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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Job offer

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1 Dec 2023

Job Information

Lunds universitet
Lund University, Faculty of Medicine,
Research Field
Medical sciences
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

In Sweden and Europe there are many opportunities to obtain funding for pioneering research. Lund university will coach you in the art of grantsmanship. Our ambition is for you to be nominated in February 2025 as one of Lund university’s candidates for a Swedish programme of excellence for international researchers, the Wallenberg Academy Fellows (WAF). This programme is funded by one of the largest private funders of scientific research in Europe, the Wallenberg Foundations. If you are granted, Lund university will match the amount that the Wallenberg Foundations awards you.

What we offer the successful candidate

Do you who want to become a life science leader of tomorrow through pioneering projects and transformative research ideas?

As an associate senior lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University you will develop your qualifications over a period of 5 years and can then be promoted to permanent employment as a senior lecturer and eventually a professor.

You will receive five weeks of training in teaching and learning in higher education and also get the opportunity to learn Swedish through the University’s Swedish language courses for new international staff. We will offer you support for the move to Sweden. If you have a family, they will find new contacts and support through Lund’s International Citizen Hub.

In Sweden there is an excellence programme for international researchers, the Wallenberg Academy Fellows, funded by the country’s largest private foundation. If you become one of Lund University’s nominees for the prestigious Wallenberg Academy Fellows 2025 (WAF), you will also receive a start package from the University. The size of the start package will be negotiated along with other terms of employment and applies for your five first years as associate senior lecturer.

Read more about the Wallenberg Academy Fellows programme here.

Duties – what we expect from you

The holder of the position is to initiate and build a strong research program in synergy with ongoing preclinical and clinical research at the faculty.

As an associate senior lecturer, you will have the chance to apply a long-term focus on the challenging research questions you are passionate about. To gain the qualifications to become a senior lecturer, you also need to develop your teaching expertise during your period as an associate senior lecturer and demonstrate that you have good collaboration skills regarding wider society. And, of course, you will also participate in the department’s everyday work and development.

At the Medical Faculty you will mainly work with research and supervision on postgraduate level. To enable promotion within five years, up until 20 % of the position can be designated to teaching at the faculty on all levels. The Medical faculty offers a range of educations with courses on both basic and advanced level, out of which several are held in English.

You will work closely with several different strong research environments and have access to world-class research infrastructure, such as the  Center for Translational Genomics (CTG), the Lund Bioimaging Center (LBIC) and MAX IV.

Qualifications for employment as an associate senior lecturer

According to Chapter 4, Section 4a of the Higher Education Ordinance, a person is qualified for appointment if the applicant holds a PhD or has corresponding research expertise. Priority will be given to candidates who have completed their degree or achieved the corresponding competence no more than 5 years before the last date for applications.

To be qualified, you should hold a doctoral degree or have corresponding research expertise in medical research. We will primarily prioritize those applicants who have been awarded a doctoral degree after 15 February 2019. If there are documented special grounds for the period after PhD graduation, such as parental leave, military service or illness, that have prevented you from working as a researcher, the doctoral degree can have been awarded earlier.

Requirements – what you must have in order to carry out duties

We hope that one of your first duties will be to conduct an innovative basic research project that is funded by the Wallenberg Foundations in Sweden. Therefore, we are seeking those who have:

  • A good ability to initiate, develop and implement high-quality research.
  • Several years of recent experience conducting medical research in an international environment outside of Sweden at the postdoctoral level.
  • Conducted independent research in the field, resulting in publications at a high scientific level.
  • Teaching ability.
  • A project description for an innovative project within basic research inthe biomedical field.
  • Documented good leadership skills, e.g. through elected office assignments, leadership courses and assessed leadership skills.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Very good oral and written English language skills.

Additional qualifications – other credentials that we consider desirable  

We very much want you to thrive at Lund University and be able to make the best of your time at the Faculty of Medicine. For that reason we consider it preferable if you can also demonstrate that you:

  • Have contributed in a positive way to your work environment.
  • Have obtained research funding, in competition, from funding bodies outside Sweden.
  • Have a multi-year international appointment within the biomedical field, without salary or scholarship from Sweden during that period.
  • Have documented administrative skills including supervision, the ability to organize, develop and lead a research group and the ability to interact with the world outside academia.

Promotion – what is required to be promoted to senior lecturer

As an associate senior lecturer, you can apply for promotion to permanent employment as a senior lecturer. You will undergo a special assessment to determine if you fulfil the faculty’s requirements for employment as a senior lecturer. It is important for you to know that you can only apply only once for promotion and that you must apply for promotion at least six months before your employment as an associate senior lecturer ends.

When you apply for promotion, you will be assessed based on whether you have:

  • Completed at least 5 weeks of qualifying higher education pedagogical training and had teaching assignments according to the faculty’s requirement for an associate professor.
  • Independently been the senior author of several peer-reviewed original articles in reputable international journals – the benchmark is three original articles of which at least two must have been published during the employment as associate Senior lecturer.
  • Received external research grants in national or international competition as the main applicant, at a level that makes it possible for the applicant to continue to lead and finance your own research.
  • Have supervised at least one doctoral student from admission to mid-term review as principal supervisor (consideration will be given to any absence of the doctoral student due to illness, parental leave or similar).
  • Qualified as associate professor according to the guidelines of the Faculty of Medicine.

An associate senior lecturer is to be appointed on application to a permanent position as senior lecturer if they have the required qualifications and is deemed to be suitable with reference to the qualifications and assessment criteria for promotion and appointment as senior lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine. See:  Senior Lecturer- General requirements profile and assessments criteria.

The appointment will be made after preparation in the Academic Appointments Board.

Form of employment

Fixed-term position, 5 years, in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 12a of the Higher Education Ordinance, with the opportunity for promotion to permanent employment as a senior lecturer.

Applications are to be made electronically via Lund University's applications portal by the 15th of February 2024.

Applications are to be submitted in accordance with the Faculty of Medicine's guidelines for academic appointments, see List of qualifications for lecturers and Create a CV.

Our senior academic staff still contains more males than females. We are committed to bring further diversity into our research environment. For this reason, we particularly encourage women to apply!

The start date for the position is the 16th February 2025 at the earliest.

For further information about the position please contact:

Vice-Dean David Gisselsson Nord, tel +46 73 391 40, e-mail:

Information on application formalities may be obtained from Recruitment Officer Eva Nilsson, Tel: + 46 46-222 17 89, e-mail:


Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Lunds universitet

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