarship holder must execute the work plan after approval by his scientific advisor, who will have as reference the work plan proposed by the candidate, but later adjusted to the CinTurs objectives, with the purpose of publishing scientific articles in journals indexed in Scopus, ranked in quartile 1 and with an SJR greater than or equal to one, and in the category of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (

Applicable Legislation and regulations: Statute of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by the Law nº 40/2004, from 18 of August, conferred by the Decree Law 123/2019, from July 28th and the Regulation for Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology (

Working place: The work will be carried out at the CinTurs (Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being) of the University of Algarve, under the scientific supervision of Professor Patrícia Susana Lopes Guerrilha dos Santos Pinto. However, scientific guidance may be assigned to another member of CinTurs, at the beginning of the grant, depending on the grantee's definitive work plan.

Duration of the grant: The fellowship will have a duration of 9 months, starting in April 2024. The fellowship contract can be renewed for a maximum period of 3 years, considering UAlg’s Research Grants Regulation. ( )

Value of monthly maintenance allowance: The monthly maintenance allowance corresponds to €1.801,00. The maintenance allowance will be paid monthly by bank transfer.

Selection criteria will be as follows: In accordance with nº2 of the article 11º of the FCT Research Grants Regulation, the selection criteria will be the following: curriculum evaluation (60%) (preference given to articles indexed in Scopus in the Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management category); work plan (30%) and individual interview, to be carried out on a digital platform (Zoom/Colibri) (10%).

The interview will be carried out only by the 8 best ranked candidates in the curriculum evaluation. Candidates who are not selected for interview will have a weighting of 100% in the set of the other evaluation criteria.

The tender jury shall comprise the following members:

-    Doutor Patrícia Susana Lopes Guerrilha dos Santos Pinto, Full Professor of the University of Algarve (President);

-    Doutor Luís Miguel Soares Nobre de Noronha e Pereira, Coordinator Professor with Abilitation of the University of Algarve (Effective member);

-    Doutor Maria Manuela Martins Guerreiro, Auxiliar Professor with Abilitation of the University of Algarve (Effective member);

-    Doutor Dora Lúcia Miguel Agapito, Auxiliar Professor with Abilitation of the University of Algarve (Effective member);

-   Doutor Pedro Miguel Patoleia Pintassilgo, Full Professor with habilitation of the University of Algarve (Substitute member)

Publication and notification of the results: Final results will be publicized through an ordered list according to the final grade and posted in a conspicuous and public local of Building of CinTurs (Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being), and communicated to the applicants by e-mail to the addresses indicated by each candidate.

Deadline for applications and submission forms: the call is open from 04/03/2024 a 15/03/2024.[LP1] 

Applications must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Official identification document (simple copy or legal equivalent). If you have a nationality other than Portuguese, you should present a residence permit, permanent residence certificate or long-term resident status, valid on the scholarship start date, any of which may be replaced, in its absence, by a declaration of commitment. However, one of the previous must be delivered at the contracting phase, under penalty of forfeiture of the granting of the scholarship;
  • Copy of the qualification certificates of the academic degrees held, specifying the final classification and, if possible, the classifications obtained in all subjects taken;
  • - If the doctorate has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must conform to the rules established in Decree-Law no. 66/2018 of August 16, and all required formalities must be complied with up to the date of termination deadline for submission of the application. If the completed process is not found until the end of the application deadline, the candidate must prove that he / she has requested the recognition of the degree.
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Passport or identification card for European applicants (copy);
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or legal equivalent
  • - Motivation letter, in which the candidate explains the reasons for his/her candidacy, presenting his/her scientific/professional path and how it fits into the work that he/she intends to develop at CinTurs;
  • Two separate letters of recommendation signed by the respective issuer. These letters must include the context of the academic and/or professional relationship of the candidate with whom they are recommending, indicating the reference to this competition;
  • The Application Request, dated and signed, must be addressed to the President of the Evaluation Panel ,,  for the following address: University of Algarve, Faculty of Economics, CinTurs (Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being), Campus de Gambelas, Building 9,  8005-139 Faro, Portugal, Ref.ª Edital 006/2024, or by email to (, if the Application Request is sent by email, the applicant must duly express his/her consent that all notifications regarding this application are sent to the email address given.
  • Work plan that fits into one of the three research areas of the Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs): Tourism, Territories and Environment; Tourism and Hospitality Management; Tourism, Leisure and Society. The work plan must be presented in detail and necessarily include the following sections: abstract (maximum 250 words), study object and its relevance, objective(s), state of the art, methodology, expected results (including an indication of the number of expected scientific articles), schedule of tasks and bibliography. The work plan cannot exceed 10 pages, in A4 format, including a schedule and bibliography. The font to use should be Times New Roman 12, with 1.5 spacing and normal margins (2.54).

Grant contract Documents

-Supporting documents stating that the applicant gathers all the requirements for this grant, namely the enrolment certificate in an awarding degree study cycle or in a postgraduate course;

-Supervisor Declaration taking the responsibility for the Work plan supervision, according to article 5º-A of the Statute of Scientific Research Fellow, as well as assuring the necessary conditions for the development of the work plan and in compliance with article 13 º of the Statute of Scientific Research Fellow;

-Declaration of the Grant acceptance;

-Declaration of commitment stating the exclusivity regime

Complaints and Appeal Deadlines and procedures

On the decision for granting the Research Grant, candidates may, if they wish, comment on the hearing of interested parties, within 10 working days, under the terms provided for in the Administrative Procedure Code.

From the practice or omission of any act of the evaluation panel, candidates can complain to the body, within 10 working days.

The final decision of the evaluation panel can be appealed to the Rector within 15 working days after the respective notification.

Scholarship contract

With the applicant(s) selected, and after receiving all the required documentation, a scholarship contract will be signed.

Assessment of the scholarship holder(s)

At the end of each period of duration of the scholarship contract, the activity developed by the scholarship holder(s) is evaluated by the supervisor, by applying the following criteria, in accordance with the attached model:

Fulfillment of objectives - this component aims to assess the level of achievement of results by the grantee, taking into account the agreed activity plan and schedule of activities (75%);

b) Behavioral skills - this component aims to assess the personal characteristics evidenced during the assessment period, namely related to professionalism and rigor in all activities developed (15%);

c) Personal attitude - this component aims to assess the personal commitment and availability shown during the evaluation period, considering factors such as the effort made, the interest and motivation shown, as well as the receptivity of the guidance supervisor's recommendations (10 %).

The University of the Algarve reserves the right to cancel this application procedure if by any means the contract celebration with the funding entity is not established.

University of Algarve, 29th of February 2024

Scientific Coordinator

Doutor Patrícia Susana Lopes Guerrilha dos Santos Pinto


Where to apply



Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

Details described in the Basic Information – Offer Description

Specific Requirements

Details described in the Basic Information – Offer Description

Research Field
Internal Application form(s) needed
Formulario candidatura EN.pdf
(66.31 KB - PDF)

Additional Information


Details described in the Basic Information – Offer Description

Eligibility criteria

Details described in the Basic Information – Offer Description

Selection process

Details described in the Basic Information – Offer Description

Additional comments

Details described in the Basic Information – Offer Description

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
University of Algarve
Campus de Gambelas e Campus da Penha
Postal Code


Faro - Algarve
Campus da Penha
Postal Code

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