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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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27 Dec 2023

Job Information

Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering
Environmental Analysis and Engineering
Research Field
Geosciences » Geology
Environmental science » Water science
Chemistry » Instrumental analysis
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
40 hours per week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

The proposed position responds to the need to cover some disciplines and strategic areas considered important for increasing the competitiveness of Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) and through the research component, the projects that will take place in the field of exposure to heavy metals and other dangerous chemical pollutants and the effects on human health will develop and modernize the infrastructure in UBB (water and sediment testing laboratory, LIAS).

There is a real need for tenured staff with practical experience, teaching courses, seminars, and practical works in the disciplines: The integrated management of water resources and water depollution processes, Transfer phenomena and unit operations in environmental engineering I, Chemistry III, Depollution and environmental protection technologies.

The disciplines in the position structure can be found in the education plans of the bachelor's and master's programs in the fields of Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering. The disciplines in the position structure are correlated with the faculty's institutional didactic development and research strategy, in which one of the priority directions is that of advanced scientific research.

For the permanent teaching position, it is mandatory to hold a doctorate in the field of the position (Environmental Science, Geology, Chemistry).

Candidates for the position must have a scientific record consistent with the specified scientific field and the description of the teaching position for which they are applying.

Following the personnel recruitment methodology of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, candidates for the position of lecturer must meet the minimum requirements of the Competition Methodology for filling the teaching and research vacancies at "Babeş-Bolyai" University.

In addition to the theoretical knowledge necessary to carry out teaching activities, the candidate should have the skills to develop an important research activity (including significant previous scientific achievements) in this scientific field.

To fill a position with courses in a foreign language, the candidate must provide proof of mastery of the respective language through documents submitted with the application (proof of language certification in the language of instruction at the European level C1 or certificates certifying studies or internships in the respective country/language for a total duration at least 9 months).

Where to apply



Research Field
Geosciences » Geology
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Environmental science » Water science
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

The proposed position responds to the need to cover some disciplines and strategic areas considered important for increasing the competitiveness of Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB), and throught the research component, the projects that will take place in the field of exposure to heavy metals and other dangerous chemical pollutants and the effects on human health will develop and modernize the infrastructure in UBB (water and sediment testing laboratory, LIAS).

There is a real need for tenured staff with practical experience, teaching courses, seminars and practical works in the disciplines: The integrated management of water resourses and water depollution processes, Transfer phenomena and unit operations in environmental engineering I, Chemistry III, Depollution and environmental protection technologies.

The disciplines in the position structure can be found in the education plans of the bachelor's and master's programs in the fields of Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering. The disciplines in the position structure are correlated with the faculty's institutional didactic development and research strategy, in which one of the priority directions is that of advanced scientific research.

For the permanent teaching position, it is mandatory to hold a doctorate in the field of the position (Environmental Science, Geology, Chemistry).

Candidates for the position must have a scientific record consistent with the specified scientific field and the description of the teaching position for which they are applying.

Following the personnel recruitment methodology of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, candidates for the position of lecturer must meet the minimum requirements of the Competition Methodology for filling the teaching and research vacancies at "Babeş-Bolyai" University.

In addition to the theoretical knowledge necessary to carry out teaching activities, the candidate should have the skills to develop an important research activity (including significant previous scientific achievements) in this scientific field.

To fill a position with courses in a foreign language, the candidate must provide proof of mastery of the respective language through documents submitted with the application (proof of language certification in the language of instruction at the European level C1 or certificates certifying studies or internships in the respective country/language for a total duration at least 9 months).

Specific Requirements

For the positions of university lecturer, evaluation criteria consist of:

  1. evaluation of the candidate's file/portfolio; 
  2. lecture/oral test (in English).  It will be held at the Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, room A.1.14, starting at 10:00 AM.

For the position of university lecturer, the lecture/ oral test consists of teaching a course. In accordance with the Competition Methodology for filling the teaching and research vacancies at "Babeş-Bolyai" University, for the positions of university lecturer the evaluation commission establishes the topic of the lecture/oral presentation based on the topics and bibliography of the competition listed above, and communicates it to the candidates 48 hours before the scheduled hour of the test by e-mail and by posting the information on the faculty's website, mentioning the date and time of display, under the signature of the president of the evaluation commission; The duration of the lecture given by the candidate is 40 minutes, followed by a question session from the commission and/or the public; For evaluation, the candidate's file/ portofolio, presenting his/her professional achievements counts in a proportion of 75% of the final grade, and the evaluation of the public lecture / oral test holds a share of 25% of the final grade proposed in the individual appreciation reports written by each member of the evaluation commission; In the evaluation of the scientific activity, the quality of the publications and the contributions of the candidates in relationship to the requirements stipulated in the didactic or research norm will be taken into account.

Mother Tongue
Research Field
Geosciences » GeologyEnvironmental science » Water scienceChemistry » Instrumental analysis
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4

Additional Information


The opened full-time position entails the following duties and responsibilities (1600 hours/university year):


1. The teaching activities included in the norm of the job description related to the position (476 hours/academic year)

Teaching norm 12.13 conventional hours/week

The disciplines in the job structure are:

a) The integrated management of water resources and water depollution processes (English language, master's level, 3,13 conventional hours: 2 hours of class),

b) Transfer phenomena and unit operations in environmental engineering I (Romanian language, bachelor's level, 3 conventional hours:  2 hours of seminar and 4 hours of practical work),

c) Chemistry III (Romanian language, bachelor's level, 4 conventional hours: 2 hours of class and 4 hours of seminar),

d) Depollution and environmental protection technologies (Romanian language, bachelor's level, 2 conventional hours, 4 hours of practical work)

2. Scientific and professional training activities (672 hours/academic year)

3. Civic activities (200 hours/academic year)

Eligibility criteria

For the positions of university lecturer, evaluation criteria consist of:

  1. evaluation of the candidate's file/portfolio; 
  2. lecture/oral test (in English).  It will be held at the Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, room A.1.14, starting at 10:00 AM.

For the position of university lecturer, the lecture/ oral test consists of teaching a course. In accordance with the Competition Methodology for filling the teaching and research vacancies at "Babeş-Bolyai" University, for the positions of university lecturer the evaluation commission establishes the topic of the lecture/oral presentation based on the topics and bibliography of the competition listed above, and communicates it to the candidates 48 hours before the scheduled hour of the test by e-mail and by posting the information on the faculty's website, mentioning the date and time of display, under the signature of the president of the evaluation commission; The duration of the lecture given by the candidate is 40 minutes, followed by a question session from the commission and/or the public; For evaluation, the candidate's file/ portofolio, presenting his/her professional achievements counts in a proportion of 75% of the final grade, and the evaluation of the public lecture / oral test holds a share of 25% of the final grade proposed in the individual appreciation reports written by each member of the evaluation commission; In the evaluation of the scientific activity, the quality of the publications and the contributions of the candidates in relationship to the requirements stipulated in the didactic or research norm will be taken into account.

Selection process

For the positions of university lecturer, evaluation criteria consist of :

  1. evaluation of the candidate's application file/portfolio; 
  2. lecture/oral test (in English).

For the position of university lecturer, the lecture/ oral test consists of teaching a course.

Topics for the lecture/oral presentation:

1. Soil remediation technologies

2. Wastewater depollution technologies

3. Soil pollution with heavy metals. Sources, effects, depollution technologies


1. Rădulescu, H., 2001, Pollution and Environmental depollution techniques. Eurobit Publishing House, Timișoara

2. Neag, G., Culic, A., Verres, G., 2001, Polluted soils and waters. Depollution techniques. Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

3. Roşu, C., 2006, Basics of Environmental Chemistry – theoretical elements and practical applications, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

4. Gavrilescu, E., Buzatu, G.D., 2013, Environmental depollution methods, Sitech Publishing House

5. Normative NTPA 001/2002. Pollutant loading limit values of industrial and municipal wastewater discharged into natural receivers.

5. Normative NTPA-002/2002 regarding the conditions for the discharge of wastewater into the sewage networks of localities and directly into the treatment plants.

6. Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC.

8. Order no.756 of November 3, 1997, for the approval of the Regulation on the assessment of environmental pollution

In accordance with the Competition Methodology for filling the teaching and research vacancies at "Babeş-Bolyai" University (, for the positions of university lecturer the evaluation commission establishes the topic of the lecture/oral presentation based on the topics and bibliography of the competition listed above, and communicates it to the candidates 48 hours before the scheduled hour of the test by e-mail and by posting the information on the faculty's website, mentioning the date and time of display, under the signature of the president of the evaluation commission; The duration of the lecture given by the candidate is 40 minutes, followed by a question session from the commission and/or the public; For evaluation, the candidate's file/ portofolio,  presenting his/her professional achievements counts in a proportion of 75% of the final grade, and the evaluation of the public lecture / oral test holds a share of 25% of the final grade proposed in the individual appreciation reports written by each member of the evaluation commission; In the evaluation of the scientific activity, the quality of the publications and the contributions of the candidates in relationship to the requirements stipulated in the didactic or research norm will be taken into account.

Additional comments

The competition registration period

November 29th, 2023 à January 15th, 2024

Date and time of the lecture

January 31st, 2024,  10:00 AM

Place of the lecture

Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering30 Fântânele street,  Cluj-Napoca, room A.1.14.

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering
Postal Code
Fantanele 30
Number of offers available
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering
Postal Code
Fantanele 30


Eugen Ionesco
Postal Code
Mobile Phone

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