- Portugal
Job Information
- Organisation/Company
- Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
- Research Field
- Other
- Researcher Profile
- First Stage Researcher (R1)
- Country
- Portugal
- Application Deadline
- Type of Contract
- Temporary
- Job Status
- Full-time
- Hours Per Week
- 35
- Offer Starting Date
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- Not funded by a EU programme
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
Offer Description
Where to apply
- InvestigadorJuniorCICFof224@ipca.pt
- Research Field
- Other
- Education Level
- PhD or equivalent
Additional Information
- PhD Maria José da Silva Fernandes, Principal Coordinating Professor and President of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA), in the use of her own competence under the terms of paragraph d), number 1, of article 92º of the Law 62/2007, of 10 of September, and of paragraph g), number 2, of article 38º of the IPCA Statutes approved by Normative Order No. 1-A/2019, published in the 2nd series of the Diário da República of 14 June, makes known that, for a period of twenty (20) business days, counted from the business day immediately following the one in which this public notice is published, an international selection tender is open for the recruitment of 1 (one) doctorate with the category of Junior Researcher in the form of uncertain resolution term employment contract, established under the Labor Code, for the exercise of scientific research activities and technological development in the scientific area of Accounting and Taxation, within the scope of the programmatic financing program contract of R&D units 2020-2023 (evaluation process of R&D Units 2017/2018), established between the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT) and IPCA with the project reference UIDP/04043/2020, with financial support from FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC).
The hired researcher will be integrated in the research team of the Research Center on Accounting and Taxation (CICF) and will participate in the development of its strategic program (2020-2024), specifically in carrying out research tasks in the area of Accounting and Taxation.
- Applicable Legislation: Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law no. 57/2017, of 19 July which approves a regime for contracting doctorates to stimulate scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC); Labor Code, approved by Law No. 7/2009, of 12 February, in its current wording, and under the terms of number 5 of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 63/2018 of 6 August.
The doctorate will be hired under an employment contract with an uncertain resolution term, under the terms of paragraph b), no. 1, of article 6º of the RJEC, ex vi, no. 2 of article 18 of the RJEC, for the period of duration of the functions to be performed within the scope of the project corresponding to the project's financing, which will last until December 2024, depending on the authorization of the financing extension.
The opening of this tender was authorized through despatch of the President of the IPCA, dated November 27, 2023, by proposal of the Director of the School of Management (ESG), upon prior favourable opinion from the Scientific Councils, the confirmation of the existence 2 of adequate budgetary appropriateness and that there is a vacant job provided for in the staff map of the IPCA.
- Workplace: The workplace is located at CICF – Research Centre on Accounting and Taxation, of the School of Management (ESG) of IPCA, Barcelos Campus, Barcelos and/or in other places necessary for the development of the research activities.
- Monthly remuneration: The basic monthly remuneration is 2,294.95 euros gross, correspondent to level 33 of the Unique Remuneration Table, under article no. 2 of Decree No.11-A/2017 of 29 December, which regulates the remuneration levels of the contracts under RJEC.
- Functions exercise regime:
The researcher will exercise his functions in an exclusive dedication regime, implying the waiver of the exercise of any public or private paid function or activity, including the exercise of liberal profession.
The employed researcher can provide teaching service only at IPCA.
Inventions, patents, designs and models, made or created, in whole or in part, by the researcher in the performance of his public activity are the exclusive property of the institution in which he/she works, without prejudice to the right to be considered as an inventor in the registration alongside the INPI (National Institute of Intellectual Property).
- Admission requirements: The competition is open to national, foreign and stateless candidates with a PhD degree in the fields of management, accounting, business sciences or similar scientific areas and a scientific and professional curriculum that reveals an adequate profile for the activities to be developed above.
- Formalization of applications: Applications are formalized through a request addressed to the IPCA President, in accordance with the attached model, which contains the identification of this notice, full name, affiliation, number and date of the Identity Card/Citizen Card or civil identification number, tax identification number, date and place of birth, marital status, profession, residence and contact address, including e-mail address and telephone number.
- The application is accompanied by documents attesting the conditions defined in point 6, specifically:
- Copy of the degree certificate or diploma. In case the doctorate has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must be recognized in Portugal, under the terms of the applicable legislation, under penalty of exclusion. However, failure to submit the degree recognition certificate does not mean that the application will not be accepted. Verification of this requirement is dismissed at the application stage and will only be required at the contractualisation stage.
- Copy of the PhD thesis.
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae, which must contain all relevant information for the evaluation of the application, taking into account the ordering and selection criteria disclosed in this notice.
- Letter of motivation (maximum of 5 pages) with the description of the scientific trajectory and objectives for the scientific career.
- A minimum of one letter of recommendation.
- Any other documents that the candidate considers relevant, namely for the assessment of the information referred to in no. 2 of article 5 of the RJEC.
- Candidates must submit the application and supporting documents in PDF format, which must be sent electronically to the address InvestigadorJuniorCICFof224@ipca.pt, upon receipt of delivery, until the deadline for submission of applications stipulated in this notice, indicating in the subject the Reference “UIDP/04043/2020”. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the candidates to ensure that the application has been sent and to confirm that it has been received by means of a receipt”.
Any questions or clarifications should be sent to drh@ipca.pt.
- Only documents sent through electronic document transfer platforms with a permanent link will be accepted, and all documents must be in a single folder in zip or rar format. It is the sole responsibility of the candidates to ensure that all the documents in the folder are in a condition to be downloaded and opened. Any corrupted documents will not be assessed by the jury.
- False statements made by candidates will be punished under the law.
- Members of the Jury: The Jury of the competition nominated by the President of the IPCA is composed of:
- Professor Agostinha Patrícia da Silva Gomes, Coordinating Professor of the School of Management of the IPCA and director of the CICF.
Effective members:
- Professor Patrícia Rodrigues Quesado, Coordinating Professor of the School of Management of the IPCA.
- Professor Fátima David, Adjunct Professor of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda.
Alternate Members:
- Professor Kátia Lemos, Adjunct Professor of the School of Management of the IPCA.
- Professor Rute Abreu, Coordinating Professor of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda.
- Rules of operation of the Jury: The jury shall deliberate by means of a nominal vote in accordance with the adopted and published selection criteria, and abstentions will not be allowed.
- The Jury's decisions are taken by reasoned nominal vote in accordance with the selection criteria adopted and publicised, and abstentions are not permitted.
- The jury meetings will be documented in written minutes, containing a summary of what has taken place, as well as the votes cast by each of the members and the respective grounds, being provided to the candidates whenever requested.
- Admission and exclusion: Candidates who incorrectly formalize their application or who do not possess the admission requirements requested in points 6 and 6.1 and 6.2 are excluded from admission to the tender. The jury has the power to require any candidate, in case of doubt, to present supporting documents proving their statements.
- The exclusion decision shall be notified to the applicants by email for the purpose of holding a preliminary hearing of the interested parties.
- Once the deadline for the exercise of the right of hearing the interested parties has expired, the jury analyses the allegations presented and, if it keeps the exclusion decision, notifies the excluded candidates by email with delivery receipt, subsequently beginning the application of the selection methods to the admitted candidates.
- Methods and evaluation criteria: The Selection Method will be the Scientific and Curricular Path Assessment (SCPA), with a weigh of 90%, and the interview (INT), with a weigh of 10%.
- The evaluation of the Scientific and Curricular Path Assessment (SCPA) focuses on the relevance, quality and timeliness:
- Of the scientific, technological, cultural or artistic production of the last five years considered to be more relevant by the applicant.
- Of the applied or practice-based research activities developed over the last five years and considered as having the greatest impact by the candidate.
- Of the activities of extension and dissemination of knowledge developed during the last five years, in particular in the context of promoting the culture and scientific practices considered by the candidate to be of greater relevance.
- Of the activities of management of science, technology and innovation programs or of the experience in observing and monitoring the scientific and technological system or higher education, in Portugal or abroad.
- The five-year period referred to in the previous paragraph may be extended by the jury, at the candidate's request, when justified by the suspension of scientific activity for socially protected reasons, namely parental leave, prolonged serious illness, and other legally protected situations of unavailability for work.
- The evaluation of the Scientific and Curricular Path Assessment (SCPA): The following evaluation criteria are considered, with the respective weightings/weights, and the final classification of the SCPA is obtained by the formula: SCPA = 0.20AQ + 0.10PE + 0.55SP + 0.10KT + 0.05ML, where the numerical value represents the weight to be applied:
- AQ - Academic Qualifications, with the respective weighing of 20%
- PE - Professional experience, with the respective weighting of 10%
- SP - Scientific Performance, with the respective weighing of 55%
- KT - Knowledge Transfer, with the respective weighing of 10%
- ML - Motivation Letter, with the respective weighing of 5%
When applying the above criteria, the following parameters are evaluated, with the respective weightings/weights:
[AQ] Academic Qualifications (20%)
Academic Qualifications of the candidate
100% of AQ
[PE] Professional experience (10%)
Professional experience
100% of PE
[SP] Scientific Performance (55%)
Scientific Production (SP.1)
65% of SP
Scientific Research Activities (SP.2)
20% of SP
Intervention on the Scientific Community (SP.3)
15% of SP
[KT] Knowledge Transfer (10%)
Activities of cooperation and connection to the productive/business sector
100% of KT
[ML] – Motivation Letter (5%)
Motivation Letter of the candidate
100% of ML
- In the parameter Academic Qualifications of the candidate [AQ], the following ponderations will be applied with the weighting of 100%:
- PhD in Management, Accounting or Business Sciences, with a thesis in the area of Accounting or Taxation: 20 points
- PhD in related areas, with a thesis in the area of Accounting or Taxation: up to 16 points
- In the parameter Candidate's Professional Experience [PE], the following ponderations will be applied with a weighting of 100%:
- Professional experience in the field of Accounting and Taxation and the like: 4 points/year, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Teaching experience in the field of Accounting and Taxation and the like: 2 points/year, up to a maximum of 20 points
The classification for parameter [EP] will correspond to the arithmetic average of the classification for the respective sub-parameters
- In the Scientific Production parameter (SP.1), with a weighting of 65% of the Scientific Performance Parameter [SP], the quality and quantity of scientific production in the area of Accounting and Taxation and similar will be taken into account, in accordance with the following subparameters:
- Articles published in international journals with peer-review, with ISI/SCOPUS indexing: 10 points per article, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Articles published in international journals with peer-review, without ISI/SCOPUS indexing: 6 points per article, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Publication of a book chapter, with ISI/Scopus indexing: 8 points per book chapter, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Publication of a book chapter, without ISI/Scopus indexing: 5 points per book chapter, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Edition and/or coordination of book and/or book chapter, with ISI/Scopus indexing: 10 points per book/book chapter, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Publication of a book, without ISI/Scopus indexing: 6 points per book, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Article published in international conference proceedings, with ISI/Scopus indexing: 4 points per article, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Article presented at an international conference: 2 points per article, up to a maximum of 20 points
The classification for parameter (SP.1) will correspond to the arithmetic average of the classification for the respective sub-parameters.
- In the parameter Scientific Research Activities (SP.2), with a weighting of 20% of the Scientific Performance Parameter [SP], the quality and quantity of scientific projects that the candidate coordinated or participated in, financed on a competitive basis through national, European or international agencies, or financed by companies, will be taken into account, in accordance with the following subparameters:
- Coordination of publicly funded scientific/applied research projects in the area of Accounting and Taxation: 5 points per project up to 20 points
- Coordination of publicly funded scientific/applied research projects in similar areas: 3 points per project up to 20 points
- Participation in scientific/applied research projects with private funding, in the area of Accounting and Taxation: 4 points per project up to 20 points
- Participation in scientific/applied research projects with private funding, in similar areas: 2 points per project up to 20 points
On the quality evaluation, the financing obtained, the degree of demand of the tender and the achieved results must be taken into account, particularly if they have had an impact on the generation of value through the creation of products or services with an impact on society. In this parameter, scientific-pedagogical management activities should also be considered, specifically the participation in academic management bodies, the participation in academic juries and supervision/co-supervision of master students: 3 points for participation up to 20 points.
The classification for parameter (SP.2) will correspond to the arithmetic average of the classification for the respective sub-parameters.
- In the parameter Intervention in the Scientific Community (SP.3), with a weighting of 15% of the Scientific Performance Parameter [SP], the intervention capacity in the scientific community will be evaluated, expressed, namely, through:
- Participation in the organization of scientific events: 5 points per event, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Participation in international scientific networks: 5 points per participation, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Participation as editor/co-editor of scientific journals: 5 points per participation, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Participation in the evaluation of projects and articles: 2 points per evaluation, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Presentation of lectures as a guest: 2 points per evaluation, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Oral presentations at national conferences: 2 points per evaluation, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Oral presentations at international conferences: 4 points per evaluation, up to a maximum of 20 points
- Recognition obtained through prizes or other distinctions and their respective impact on the scientific community: 5 points per prize/distinction, up to a maximum of 20 points.
The classification for parameter (SP.3) will correspond to the arithmetic average of the classification for the respective sub-parameters.
- In the parameter Activities of cooperation and connection to the productive/business sector [KT], the following weights will be applied, with a weighting of 100%:
- Activities performed in the area of Accounting and Taxation: up to 20 points;
- Activities performed in related areas: up to 18 points.
The classification for parameter [KT] will correspond to the arithmetic average of the classification for the respective sub-parameters.
- In the parameter motivation letter [ML], with a weighting of 5%, the relevance of the scientific trajectory for the profile and the personal career goals will be evaluated. Likewise, the candidate's interest in the key areas mentioned in this notice will be analysed and the interest in the development of applied scientific research projects will be valued. This parameter will be classified on a scale of 0 to 20 points.
- The classification obtained in the SCPA is expressed on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 points.
- The classification of each candidate is obtained by the average of the classifications of each one of the members of the jury. In case of a draw, the Chairman of the jury will make a final decision to untie the candidates.
- At the end of the SCPA, the following Assessment Method, the Interview (INT), will be applied to the 3 (three) candidates with the highest rating in the SCPA, and the remaining candidates will be considered immediately excluded.
- Candidates who do not attend the interview, for reasons not legally justified, are excluded regardless of the score obtained in the evaluation method of the scientific and curricular path assessment.
- The Interview will be classified on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 points, in order to obtain clarifications and explanations regarding the curricular elements and/or additional information. The interview will last a maximum of 30 minutes, with the application of the following evaluation criteria:
- Motivation of the candidate to perform the activities related to the position for which he/she is applying, measured by the stimulus shown for such, as well as by the candidate perspectives for the future and suitability to the requirements of the position in tender.
- Ability to express, argue and verbal fluency, evaluating the precise, succinct and contextualized exposition of the relevance of the candidate's CV for the performance of the functions of the position for which he/she is applying.
- Compatibility with the job profile, being assessed the knowledge and skills with which the candidate is qualified to perform the functions of the position for which he/she is applying.
- Sense of teamwork.
- Fluency in written and spoken English.
Each criteria considered in the Interview will be classified on a scale from 0 to 20 points, corresponding the final classification of the Interview to the arithmetic average of the criteria.
- Ranking of the candidates: The ranking of the candidates must be based on the evaluation made according to the evaluation criteria described in this notice.
- The final classification (FC) of each candidate is obtained by the average of the classifications of each member of the Jury. In case of a draw, the Chairman of the jury will make a final decision to untie the candidates.
- The final classification of the candidates is expressed in the numerical scale of [0 to 20 points], the classification being obtained through a weighted average, obtained by the formula FC = SCPA*0.9 + INT*0.1. Candidates with an FC of less than 9.50 will not be approved.
- After completing the application of the evaluation criteria, the Jury will draw up an orderly list of approved candidates with their respective classification.
- Participation of interested parties and decision: The final ordering is notified to the candidates, by email with receipt of delivery of the notification, allowing them to pronounce for the purpose of preliminary hearing of the interested parties, pursuant to article 121º and following of the Code of Administrative Procedure. After being notified, the candidates have 10 business days to comment at a prior hearing. In the absence of allegations by the candidates, the final ordering project becomes the Final Order list.
- After the hearing of the interested parties, the jury analyses the allegations presented and approves the final ordering list of the approved candidates. Within 90 days, from the deadline for submission of the applications, the final decisions of the jury are pronounced.
- The final decision of the jury is approved by the President of the IPCA, who also decides on the hiring.
- Results publication: The list of admitted and excluded candidates, as well as the final ranking list of approved candidates are published on the CICF and IPCA websites, and the candidates are notified by email with receipt of delivery of the notification.
- This tender is exclusively intended to fill the indicated vacancy and can be terminated up to the homologation of the final ranking list of candidates and expires with the respective occupation of the job on offer.
- In compliance with paragraph h) of article no. 9 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, as an employer, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities between men and women in access to employment and in professional progression, providing scrupulously to avoid any and all forms of discrimination.
- The processing of personal data under the tender procedure follows the personal data protection policy available at: https://ipca.pt/ipca/apresentacao/o-ipca/politica-de-privacidade-e-protecao-de-dados/
- The selection of the candidates to be hired will be conditional, with the corresponding labour contracts being executed depending on budget availability and corresponding funding under the aforementioned legislation and the rules and regulations established by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
The President of the IPCA,
Professor Maria José da Silva Fernandes
To the President of the Polithecnic Institute of Cávado and Ave,
Name (...), birthdate (...), VAT No. (...), identification card no. (...), address (...), Postal code (...), Mobile Phone no. (...), email address (...), holder of a degree in (...), hereby requests that you kindly accept my application for the international competition for recruitment in the form of an uncertain term contract under the Labour Code and Decree-Law No. 57/2016 of August 29th, amended by Law no. 57/2017, of July 19th, of one doctoral positions in the scientific areas of Accounting and Taxation, according to a notice published in the Diário da República no. __, 2nd series, of __/__/__, with Ref. (…)
I also declare that I agree to receive by email the communications and notifications resulting from the present selection tender procedure.
Find attached the following documents: xxx
(Place and date)
- Website for additional job details
Work Location(s)
- Number of offers available
- 1
- Company/Institute
- Instituo Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
- Country
- Portugal
- State/Province
- Barcelos
- City
- Barcelos
- Postal Code
- 4750-810
- Street
- Campus do IPCA, Vila Frescaínha S. Martinho
- Geofield
- City
- Barcelos
- Website
- Street
- Campus do IPCA, Vila Frescaínha S. Martinho
- Postal Code
- 4750-810
- drh@ipca.pt